My Final Unit-- Tongkang


Jan 21, 2002
If you enjoyed the first unit I made, about 5 months ago, the Chinese Junk, you should like this-one, the Tongkang (which is the chinese word for what we in the west call a 'junk'). This one is a much bigger version of a junk, is much more colorful, more animated, and more flashy. It's attack animation is ancient rockets firing off from the side of the ship. I know this isn't historically accurate, but it looks cool, and I enjoy it, and it certainly looks mean, and very chinese.

As usual with my units, I don't have animation shop, and can't make images work on this forum. So sorry about that. Anyone who likes this unit, and would like to help me advertise, have at it! =)

I say this is my final unit mostly because I've been at this for some time, and most of the units I've wanted have either been made or I have personally made. I may at some time come back and make more units, but for now I just want to play the game, with all my new units!

Just a question to a few folks...
-Scipio Africanu, you made some graphics for a WW2 carrier a while back, any intention of finishing them? Just wondering because I'd really like to have a full graphic set for a WW2 carrier. And if Scipio isn't still doing it, is anyone else planning to?

-Vingrjoe, how's that Iowa Class battleship coming? It looked so promising, I'd hate to see it trashed...

-Joe Basstard, did you have any intention of doing your Iron Battleship? That was another excellent looking unit, I thought, and I'd really like to see it finished, by you, or someone else. It would have been a better WW1 battleship than mine, if finished, I thought.

-Jimmyh, I've used your phalanx graphic for an ancient Chinese infantry unit, the Han Jun, which means Han troop. Han is of course the chinese word for the chinese people. I've also really enjoyed your other units, and was really hoping you'd export more from AOE or AOK, as they make good additions to civ3.

-Thanks to everyone who's helped me along the way with suggestions and hints (Dark Sheer):D And others of course!


    403 KB · Views: 920
nice to see you again TVA22:) .and yet again a great unit:goodjob:
As I said in my first post, I do not have animation shop, and have tried to post images before, and can not get them to work.
First of all, I understand your not wanting/or being able to make more units.
It's a tedious process.
I think everybody recognizesw what a great job youv'e done.
I may find the time to make the Iron Battleship, but if I do, it'll probably be the only other unit I make. I'm more than happy to make the original views of a unit, just not all the #$%^&* frames!
-The Iron Battleship would represent the top-of the line fighting ships from the decline of the "ironclad" to the advent of the "Dreadnought". It would not replace your WWI battleship, but would be the forefather of it.
Thanks for all the great units.
So sad, TVA22, many have enjoyed your AMAZING work. CFC has lost a great unit designer. :)

Well, JoeBasstard, I personnally thought your Iron Battleship, particularly that refined default image you posted looked better than my battlewagon unit, and was really hoping you'd finish it, but its certainly your call to make.

Thanks for all the kind words everybody. CFC has gained a lot more than it's lost, with creators out there like Smoking Mirror and Womoks, I think the void I leave will be filled nicely. :)

Its not to say I won't ever create more units, but just not right now. And if I do, I will post them here.
Is this that super junk you said you would make?
Indeed it is
Could you make both of them with civ-specifiv-colors (red I think)? I would change it myself but I haven't got a program to edit flic-files. Thanks!

I've made a units32.pcx of the Tongkang (but also without civ-specific colors - this is hard work, as I've seen when changing the sails of the Junk pic for the units32.pcx.)


  • tonkang_32 copy.pcx
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None of my units have civ-specific colors, as I figure they're only meant to be units for specific civs. I just never had any interest in doing it. Sorry, but thanks for the pcx!
i have made civilopedia.txt , icons(large/small) and units32.pcx for tongkang.


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Xiexie Nin
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