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phoenatikáánz and provincial dialects


Mar 30, 2002
I opened this thread to discuss our phoenatican written and spoken language.

It also contains a reference for written phoenatikááns and the coresponding dialects in this post.

rule summary (up for discussion):
Version 1.2 of 26.05.2002
[B]english     phoenatikáán[/B]
      a     á
      c     k     (if sounding like k)
      c     z     (if sounding like s)
      f     ph
      s     z
     th     d
      z     x
    -er     -r
    -se     -z
   -ums     -ra
      '     <leave it out>

additional changes for dialects:

[U]ameri dialect[/U]
[B]english     phoenatikáán[/B]
      a     o
      e     u

[U]new cormyr dialect[/U]
[B]english     phoenatikáán[/B]
    The     Ze
      C     K     (only capital C)
      c     c     (only little c)
            * accents are added at random intervals
            * repeated letters: w instead of first letter
            * phoenetic to a fault

The phoenatikáán language is for use only in the citizen forum! The official language will still be english!

juzt bekauz non-phoenatikánz otherwiz will not underzstand our phora!

And beware! There may be dialects in our provinces! Submission of a dialect is up to the governor of the province and can be changed at will!
and maybe "D" inztead of "TH", like Diz.

Zo dat would be interezting wouldn't it...
we should also leave out the 's.
and maybe implement some fancy accents, like á for a single a...

Diz would be á nice ding, wouldnt it?
Zo why don't we do diz? It is a phun idea to do. or a k phor a c dat sounds like a k. and a z phor a c dat zoundz like a s and leave oph da e. Like diz:
GPH went diz way zo he could get to his palaz cause it is kool. der he had phun playing Ziv3 on a komputer and talked to a person named kris.

Zo in our new language der would be no S, C, TH, or F
Originally posted by disorganizer
i dink de ophicial language zhould ztill be englizh, dough

Eller svenska kanske?
How bout we change the A's to, B's, B's to C's and so on and so forth so then it will be like this:

Uijt ht uif nptu dpogvtfhoh mbohvbhf fwfs!
we should change all word ending in "-ums"(="-umz") to ending in "-ra",

phorumz will become phora!
oh dear this is growing complicated. Why not just a use a nice simple cipher. So much easier.
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