Unit; King Tiger, ready for action!

And part three.

Version 2.00 will include;
Exploding death
er.. and thats it, look like I got this one just about finished.

some notes; some times it is dificult to see the active unit cursor.
this unit does not have Civ colours, the Tiger II was a truly exclusive german unit, not even thier allies had it. It is the only unit I have so far produced with out Civ colours.

I was going to include a more complicated fidget, but I am having trouble with my 3D program. I ditched texture mapping in favour of program generated natural style camoflage paterns, (the wood and marble effects are very good, and because they are generated by the program there is not problem with seams) but the problem is that the texture is not fixed, if you move any object that uses the texture the texture is regenerated, making the camoflage shift and move from frame to frame. very unsatifactory! :(

I am using the same effect on my t34/85 so that could take some time to fix. (crocodile is good old fasioned texture mapping so will be finished soon).

um. any way, part three (remember to download all three parts);
Um.. it could be more normal sized, but it is gonna be difficult doing that. I would have to either; rerender all the original frames (esentialy remaking the entire unit), or resample the individual frames, which I think will make it jumpy as hell. I will give it a go, though perhaps some on else would like to do it.
Besides, I thought for a unit as rare and expensive as the Tiger II you would want something realy menacing.
Remember that during the war, nearly 30,000 german tanks were produced, and only 489 of them were tiger IIs.
For myself, I am going to make half srength regiments with half HPs but great stats that can be spread among the bulk of the main panzer force, providing heavy support, but in limited numbers. In this role a regular sized tiger just wouldn't cut it.
Can someone tell me how to add and view a unit or link to a thread that will tell a newb how? Please.
It does look great from the pic. I haven't downloaded it yet, though. I'm holding out for the exploding fiery doom, so please hurry... :)
No help for the fatman? Just tell me how to add a unit in the editor. I dont see an add unit button anywhere.
Originally posted by fatboy76
No help for the fatman? Just tell me how to add a unit in the editor. I dont see an add unit button anywhere.

You need to download the 1.21 Hacked Editor - it's available in the Utilities forum. The regular 1.21 Editor doesn't support unit adding or deleting.

Check out this thread for more info on adding units.
Originally posted by fatboy76
No help for the fatman? Just tell me how to add a unit in the editor. I dont see an add unit button anywhere.

Two ways to add new units: 1)download hacked civ3 edit for version1.21, copy to civ3 folder. This enables the add button but if you add new units make sure you make a folder for it in art/units file. 2)download civ3multitool ver0.92. This tool allows you to copy existing units and rename them. It also makes a new folder for you in art/units file. Sorry if I am being vague still pretty much civ3 newbie too.

Best advice I can give you is to read as many threads as you can. The knowledge some people have on civ3 is amazing and the information is priceless. Hope it helped man? Later!!:cool: :cool:
VERSION 2 down load it here!!!
Ok here it is, I have finaly got around to working on the deaths for my units and over the next few days I should get most of my units finished.

Version 2 updates;
* Includes 20 frame explosion animation.
* Fixed positioning bug, where it was impossible to see the active unit cursor in any of the east animation views.

the sounds are already in the original file so just use the animations and INI file (I have changed some of the file names so as I didn't do something stupid like accidentaly deleting a finished brand new ani. It has happeden several times before).
And part Two.
In answer to the fatboy, yes you have to name the unit exactly the same as the folder the unit is in. Also the folder has to be the same name as the INI file.
If you use these updated files, please use the updated INI file; It tells Civ III where the flic and sound files are.
I am still working on several different units, but they are all from different nationalities.
One of the most fun things about designing civ III animations for the WWII era is trying to make the units realy fit their asigned countries. Getting just the right russian green or the best german Wehrmacht blue-grey is just great.
I think I could deal with being part of an Allied design team because that covers the most units (plus most of those that I have not yet finished could be considered as Allied units, I.E. russians, english, french and I am also about to start work on a generic multi civ
Allied light tank.
When the expansion pack for Civ II was released way back when, there was a section of scenarios on the CD called "best of the web". I don't know if firaxis plan to do that with the civ III XP, but if they do, I hope to have some of my graphics make it in to the box.
Goldflash said:
Old and removed.

Yep, you only get a set amount of storage space with the new forum upgrade, about 25 megs, so I had to delete some old files I'd posted. Don't worry they are only old outdated units all of which have updates by me or others.

There is a king tiger in PTW or riptide has done a good one.
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