New Unit: B29 Nuclear Bomber


Jan 21, 2002
Well, I’ve been working on this one for quite some time, and have some very depressing
news... I’ve made a full, working run; machine gun attack; and default animations for
this unit, but when I tried to test them, none of them are applicable, due to the way the
designers of civ3 decided to implement nuclear weapons. The problem is this-- the game
recognizes a nuclear weapon, and decides to access the run animation, then have it drop
down from the top of the screen, as the two nuclear weapons that came with the game are
supposed to be coming down from orbit. As a result, the game would access the B29 run
animation, then have the plane do a belly-flop on the target it was supposed to be
bombing, then it would access the nuclear explosion. So it worked, but looked *Very*
stupid. I tried to take away the run animation, since I have it tagged as an air unit, so the
game accessed the default, with the same result. Finally, I changed the default animation
to be just a shadow facing south, so it would appear that the plane was flying in, then
swooping down to bomb. This worked, but left me thinking, this wouldn’t make sense if
the plane was flying in from the south...

Also, nuclear weapons, even if they are tagged as air units, cannot be intercepted on their
attack, and this unit would have no other function besides re-base, so basically, it can
never be intercepted, therefore, my machine-gun attack animation was useless as well.

The final result was lots and lots of wasted work on my part, and a very simplistic unit in
the end. When you choose to build the unit, you will see a blank where a preview would
normally be in the city screen. When the unit is on the map, it will be invisible, and in
the info box, you will also see a blank screen, with only the words “B29 Nuclear
Bomber” at the top. This is all to get around the fact that nuclear weapons must fall
down from the top of the screen, and the B29 should not. The only time, in fact that you
will ever see the plane itself is in 5 very fast frames at the beginning of the bomb
animation, because of the game’s limitations, you will never see the plane from any other
angle than facing SW. After you see the plane, you will see 1 bomb falling toward the
ground, then a nuclear mushroom cloud, like usual. The sound effect is the same sound
effect that came with the game.

I’m sorry to any of you who were anticipating this unit, and are somewhat let down... I
know I certainly feel for you, as I’m very disappointed with what I was able to do. If I
could, I’d make the unit animation 40 frames long, so as to show off the bomber a bit
more, but I’m limited to around 27 frames. As of yet, I don’t see how one could get
around the problems with this unit, most importantly, how to give it a default animation,
without causing the plane on it’s attack to “drop out of orbit” and how to make it
interceptable by enemy fighters.

If anyone still decides to use this unit, I’d suggest making it immobile, and take away it’s
“tactical missile” trait. Then give it the “re-base” ability, and give it a bombard range of
whatever you see fit, mine will be the same as the regular bomber. Remember that to
build it, you’ll need the Manhattan project, no way around that, which means you’ll
probably want to bump that back a few advances. Mine will be an American-only unit,
maybe American and Russian, but I’m thinking with zeb’s standard earth in mind, and
also with an extremely powerful Germany and Japan during the industrial age, which
necessitates a unit like this one to balance them out.

Sorry if it’s a disappointment to anyone, but nuclear weapons are just a lot harder to
make if you get outside the mold than other units, I guess.

ONE FINAL NOTE: Because I made this unit does not in any way suggest that I advocate
the atomic bombings of Japan, or seek to recreate or venerate those events in this game.
In fact, I’m probably one of the only Americans who believes my countrymen were
totally wrong in what we called “Raising the terror” at the end of the war, in Germany,
and later to a much greater extent in Japan. To me, the massacre of hundreds of
thousands of innocents by high tech bombers, napalm, and/or nuclear weapons is just as
atrocious as rounding up innocents and mass burning them in giant furnaces. I’m totally
against the use of nuclear weapons, total war, etc, past and present. But I do understand
that this is a unit that may be needed for WW2 scenarios, and as I’ve said earlier, it will
be a good addition for my mp game my friends and I are planning, whenever mp is
released. Anyone who is offended by the creation of this unit, I completely sympathize
with you. And if you’re one of those people who gets a sick high out of hunting down
real-life Japanese cities to drop atomic bombs on, so this unit is a real boost for you,
please don’t post about it here, or I will kindly ask a moderator to remove this thread, and
I will no longer post any of my future creations on this site.


  • b29 nuclear
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hmmm, I don't know how you did it then.

Here's what I do.. I use flicster to open up the animation, and break it down into a pcx file with the animation broken into still frames. Then I just draw on that, and recompress it with flicster.

I use the civ3 copy tool, found in the civ3 multi tool to add the unit. First you have to click the box that says 'select a bic file' From there, be sure to select your civ3mod.bic file. Tell it to copy whatever unit you like, check the box under the rename unit to... and type a name for the unit in the field.

I dunno if that's what you were asking, or what you wanted. But that's how I do it. If you're still confused, maybe someone else can explain it better than I. In any case, I must go to bed now, I'll check up on this around 4 tomorrow.
tva....instead of letting all the work go to waste..have you thought about just making it a normal bomber? that way we can reuse some graphix that you made rather than let it go to waste :)
since you are the best in creating naval,air and ground(tank) units, and I was planning to create the Bf109F german fighter, but I would like to ask you since YOU ARE THE PRO:cool: to create it. You do a better job :goodjob:

Let me know if you can...;)
I hadn't thought of posting the other animations, as I didn't have a death one, so it's still incomplete as a whole. I will go ahead and make a death animation then, since there looks to be a demand of it, then I'll post them all in this thread. As for the Bf109f, I thought someone already made one...
haverlock already done a pretty good me109 and me110 unit..its somewhere in here..or do a google search for haverlock :)
They are actually posted as Me-109 and Me-110.
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