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New Turn Thread - 1560 to 1615

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Hired Goon
Feb 23, 2001
Ringwood, NJ USA

Kev was just about at the end of his proverbial rope. Too much happening on too many fronts makes Kev a stressed boy.

But at the lowest times is when you appreciate the fact that you’re being lifted. Kev thought he remembered reading that in Reader’s Digest “Quotable Quotes”.

But they were there. Duke and duke. Mr. Spice and Dell. Leowind and even the hint of Becka later to arrive. Some “Fonz” person wandered in but merely looked confused.

The Inner Circle. Advisors with the skill and experience to help guide the makeshift president. With their good advice in his ear, Kev was ready to continue.


Roman aggression near Dukeshire required action, and a crusader was dispatched from Viroconium to help deal with a possible situation. A catapult division was still wandering the countryside – presumably to search for cows to use as ammunition.

The English land a dreaded explorer near Marl Downs. Hmm… aggressive. We would still like to get at Dover – a prime bribable city.

Pikes were rushed in Viroconium to replace those lost at the hands of the ugly Zulus.

Wine trade established between THDP and Sixchan. It nets the empire 97 gold and speeds up the research undoubtedly. Sixchan begins sending beads to THDP in return – for purposes unknown, but it means trade for both cities.

The Romans position their bovine catapults next to Dukeshire.


Unknown City produces a caravan – of beads, wine, and salt, Wine is chosen. Same cities as before – minus Sixchan. Spycatcher trains a diplomat and begins a caravan for trade.

Word reaches the palace that our mighty crusaders have crushed the Roman catapult before a single cow could let fly. The Innner Circle is gleeful.

With enough caravans delivered to Olympia, the city is 31 shields from completing Leo’s Workshop. The remaining shields are purchased and the contractor guarantees it will be up and running in 5 years. Boy those contractors take forever!

Mpondo trains a diplomat and will join Spycatcher’s on a ship. The Inner Circle collectively rub their hands in anticipation as to the chaos they might cause!!!


Democracy is discovered one turn sooner than expected thanks to the trade. Gunpowder is chosen as the next order of business. The smart fanatics look worried. Many a finger will be lost trying to test this stuff out.

Leo’s is ours and Olympia switches production to an aqueduct! Across the land all manner of upgrading ensues. Horsemen are given swords to become knights. Phalanx divisions, archers, and legions are given pikes. Triremes become the easier to navigate caravels. And there was much rejoicing. Yaaaay!

With Leo’s unavailable, the Chinese switch to THE EIFFEL TOWER. Nice. The Mongols, Germans, English and Romans all abandon their version of Leo’s figuring the Fanatica version to be the best. We hope they wasted lots of shields!

A pike is rushed in Spice Haven so it has some defense – a good thing as a Mongol knight has been seen in the area.

The people in THDP make another improvement to the Throne Room.


It has been discovered that the Mongol city of Ormuz is situated between the cities of Brighton and Dover. Our exploring caravel spots some land east of that location that has been improved and likely the site of the English homeland cities. Unfortunately, we’ll not know this for a while as an English caravel breaks the cease fire and sinks our caravel. Curses! Now you’re gonna lose Dover Kev yells. The Innner Circle agrees (I hope).


Our ship with the dips heads toward Dover now. Not much else going on. The makeshift Fanatica government uses the down time for a ribald game of darts over several ales.


Thunder Falls is built on the island with Unknown City. It will overlap some, but it covers the island and will stop the annoying AI from settling there. The settler near Joespaniel finishes the mines. There is a great place to settle on this island and the settlers begin a road to this spot.

Dover is in chaos. A great time to try a bribe. The city will revolt to the fanatics for a mere 292 gold and we have a lusty 582 in our coffers. The deal is made, and Dover is now our own city. We receive:

1. Dover – size 4 city
2. The technology of Physics (the only one they had that we did not)
3. 57 gold in plunder
4. A catapult, pikeman, and a legion
5. A marketplace

The English send an emissary to THDP. The Inner Circle invites him in figuring that Hank would like to now put the cease-fire back in order. This is how things went:

Emissary: Hullo
Duke: Get on with it, knigget
Emissary: Ahem. You shall all gape in awe as the English have discovered Magnetism
Kev: Um… is there ANYthing else you were looking to say
Emissary: Uh.. Scribes will not be allowed?
{The Innner Circle look at one-another}
duke: I call the first shot!
{A new game of darts ensues with terrible repercussions for the Emissary}

The ship with the remaining diplomat heads toward Brighton for some tech stealing.

Wine from Unknown City is sent to Dover. We only get 22 gold, but with the wine route a route for Dye is established from Dover to Unknown City.

The Zulus and the Romans make the Pisae Pact against us. Yeah, and that affects us how?

The remaining Smart Fanatics have finally perfected gunpowder. We have musketeers all about the land now. We have them search out the art of economics – which is much safer for them.

Other tech choices were:
Atomic Theory
Bridge Building
Magnetism (we're going to steal this)
Steam Engine

I predict that the next Oedo Year is 1615 – damn, just missed one. I’ll play on until then so we can discuss the status of our new democracy.

2 Caravans are rushed, and Potopolia finishes its aqueduct and also starts a caravan.

Shanghai builds the Eiffel Tower. The Chinese and Mongols sign the Xinjian Pact against us. The English tell us they will end hostilities if we give them 100 gold. We throw more darts at their Emissary. The Romans begin to build King Richard’s Crusade. The Zulus land 2 catapults and a crusader next to Cornmaster. The crusader attacks and makes one of our musketeers a veteran.


Dukeshire finishes training a diplomat and begins to gather settlers.

Sixchan completes a caravan and loads it with gems – then begins an aqueduct. Destination will be decided at a later date. Gems demanded by:
Cornmaster – 8
Unknown City – 7
Joespaniel – 6
Kabul – 5
Mpondo – 6
Dellville – 5
Kevholm – 3
Spice Haven – 2

Crusader in Cornmaster kills the 2 Zulu catapults.

Zulus land another crusader in the forests near Cornmaster.


Zulu Crusaders vanquished near Cornmaster. Zulu ships retreat South.

We steal Magnetism from the English. Our ships are now all galleons which is nice as they do not cause unhappiness any longer!

Pellaken Bay is built on the home island. Nothing really left to improve here until Railroad, and it’s a pretty decent spot. Fort Pornstar is supporting 2 crusaders and 2 musketeers. One of each is sent to Pellaken Bay and the musket gets support there. Pellaken Bay starts on a temple.

A stray Mongol knight is now seen near Viroconium.

The Chinese land a caravan and a Crusader near Joespaniel.


Joespaniel builds a harbor and starts training a diplomat. Cornmaster builds a caravan and starts a temple, which is nice as the city now has a single unhappy contingent. The Inner Circle use government funds to make them into a circus to entertain the rest of the populace. We leave the Chinese be for now to see what they’re up to.

An exploring ship spots the city of Veii. The Roman homeland is found it would seem.

The Chinese call on us to say that they have discovered Railroad. Ooooh, I want that. They call again and demand Democracy. Duke o’ York is dispatched on this delicate mission.

Mao: Give to us this Democracy
duke: How does “NO” grab you?
Mao: In spite of your blah, blah blah, spare you blah, blah, blah.
duke: Yeah, and get that crusader off of my land you goon.
Mao: We apologize for blah, blah, blah, will remove, blah, blah blah.
duke: *Yawn
Mao: Blah, blah, affairs of state, blah blah.

The Chinese then deliver their caravan to Joespaniel. A route is created in Joespaniel to Nanking.

The Germans begin King Richard’s. The Germans and the Chinese then sign the Munich Pact against us. Man, they haven’t even MET us.



Mpondo trains another diplomat and begins an aqueduct while Hippo completes the 8th caravan needed and also starts and aqueduct.


I’ll post the slider information on another post. Things are looking very good.
Great work Kev :goodjob: Duke, can you include screenies of the entire empire and closer shots of where the new cities are(whether captured or settled), and also newly explored areas of Veii and possible English settlement? Probably you would anyway, but those are the ones I would most like to see ;)

So, I have a couple questions: 1) When am I going to get a city? I haven't said anything figuring I was just a bit player in this game, but now I'm one of the few left, and even Becka has a city.
2) How does a galleon not cause unhappiness when a caravel does? This is news to me if true. I realize this isnt UA business, so a PM response would be fine if you deem such to be more appropriate.

The only reason I've not named a city after you yet is that I wanted to give your namesake a very nice location. The most recent ones have been more "filler" cities and will overlap with others and have limited growth.

I was planning on naming the second one on the island with Joespaniel after you. It will have a chance for full growth and will include a nice pheasant-hunting forest within its boundries.

That city should likely be built in about 3-4 turns.

So I haven't forgotten you - in fact I was going to PM you to tell you that very thing.

Empire- Center. Pellaken Bay is a new addition.


  • empire center.jpg
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AP. Pellaken Bay. A small but unruly crowd of demonstrators made their way down Main Street today, in protest against what they call "blatant favoritism" on the part of the President. This was started, they say, by comments made by the president to one of his close friends and political allies, Mr. Leowind. President Kev is alleged, by several reliable sources, to have told Mr. Leowind that he was being saved a choice location for his namesake city, because--as one source who wishes to remain nameless is quoted as saying--"Kev simply likes him better."

In fact, this reporter has secured the contents of a leaked memo written by the President himself to Citizen Leowind, which seems to corroborate these allegations. It states, partly:
Originally posted by Kev
...The only reason I've not named a city after you yet is that I wanted to give your namesake a very nice location. The most recent ones have been more "filler" cities and will overlap with others and have limited growth...
Mr. R. Weimar, long-time resident of Pellaken Bay and one of the chief protesters, replies: "We are very upset that the President seems to be implying that some cities of the realm, such as Pellaken Bay, Thunder Falls, etc, are somehow less important--"fillers" if you will--in the Empire."

"Perhaps," another angry-looking protestor quickly chimed in, "we would be considered more important to the Chinese!" Although police were called to the scene, demonstrators remained defiant. They are demanding an immediate apology and full retraction of the statement. Some bystanders were heard to comment that perhaps President Kev had begun to outlive his usefulness. The President's office was unavailable for comment.
Official reply from the president's office:

It's true.

Although Pellaken was a former president/vp/science minister, his desertion of United Fanatica at its time of need forced my hand. His efforts earned him a city namesake, but he's just lucky that I couldn't find a swamp-infested 2-tile island to stick a city.

Mr. Leowind has carried on his support of United Fanatica in the face of mass exodus. This has earned him the right to have a high-potential city to be named in his honor.

Wait until you see the hunk-of-crap city that I'm going to name after Mr. Bond. :) :lol:

And I'd like to finally add: Bite me. :p

President Kev
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