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Turn chat 1425 AD (June 23)

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Low level intermediary
Mar 6, 2001
Rochester, NY
The next turn chat is scheduled for Sunday, June 23, 2002 at 2:59 pm eastern US time which is Sunday, June 23, 2002 at 7:59 pm Greenwich time.

Turn chat 1385 AD (June 20)

Save: phoenatica1425ad.zip

Turn chat 1475 AD (June 26)

Phoenatica has now taken its rightful place as the most technologically advanced nation on the planet! Theories of evolution and atomic structure were recently presented by the National Science Depatment (NSD) at the Great Library in Fox Nest. Our scientists have turned their attention towards new energy sources. The basic network of the National Railway System (NRS) is in place. The Phoenatic Secret Service (PSS), composed of elite immortals) has been formed and units stationed in our provincial capitals. The deplyment was a grand affair as these time honored regiments rode the NRS to their new posts. Our industrial base has grown with the completion of the ironworks in Civanatoria. The recent discovery of electronics promises an even bigger boost to our production.
The military academy was finsihed in Pherris. This may well prove to be one of our move important creations given the current conflicts that permeate out borders. The Romans have taken Eretria from Greece. Greece took Cumae from from the Chinese and since then has teetered between Roman and Greek occupation. The Romans currently hold this ancient Roman city although it's population is just one tenth what it once was. The Chinese city of Tienstin was destroyed by Greek forces. This caused a rush of settlers to leave Chondote in order to found a new Phoenatican city. This city will be named by Strider, current head of the NSD.
We are now faced with the question of what to do with our army of immortals now that we can form more modern armies in Pherris. Should we keep this armyor disband it forever? We also acquired secrets of espionage from the Babylonians and there is agitation to build the Phoenatic Intelligence Agency (PIA).

Please do not use this as a discussion thread! Leaders and governors should now be posting their turn chat instructions here!
Instructions from the President's office.

Improve the areas around our cities. Asphinxia and Ameria should have priority.
These are the instructions for Kashmir. I've also included Chondote and the old Chinese city as part of my Deputy Minister of the Domestic Dept. I've made the last two cities very flexible for Cap activities.

As of now the build queues are:

Cyrus - aqueduct, marketplace, cathedral
Heliopolis - cathedral, hospital,bank
Alexandria - marketplace, granary, cathedral

In Cyrus, I'd like to have one worker build a mine on the mountain SE of the city. Then have the same worker irrigated the last RR'd plain, west of the city. It should be done in this order and the mine should be utilized as soon as it's completed.

All citizens in the Province are working the appropriate tiles.

The old chinese city can keep building a library, if CAP rushes it, build a temple. If CAP rushes that build a granary.

Chondote should work on it's granary and then an aqueduct.
Fox's Nest: hospital, Intelligence Agency (if there are no objections to building it here)

Eyr: Factory, Hospital, University

Chie: Factory, Infantry, Infantry

Khatovar: Factory, Hospital, Colloseum

Malinalco: Hospital, Bank, University, Colloseum

Asyut: Aqueduct, Cathedral, Bank

Lutetia: Factory
Science: 60%
Taxes: 40%

262 gpt

Budget Allocations:

456 gold to rush a hospital in PDX
152 gold to rush a library in the new chinese city
600 gold to upgrade 5 pikemen to infantry
Substituting for chiefpaco:

I think our current foreign affairs standings with other nations are satisfactory. However, I am obliged to point out the War With Greece poll, which shows that a majority of our voting citizenry feel we should go to war with Greece, after their dastardly attack against our friends, the Iroquois.

In my opinion, this is subject to approval by the Military Department, at least as to timing, but the people of Phoenatica have cried out for justice against Greece, and we would be ill-serving them if we ignored their voices.
Atlanta: Temple / (Settler) / Courthouse
Civanatoria: Walls / Aqueduct / Infantry or (University and Cathedral)
New York: Factory / (Settler) / Hospital
Philadelphia: Factory / (Worker) / Courthouse
San Francisco: Marketplace / (Worker) / Harbor / Courthouse
Seattle: University / Courthouse
Paville: Immortals / Temple

If there are any workers available, please send them to irrigate the valley of San Francisco. We are working mined grasslands, although there are many hills surrounding San Francisco, thus limiting its growth.

People have chosen CAP over military by a large margin, and in that spirit, we might want to build a university and cathedral in Civanatoria.

People have also asked for more settlers and workers to be built. These have been included in the build queue. If the president feels they are not needed at the moment, he may skip them in the queues.
Sorry for my inactiveness I went away
Sorry that i forgot to post the queues in the turn chat thread last turn chat.

Building queues

PDX:hospital(rush)[c]/ hoover dam
Pherris: factory/ intelligance agency
New falcons heaven:Factory[c]
Shailonegha: university[c]/ factory
Port Gisnod:factory[c]/ infantry
Miami: university[c]/ Police station
Boston: / university[c]
Valhall: Pólice station[c]/hospital
Chicago: harbor[c]/infantry
[c]= Current

PDX: Re irrigate two mined plain squares to get the city growing
Boston: take away the 2 least productive squares to get WLTK
Here is the new science queue I created:

Current Tech
Refining (Complete in 8 turns)

2nd Tech

3rd Tech

4th Tech
Mass Production

5th Tech
Motorized Transportation

6th Tech

7th Tech
Advanced Flight

8th Tech
Amphibious War (Can get it from TOE or buy it from another nation)
Sense Ct left me in charge of the trade departmetn with short notice. I will try to get as many trades posted here as possilbe.
Final save: phoenatica1475ad.zip

log: jun23log.zip

Turn chat 1475 AD (June 26)

Time marches on!

We reopened the wine route to England at the end of 1425 AD by teaching Elizabeth about the medicinal traits of alcohol. This brought an end to the riots in Memphis. We also upgraded 6 regiments of pikemen to infantry. That put us up to 45 infantry with 16 pikemen still on the military department's payroll. Greece and China made peace even while Gandhi asked us to ally against the Chinese. We declined to enter the alliance. :)
Phoenatica's first hospital was opened in PDX in 1430 and that city immediately began work on another great project, the Hoover Dam. A branch of the Great Library was opened in CSIM, the city named by Strider which is near Chondote. The Greeks actually asked us to ally with them in a war against England! It was very difficult to keep a straight face during these 'negotiations'. Rome allied with India in the war against China.
We hired four Greek workers for 89 gold in 1440. That year we also renewed our fur imports from Babylon but had to tech Hammurabi the scientific method to seal the deal. We also sold scientific method to the Aztecs for 30 gold and 19 gpt. Renewed our saltpeter exports to Zululand for 350 gold and 2 gpt. Five years later Pherris began forming a new army and Fox Nest commenced construction of the Phoenatic Intelligence Agency (PIA). Near the end of 1445 elite Greek cavalry once again occupied Cumae. The Aztecs joined an alliance with India against the Chinese. On the home front a strange orange goo covered the plains near Civanatoria.
The year 1450 was another for the businessmen. We sold incense to Shaka for 110 gold and 9 gpt. Practically doubled the price of our ivory and incense exports to the Aztecs. They were paying 8 gpt, we upped it to 15 gpt with 30 gold up front. India had been paying 18 gpt for our ivory but we changed that to 500 up front. Ghandi wouldn't part with his silks unless we taught him how we make large cities so we passed on the silks.
The Romans ejected the Greeks from Cumae once more in 1455. We founded a new city near the old location of Rhodes. The Greeks attacked Cumae again in 1460 and we dispatched cavalry in an attempt to keep this poor city from changing hands again. This resulted in our citizens calling for the creation of specialized battlefield medical techniques. Our scientists also learned to refine crude oil. We have three sources within our borders and one (near Anyang) is connected. Our scientists immediately began work on a use for this refined oil.
1425 AD (June 23) notes

start turn 0: 1425 AD, 3204 gold, +818 gpt, refining ni 40 turns, 10.0.0
Kashmir build queues done per governor
Used to be Chinese City renamed CSIM per Strider
CSIM build queue set per domestic deputy
Istar build queues done per governor
Science rate set to 60% and tax rate to 40% per domestic leader
Hospital in PDX rushed for 456 gold per domestic leader
Library rushed in CSIM per domestic leader
5 pikemen upgraded to infantry per domestic leader
Ameri build queues done per governor
Normandy build queues done per governor
Bought wines from England for medicine, spices and 20 gold per citizen spot vote
end of turn 0: 1425 AD, 1976 gold, +262 gpt, refining in 9 turns, 4.6.0

Greece and China make peace
India asks for alliance against China and we decline
Elephantine builds bank and starts factory
PDX builds hospital and starts Hoover Dam
Alexandria opens market and begins granary
San Francisco opens market and begins recruiting workers
CSIM builds library and starts on temple

Begin turn 1: 1430 AD, 2237 gold, +270 gpt, refining in 7, 4.6.0
end turn 1: 1430 AD, 2237 gold, +273 gpt, refining in 7, 4.6.0

Greece wanted an alliance aganst England. lol
Rome and India allied against China
Rome declared war on China
Asyut builds aqueduct and starts cathedral

start turn 2: 1435 AD, 2510 gold, +275 gpt, refining in 6, 4.6.0
end turn 2: 1435 AD, 2510 gold, +275 gpt, refining in 6, 4.6.0

Eyr and Khatovar both build factories and start hospitals
San Francisco recruits worker for NEP and starts harbor
Civanatoria completes aqueduct and begins work on a cathedral

start turn 3: 1440 AD, 2787 gold, +161 gpt, refining in 5, 4.6.0
Build queue in Plexia changed per citizen vote
Hired 4 Greek workers for 89 gold
Bought Furs and WM from Babylon for spices and scientific method
Sold scientific method to Aztecs for WM, 30 gold and 19 gpt
Sold saltpeter to Zulus for WM, 350 gold and 2 gpt, Shaka is now polite
end turn 3: 1440 AD, 3078 gold, +182 gpt, refining in 5, 4.6.0

Fox Nest builds hospital and starts Intelligence Agency
Memphis opens market and starts cathedral
New York builds factory and starts worker recruitment
Chicago builds harbor and starts recruiting infantry
Pherris builds factory and starts army formation
end turn 4: 1445 AD, 3260 gold, +181 gpt, refining in 4, 4.6.0

Elite Greek cavalry took Cumae again
Aztecs and Indians sign alliance against the Chinese
Aztecs declare war on China
Orange goo near Civanatoria!
Abydos opens market and begins aqueduct
Justinian U. opens and market begun

start turn 5: 1450 AD, 3441 gold, +183 gpt, refining in 3, 4.6.0
end turn 5: 1450 AD, 3441 gold, +183 gpt, refining in 3, 4.6.0

renegotitated sale of ivory and incense to the Aztecs for 30 gold, WM and 15 gpt (they were paying 8 gpt)
sold incense to Shaka for WM, 110 gold and 9 gpt
redid ivory deal with India - was 18 gpt, took WM and 500 cash instead
anything else for turn 5?
real end of turn 5: 1450 AD, 4081 gold, +181 gpt, refining 3, 4.6.0

Roman riflemen (3) retake Cumae
New York Recruits settler and starts hospital
Heliopolis builds cathedral and starts hospital
Shailonegha U, opens and factory started
Alexandria builds granary and starts cathedral
Malinalco opens hospital and begins bank
El Armana builds harbor and begins aqueduct
Byzantium opens library and starts temple

Begin turn 6: 1455 AD, 4262 gold, +176 gpt, refining in 2, 4.6.0
Plexia university rushed for 176 gold per earlier citizen vote

New city founded near old location of Rhodes. Called 'Pick a name Phoenix' for now. Library started per culture rep.
end of turn 6: 1455 AD, 4090 gold, +178 gpt, refining in 2, 4.6.0

Chie finishes factory and starts recruiting infantry
Callisto finishes barracks and starts recruiting infantry
Plexia builds university and starts aqueduct

Start turn 7: 1460 AD, 4268 gold, +178 gpt, refining next turn, 4.6.0
science rate optimized for gold
Library rushed in new city for 156 gold
end of turn 7: 1460 AD, 4112 gold, +260 gpt, refining next turn, 5.5.0

Greeks attack Cumae again and also capture Roman workers near Ravenna
We learn refining and start combustion
Thebes finishes factory and starts hospital
Miami U. opens and police station begun
Pick a name Phoenix builds library and starts temple

Start turn 8: 1465 AD, 4375 gold, +257 gpt, combustion in 9, 5.5.0
sci rate reset to 60% then set to 70% per domestic deputy
End of turn 8: 1645 AD, 4375 gold, +65 gpt, combustion in 7, 3.7.0

Eyr builds hospital and starts university
Khatovar builds hospital and starts colosseum
The people want to build battlefield medicine!
Macao builds market and starts aqueduct
Byzantium's borders expand

Start turn 9: 1470 AD, 4442 gold, +65 gpt, combustion in 6, 3.7.0
temple rushed in CSIM for 176 gold per culture and domestic
temple rushed in Pick a name Phoenix for 236 gold per culture and domestic
End turn 9: 1470 AD, 4030 gold, +65 gpt, combustion in 6, 3.7.0

Seattle U. opens and courthouse begun
Byblos builds aqueduct and starts Byblos U.
Civanatoria builds cathedral and begins Civanatoria U.
Pick a name Phoenix builds temple and starts university
CSIM builds temple and starts granary

Start turn 10: 1475 AD, 4095 gold, +64 gpt, combustion in 5, 3.7.0
End of turn 10: 1475 AD, +64 gpt, combustion in 5, 3.7.0
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