Here's the first turn summary:
(0) We have a very good starting position, on a river and on furs. As always, I move the worker first to see if there is a better city location close by. Not seeing anything, and already in a great spot, I opt to found where we started. For founding on the furs, we get a bonus shield and a bonus commerce, plus another bonus commerce for starting on a river, for a total of 2 food, 2 shields, and 3 commerce. Wow! And even better, there will be no fewer than
3 floodplains wheat in Athen's radius as soon as its culture expands in 10 turns. Athens itself is not on floodplains though, and thus shouldn't be subject to disease. We've got an absolute KILLER starting spot here.
Building queue is set to warrior, for scouting purposes. Before ending this turn, I go to the F6 screen and select to research Ceremonial Burial, then go to F1 and set science to max. We will get it in 10 turns. I then check Athens to see that it is working the right tile, a floodplains one. Only after doing all this do I hit then next turn button.
(1) I move the worker. Not real exciting.
(2) I move our worker again to the floodplains square to irrigate it.
(3) Worker begins irrigating.
(4) Still irrigating. Somebody stop this party, there's too much excitement going on!
(5) Athens produces a warrior and starts another. These will be our scouts.
(7) Worker finishes irrigating, begins roading the tile. Goody hut spotted nearby.
(8) Athens grows next turn to size 2.
(9) Athens finishes its second warrior a turn ahead of schedule, because when it grew to size 2 it pulled in extra shields from a forest tile. This is a very subtle micromanaging trick that you can sometimes pull off when a city grows. I would normally start a granary at this time, but Athens has enough food to go without one for the moment. It starts a settler, due in 8 turns but 10 turns will be required to grow to size 3. Am I crazy? No, I'm just going to do some tile swapping between floodplains and forest to get it done in 9 turns. Watch and see. Oh yeah, and the goody hut had barbarians in it. Our warrior is on a hill though so he *SHOULD* survive.
(10) Hey, guess what? Our warrior died! Isn't that great! *sigh* I have the worst luck with barbarians... The bonus against barbaians is lower on Emperor, so this isn't all that unexpected, but it still isn't good. Now the other warrior has to defend the capitol from the two barbarians that survived. This is a good lesson on "why you don't open goody huts with a non-expansionist civ on Emperor or Deity."Ceremonial Burial finished, research started on Pottery for the all powerful granaries. I change Athens to a Hoplite on second though, so that our warrior can keep exploring and because I'd rather have Athens alternating between 2 and 4 than 1 and 3 with the settlers.
(11) The barbarians head for Athens.
(13) Our other warrior kills one of the two barbarians to prevent a disastrous sacking of Athens. Hoplite completes next turn.
(14) Athens back on settler.
(15) The other barbarian impales himself on our warrior fortified across a river. The threat is over. Athens back on settler, Hoplie fortified in capitol for barb protection and military police. Athens is pulling a ridiculous 5 food from the irrigated floodplains wheat and will continue to grow like mad. Worker roads the tile he's on.
(16) Athens is now size 3. The game defaulted to another forest tile but I change that to another floodplains wheat, since growth is more important than production at the moment. Athens grows in 4 turns and produces a settler in 5. Our scouting warrior finds mostly desert to the west - not so hot.
(18) A Russian spearman and warrior appear out of the fog. Catherine is annoyed (they always are at first contact) and has Warrior Code and Mysiticism to our Alphabet. I hold off on any deals, since those two techs are not that useful and the last thing I want to do is put Russia, a scientific civ, further on the road to cheap libraries with Alphabet. Our score is actually higher than their at the moment, which means nothing, but at least they don't have a second city yet. We finished Pottery at the beginning of this turn and I choose to research the Wheel, as it will reveal the location of horses. Thanks to Russia, our time to research techs will go down now; we should probably follow them on the tech tree after this since it's cheaper than researching new techs and the AI won't give you jack for trades early on in the game.
(19) Some nice land a little southwest of Athens, with 3 bonus grasslands. I check with Russia to see if there are any workers to buy from them, which I always do early in a game. Getting them is a critical advantage both to cripple your opponent and speed yourself up.
(20) Athens grows to size 4 and I raise the luxury tax to 10% to prevent a revolt next turn. If we weren't on the furs, we would have needed it at size 3. If we didn't have the military police or furs, we would have needed the luxury tax at size 2! A settler completes next turn though. Looks like Russia is nearby; our warrior spots their first settler about to build a city on some spices only 7 tiles away from Athens. This could be dicey in the early going.
The Game, 3000BC