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Preview of My new Map


Nov 6, 2001
Washington DC
Here is a preview of my new map version 1.2

CMT Minimap

As you can see the terrain is all in place and now its just a matter of putting the resources in place.

A few quick notes:
The land to water ratio on this map is not earth accurate. In order to preserve the detail level I reduced the size of both the Atlantic and the Pacific. It is however impossible to cross either ocean with a Galley without The Great Lighthouse.

Europe has been stretched a bit eastward into Asia in order to give those civs some more room and to cut down the Asian Advantage.

The British Isles and Japan are both a bit larger than they really should be but that was for gameplay and aesthetic purposes.

North America is bit bigger than it should be but, again, that was for game play reasons.

The Faroe Islands are a bit further over to the East than in real life but that is to prevent an easy crossing to North America.

There are mountains in Greenland to prevent mass colonization of that region.

Also plains and grassland were interchanged where necessary to create a more accurate coastline.

Some areas of desert were made into plains if a river ran through it in order to pevent the mass food production of the floodplain syndrome.
Just my 2 cents: When adding resources, don't deprive the far east of strategic resources all-together, I noticed on most maps, even Marla's (at least when I stopped following that one) that there is no oil in the dutch east indies, (indonisia, lets not forget Brunei) this is the reason Japan really went to war with the US in 1941, to obtain this oil, among a few other reasons-- and, there should be plentiful coal and iron in manchuria/northern korea. And finally, Korea has uranium, north korea makes nuclear weapons today, and the Japanese used Korea in the 1940s for their nuclear program. Had they had a few more years, and maybe some german scientists to help them, they could have developed the bomb too.
Look at Kittens map, if u could do what he did it would be the best mod. He perfected the UK and let recources like mass wheat come at certain times in the game. Put recources where it makes sence and to make it more realistic then. Great map but i hate it when Irealdn i bigger than India it may look like that on the map but not when you include the earths curve etc then.
I like this map, very good; could you realease aversion of it just as it is now? so I can add my own resources.
I like to strictly control the resources in my games, and it can be difficult to do If I don't know where they all are.
How do you get such a big view of the map? I didn't think there was a zoom

I was actually planning on releasing 3 versions of te map.

1. DyP resource compatible
2. Civ3 Standard resources
3. Empty for people just like you! :D

How do you get such a big view of the map? I didn't think there was a zoom
there isn't. what you need to do is:
1. go into your art/terrain folder and edit the Fogofwar.pcx file.
2. back up your file before you do anything.
3. using photoshop and the magic lasso grab hold of all the non-pink areas and turn them transparent civ pink.
4. then the next time you open up the game there will be no fog of war. (note: the game still thinks there is though so you can't see things like goodyhuts or enemy civs. for this reason in addition to the fact that is is pretty much cheating, I don't recommend using the no fog of war option when actually playing a game. you can't tell where you have already explored so goodyhut hunting is a real PITA)
5. zoom out
6. click in the top left corner of the minimap
7. take a screen shot
8. move camera, make sure to overlap with your previous screen shot.
9. take screen shot
10. repeat process until map is completely covered.
11. open picture viewer/editor clean up and shrink screen shots
12. put the puzzle together

depending on the size of the map it can be a very long and tedious process, but the end product is well worth it. It is extremely useful when designing the map to be able to have a big picture of what the thing actually looks like.

i am not ready to release it yet though. Just last night I made some modifications to Souhern Canada, removing a lot of the tundra and replacing it with hills and plains. I was being very unfair to my northern neighbors. Sorry 'bout that eh. ;)

but when I do release it there will a zero resource version for modders to make use of.


I am glad you like it. unlike kitten's map however this is not intended to be a mod in and of itself. this is a base map on which you can play with any rules you like. so, if you like kitten's rules you will be able to play on this map using those rules. of course that would require some work on your part with the CMT. but the option wil be there for you.

As for Ireland, I could be convinced to remove a tile or two from its southern tip. but it is not currently bigger than India. The British Isles are collectively bigger than in reality for game play purposes. if Japan and England were scaled to size the civs that started on those islands would be at a severe disadvantage. to pertially compensate for their isolation I have taken the liberty of increasing their size by about 110-120%

I do intend on placing resources in realistic positions, but knowing that I will not be able to satisfy everyone I will be including, as I said above, a blank map for people who disagree with where I end up placing them.
Could you not join Ireland up with England? Plus the way to get Japan and England to expand is giving them map making at the start. I know kittens map is a mod but i like the way he has done Britain better. It is easy to expand seriously. I can make the British empire if i wanted to on any level. Its easy and plus Japan normally expands to China. Hmmmmm it would be so good if u could make a mod version in which it makes Zululand etc easy to colonize and also can you come up with anything for canal purposes such as suez. Im sure this would be very hard to beat if you could take some ideas from Kitten. Also to study history and to see actually how Europe became the power it was. It would be a brilliant game concept.

Please can you do this you are the best mod maker around. Thanks Great Job on the map and great idea on Greenland having moutains to stop civs from going there. Oh yeah and can you sort out the problem of Russia being at a disadvantage whereas Germany etc get all of Russia and Greece get Russia aswell. Make Russia srtong please. Thanks Cya then

this is not a mod. this is just a map to be used with whatever rules you want. to repeat, there will be no rules modifications attached to this map. you can use ANY rules you want with it, including kitten's.

regarding Ireland:
I am going to leave it and England connected. but you are free to disconnect them once you download it. :)
well, I have made a few changes to some areas that I either wasn't completely satisfied with or recieved suggestions for change.

The permafrost line in Canada was pushed further north.

I have added some desert regions in Peru, Chile and Argentina. I have added more rainforest to Brazil and more hills to the Brazillian Shield.

The Northern range of the Andes was extended further into Columbia and Venezuela.

The Southern range of the Andes widened further into Bolivia and Argentina.

I have moved the Black and the Caspian Seas further west.

The Mediterranean has been reworked.

Ireland has lost two tiles off its southern tip. It is still connected to Scottland.

The Tien Shan mountain range was added to the western border of China.

The Siberian coastline was adjusted.
It would seem that the Asia is bare of river and lacus?:rolleyes:

The soil of Manchuria is very fertility its resourrces in profusion...

coal, iron, oil......so the desert of Asia is too much on your map ......
:rolleyes: :p
Originally posted by Kal-el
Just last night I made some modifications to Souhern Canada, removing a lot of the tundra and replacing it with hills and plains. I was being very unfair to my northern neighbors. Sorry 'bout that eh. ;)

That's okay.:)
Make sure you have plains closer to the middle of Canada (Alberta Region), hills and mountains to the left (British Columbia Region) and grassland with the occasional forest in the Ontario region. Eastern Canada is sort of a mixed bag of terrain, so have fun there.
Eventualy I am going to do a real world Mod; Using some of my units and a good map.
This would be a great map for doing a realalistic history of civilisation; specialy when the new XP comes out. There is a good area for early mongol expansion, while cutting down the speed of the russians and chinese with woodland/desert/jungle.

I like the way that nearly all of europe is realisticly forested; At the end of the Ice age before the apearence of the eurasian civilisations europe was nearly all forest and mountains. And most of the tropical zones were covered in light jungle; Most Civ Earth maps are unrealisticly bare, Just look at what happens to your garden if you don't mow the grass for a year (The last place I rented, a Basement flat, I didn't even realise I had a back garden for four months; I was too busy a university. When I finaly venture round the back it was like jurasic park!) Imagine that degree of over growth on a planetary scale; The Flood plains of Egypt and babylon were, before the arival of civilization, almost impenetrable Jungle/swamps that had to be cut back to allow setlement; it was this initial act of mass agriculture which caused the formation of the two civilisations.
I wish there were more terrain types in civ III, Iwould like to see a starting map covered in Scrubland/forest/swamp/jungle/Rocky heath-wasteland that would have to be cleared by the various civs, It would slow down development a bit but as I usualy develop mobile warfare in the 14th century :lol: that could be a good thing.

Also I think that you should bring the tundra line down to the tip of scotland and level with st petersburg heading south east in to the asian continent. In civ III tundra has to do the job of glacia and tundra and tagia, citys can easily reach sise eight in tundra, even with out a sea link (and I never alow irrigation in tundra) and size 12 with a harbour. Imagine a city in the middle of siberia, or on the tip of green land with a population the same size as london or new york; Not at all realistic and it unbalances an other wise very balanced population dispersal pattern.
You can still have a very effective civilisation with 50% of your territory being tundra, just make better use of sea food (just as the norse civs did).
The map has been released in its 3 versions. Follow the links in my signature to find the one that's right for you.


I will think about the tundra issue. But I was thinking that there was already too much tundra in Northern Asia.


I have addressed some of your issues in regards to the deserts in Asia. they have been reduced. I have tried to place resources accurately, but I know that I can not appease everyone. So, if you see some thing that is missing or want to completely redo the resource dispersement, by all means feel free. That's why I released the clean version. So go wild and post your own version of my map when your done so people have more options.


After you download the map let me know what you think about the Canadian terrain, where can I improve it?
I supose it depends on your preferences; I like lots of space to fight battles in, but I often find it difficult to play the twenty minutue turns that come with having two to thre hundred units in a war. That why I don't mind having lots of unproductive terrain; tundra desert mountains etc.. But I know many people like to have games that last a few weeks, It realy can draw you in to the action :)
Kal-el - how did you get the greater maginfication shot? That would be useful for the Alexander's Empire Map I am currently working on.
I put that together before the handy zoom feature was available in the editor. The trick is to remove the fog of war and start a game, zoom out and then take screen shots of the map then paste them all together. I should think that an easier way now would be to just zoom out in the editor and take the screenshots from there. your map looks
alright, thats what I planned on doing (w/ the editor) ;). I just thought maybe you had a better idea.
Nice :)
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