• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The INQUISITORS Citizen Group


der Besucher
Dec 7, 2001
Atlanta, GA
The Inquisitors group is dedicated to insuring the quality and dedication of Phoenatica's elected government. Our first duty is to support section 10 of the election code:
Point 10: A civilian organization can be formed to construct the questions for the nominees. These questions can be given the Moderator who would conduct a debate. No one is allowed to post in the topic except for the participates and Moderator.
Joining the Inquisitors is easy. Simply post a question in this thread that will be presented to the Moderators for inclusion in the nominees' debates.
For all candidates
Do you regularly attend chat turns? If no, will you do so when elected? If not, why?

What are your qualifications for the position?

What are your overall goals for Phoenatica? How will you use your position to further those goals?

Which parts of the Democracy forum do you read? All of it? Cabinet threads? Citizen groups?

Do you vote in the polls? If not, why?

If elected to a cabinet position will you vote in the Cabinet Polls? If not, why?

For current officials running again
What were the high points of your administration? What did you do that would make the citizens vote for you again?

In your past term did you have to act against your impulses to support popular (poll) decisions? When? Did you ever follow your impulses despite contrary popular decisions?

For candidates without prior elected office
What mistakes were made in the last administration and what would you have done differently?
Very good thread Shaitan. You deserve another raise. Wasn't it Duck who said "No one expects the Phoenatica Inquisition"?

I have one question and it goes out to all candidates:

Never mind. I found out it wasn't worth asking questions. At least for me.
Good idea. Is there a scheduled debate for the nominees? I didn't know that, but it makes sense, and I think would be helpful for citizens who may not be familiar with all the candidates.
A question for the candidates:

If you are the highest Chain of Command link present at the appointed turn chat hour are you willing to take responsibility for running the game during that session?
For all candidates

Do you feel that the primary role of a cabinet member is to operate within the boundaries of the consititution?

Or do you feel that the constitution is a document open to your interpretation?

Nominations for Term 3 will begin in just a few days with the elections soon after. It is time once again for the Inquisitors to shed their robes and pull out their sharp, pointy sticks.

If any previous members wish to change their questions from Term 2, please edit your post above. Everybody is welcome to join the Inquisition by posing a question for the candidates in this thread.
Question for all candidates:

Term 2 saw the unexpected retirement (or attempted retirement) of several elected officials. Do you see any reason why you could not serve your full term in office if elected?
To all candidates:

What method of victory do you advocate for Phoenatica?

Briefly describe how your election would advance that victory condition.
maybe we could even get a presidential live-discussion in the chatroom with the presidential candidates (i dont think we need it with all, but the president and maybe the domestic leader-candidates would be fine)
i would like to ask this to FALCON02. he is a chat-op. as im not in the chat at usual times (23:59 gmt) because im sleeping then, maybe he can organize and do it?

if someone else volunteers, the only thing needed for it is being in the chatroom with a real chat-client (not java), registering the nick with nickserv. the price for it will be ops in #demogame!
Sure, now to set up a time.

Saturday at 7:00pm. (EST) (24:00 GMT I believe)

Edit: This time is up for debate, but must be officially set by Friday Evening.
I'd like to volunteer. How do you register a nick?
Originally posted by Falcon02
Sure, now to set up a time.

Saturday at 7:00pm. (EST) (24:00 GMT I believe)

Edit: This time is up for debate, but must be officially set by Friday Evening.

I can't make that time, as I have a prior engagement. I would like to participate, as I will probably be running for president. Good times for me would be anytime during the workweek, preferably between noon and 2pm EST.
falc: can you make an extra thread for the schedule-discussion and explain how you want to organize it there?
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