Kal-Els 180x180 Earth


Nov 6, 2001
Washington DC
Here is a Huge Earth Map to replace the original that shipped with the game. It is 180x180 and can be played with accurate civ placements or random. I tried to place the resources as accuraely as possible, although for gameplay reasons I have added horses to the Americas.

I have included step-by-step instructions on using the CPT in the README.

A few quick notes:
The land to water ratio on this map is not earth accurate. In order to preserve the detail level I reduced the size of both the Atlantic and the Pacific. It is however impossible to cross either ocean with a Galley without The Great Lighthouse.

Europe has been stretched just a bit eastward into Asia in order to give those civs some more room and to cut down the Asian Advantage.

The British Isles and Japan are both a bit larger than they really should be but that was for gameplay and aesthetic purposes.

North America is bit bigger than it should be but, again, that was for game play reasons.

The Faroe Islands are a bit further over to the East than in real life to prevent an easy crossing to North America.

There are mountains in Greenland to prevent mass colonization of that region.

Also plains and grassland were interchanged where necessary to create a more accurate coastline.

Some areas of desert were made into plains if a river ran through it in order to pevent the mass food production of the floodplain syndrome.

here is the minimap image using Gramphos' CMT:

v1.4 removed after 97 downloads


  • kal-els earth 180x180 v1.6.zip
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Go here to see an image with a greater magnification so that you can see the details a bit better. The image is of version 1.2 of the map and since that point there have been some minor modifications to some mountain ranges and the forested areas were cut back a bit to allow for resource placement. But the 1.2 image gives you a very good idea of land mass and shape. Those were not changed.
For those of you who have already downlaoded the map, I am sorry. I just discovered a flaw in the CPF file. It has been fixed and is included in the new zip file attached to the first post.

Sorry about that.
Just down load the 1.41 version in the DYP mod and take the file CFT file out of the zip.

Thanks..Tested and seems to work!
There are no fish or whales on your map!!! Japan has no Iron to make samuri's either....


Originally posted by TROYAC888
I will look into the map latter and let you know ok!

I did not add Iron to the Japanese Isles. I have not found any source that indicates that there is any sizeable deposit of iron in the islands. There are a couple of deposits in the and around the Korean peninsula that should be accesible to the Japanese. Of course, once the Koreans get into the game after the XP the Japanese may have to trade for the iron. But they have some extra luxuries that should allow them to do this.

I made Greenland a bit less hospitable, replacing much of the grassland with either tundra or hills.

I also added a tundra tile to the northern tip of the South island of New Zealand. this was so that i could put an oil tile there to represent the oil just off the coast.
I hope you looked at the whole map carfully to make sure there was balance. I thank you for making this map and all the hard work you've put into the map and your DYP mod.

Japan had samuri's in adbundents so I think they should have a Iron resource on the map of there island. It may not be 100% accurate but it won't make scence to make it so hard to get samuri's....!!!!



PS. Yes my spelling sucks!!!...lol!
let me know where you think there might be areas of imbalance. I tried to place the resources accurately based on several maps that I have found. I am glad you like it. It has been a lot of work. My next project is a Civ3 version of the new Civ Board game map.

with regards to the iron: this is a tough one. one of those things where people are going to disagree a lot. I felt it was more important to be geologically accurate in this instance. Iron differes from horses, which weren't found in the Americas until the Euros brought them over, in that horses are easily transported and should not be limited to their original starting locations. It would severely hinder the Iroquois if they had to get over to Europe before they could get their hands on horses, while the Japanese, if they move fast enough, can get over to Korea and lay claim to the iron before they have the opportunity to build Samurai. Think of it as an additonal challenge to playing the Japanese, one of the better civs IMO.

The alternative is to just add the iron in on your own version of the map. Or you could download the clean version of the map and place the resources as you see fit. I am not trying to be flippant here, thats the reason I posted the Clean version of the Map. I am looking forward to seeing other peoples versions of the map.


  • civ_lrg.jpg
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Well, I can see your point. Still I want you to agree with me and place the Iron on Japan....LOL.



PS. When are you guys going to release a completed version of DYP mod so I can play it??? Sounds still a bit unstable. Good worl though.
we are very, very close to a non-beta version 1.0. :D

We are playtesting 0.77 right now, and I haven't seen anything that needs to be fixed or changed yet. of course I haven't gotten into the industrial age yet, so we'll see. There shouldn't be any crashes though. We've pretty much figured that part out.
Sorry to bother you but could you please give me a tuturial or example in plain english of everything I must do to place a new unit in my own mod?

I don't want to waste time when you guys have already figured out how to do it.



PS. I know this isn't the place to post this!
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