The Spice Trader's Guild


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
There are times where war is not the answer, where we must regroup and lick our wounds, and repair our economies. It is at times, even useful, to let our "friends" fight each other to oblivion, whilst rebuilding our infrastructure, building places of wealth, learning, and worship. We need not always concern ourselves with worldly affairs, but internal affairs.

We will let our culture and trade determine policy and research. Our trade and construction of improvements shall aid in the defense of our nation!

Register Today!

The Citizen's Council of the Spice Trader's Guild:
Mr Spice
Marcus Magnus
Octavian X
FionnMcCumhallNewest Member

Supporters (Since Term 1):
The Deputy of Trade
The Deputy of Domestic Affairs
Domestic Department

(note, this is a citizen's group).

To re-itterate our purpose:

Our mission is to acquire wealth through trade, and to deny our enemies any resources that would hinder our great civilization. If we are aggressive in our trading with other nations, we can severly limit the number of their troops, as they will be indulging in our goods, instead of planning for war. (i.e., less GPT = smaller sized military) In wars, we will participate in an indirect way, by pillaging enemy roads that lead to resources, and/or to their trading partners.
The Department of Trade welcomes the addition of any citizen's group which seeks to advance the art of trade.

Trade Leader - Term 1
As deputy Minister of Domestic affairs
I would like to congratulate you on the formation of your guild and would like to offer my official support and urge all citizens to join a guild of their choice,if they so choose.
Deputy Hendrix
as long as the needs for defense and culture are respected as well, I would be glad to join the Trader's guild, how did you come up with the name?
Originally posted by Immortal
as long as the needs for defense and culture are respected as well, I would be glad to join the Trader's guild, how did you come up with the name?

Well, it's one of the first things that came to mind when I was trying to think of a name. I was thinking about the game "Loom", where you have different guilds, and also MM6, & MM7 (for some reason..).
what is the spice-traders guild's opinion about agressive expansion and taking resources/lux by force even if we dont really need them for our civ?
Culture. Now that is something that sounds deeply embedded in the Spice Traders Guild. I first heard of the STG in Frank Herbert's Dune, i believe. Or maybe that was just the Spice Guild. Either way, the DOC warmly welcomes you. It is an honor to have a group of citizens move forward in an obvious attempt to advance our commerce and culture in a peaceable manner. I look forward to hearing your ideas. I have enjoyed your posts so far, so please fill me in with the details of your Guild, so that i might become familiar with it.

Again Welcome,
Cultural Minister
The Domestic Department offers its support for such a group. It is my opinion, that all excess luxuries should be traded to someone for something, or even given as gifts when another civ has nothing. They serve no purpose when in excess, except to flood our economy, and drive prices down. Gold per turn agreements in payment for our luxuries are preferable, as they increase the flexibility of our economy.
How could I resist a guild with such a beautiful name? :D Seriously, I am all for selling excessive luxuries to our enemies and draining their economies while benefiting ours. As for buying stuff, I would much rather just take all luxuries and resources we need by force.
What a nice idea, trade when you can`t take by forecs, trade when there`s other benefits (like draining our neighbours treasury), trade to make powerful friends (though we should never trust them), trade, trade, trade........

But before I get overly enthusiastic - what about force to gain access? To repeat disorganizers question: What do you think about it?

After all, we need all we can get, especially when times are tough!
Like to join the Trader's Guild
Winning by culture is ok but in the Early years it is more effective to attack our enemys. This would be a good Idea in the Industrial or Modern Age.
Ah!! no spice trader's guild is complete without one who cannot without spice, I'm in:D !!
I'll Join!! It'll give me something to do instead of vote(hopefully)
I'll join, but but will this citizen's group do? Merely promote foreign trade?
I am not sure about the purpose either, but I know one thing: Since we are not connected to any other civ yet there can be no trade and thus we probably don´t have much to do right now. Except maybe suggesting the building of roads to our neighbours. One thing I would like to do is to start taking control of as many luxuries and resources as possible, future trade being one of many reasons for this. But I think most people agree on that...
quite right, spice, especially we should try to obtain more than one of reach luxury so we can trade.

An interesting way of using luxuries is giving many of the cheap to a shorttime ally. Thus he, can help, then be brought into great unhappiness and maybe anarchy whenever we desire - simply be cancelling the treaty!
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