New Unit; Tiger 1 (Green camo)

Smoking mirror

Ships Captain
Apr 16, 2002
On mars already, waiting!
Get ready to re-live operation winter storm; the fate of the 6th army is in your hands

Here is the german tiger 1 Panzer tank; When they were first introduced they had a tendancy to break down or blow up, but when the bugs were worked out the tiger 1 was a solid tank with extra thick armour able to take on the toughest enemy, This magnificent beast can be yours for the cost of only 120 shields! yes buy today and you get a Stuka dive bomber half price :)

Here are the flc, INI and Wav files; Create a folder in your CivIII/Art/units Folder called Tiger1 and put the contents of this zip in it ; XXX here XXX

Here is an animated preview of the unit, Ive used some blending to make this unit somewhat smoother than previous tanks; Later on I may do the winter camo tiger as well.

Some people have asked for a more static default, that doesn't move around so much, so here it is;
New default animation


  • tiganimate.gif
    99.3 KB · Views: 5,315
Great job! I think this is one of my favorites that you've done. Keep up the good work:goodjob:
Great Unit!!! :goodjob:

Ops, I just registered a very minor mistake (??? or am I just to sleepy again?), in the INI it states in the sound part under Victory TigerAttack.wav while the sound file is named TigerAttackA.wav (which is also the way it is spelled for the attack sound).

Just thought to mention this... I don't want to be picky, just wanted to let everybody enjoy this great work of yours fully.
O.K. thanks, here is the fixed INI file, just replace the one in the file.

Or if you can do it your self just add an A to the end of the entry for the victory noise. (just before the .wav)


    583 bytes · Views: 593
Yes great unit... You've mastered the smoke effects :) I'm still struggling through.
Yeah, very good smoke effects. The scale also looks good compared to Firaxis' tanks (though I've yet to compare in the game).
Awesome. I've just replaced the old Tiger with this one. What a difference! What other of your units are you planning to re-work?
The list of revisions is prety long; mostly though I'm only going to be making new units.
I am going to do a t34/76 + a t34/85 and I'm also going to rework the KV2 and Churchill tanks (probably do a Churchill MKV or later).
I'm going to redo the Stuka, and the ground attack plane, and suplement the new ground attack class with an IL-2 russian plane.
Also at some point I'm going to do a TIgerII with an updated model.

I think the next thing I'm going to do are an early Battle ship/dreadnaught and a Passenger liner (carries only foot units X6, while the troop carrier will be changed to only carry 1 unit of any types), to suplement the tactical aspect of sea warfare.
I think the next thing I'm going to do are an early Battle ship/dreadnaught and a Passenger liner (carries only foot units X6, while the troop carrier will be changed to only carry 1 unit of any types), to suplement the tactical aspect of sea warfare. -Smoking mirror

While you are creating the Dreadnought. Can you also create a Battle Cruiser and an Armored Cruiser. If you want Smoking Mirror I can find some pictures of thoes two cruisers. The Picture I have right now is from the game Imperialism. (Contains Armored Cruiser, Dreadnought, and Battle Cruiser.) Please excuse the little white tare on the Battle Cruiser, I had to search for that sheet and scan it. ;)
Now that is a very nice looking tank, my favorite one so far, it looks very accurate as far as width & height, looking forward to your future tanks!
Your tank is brilliant. Thanks very much for such a great unit :goodjob:
You said you were working on a dreadnought next. Since your so good at making units, would it be posible for you to make a World War II aircraft carrier:D

Keep up the good work!!!:goodjob:
Hmmm, I hate to pester, since I really like this unit (and its been a coupple o months since its been posted) but there is sth that is a bit disturbing with this beautiful :) unit: Its size!!! I have it in my developing mod as an upgrade for the in-game panzer and it is sooo much smaller than the actual in-game tank units :(

SM, any chance you still have the model flighing around somewhere and could make it bigger ??? Doesn't have to any time soon but some day (perhaps there will even be a tiger in PTW) ? Sorry :o

Kentonio's Sturmtiger is quite a bit larger... :(
No, seriously- if you could make it the size of Kinboat's Sturmtiger it would fit perfectly, Smoking Mirror. It is a beautiful unit, just too small (I find it hard to incorporate units like planes where the scale differs greatly between the ME-262 which is too small, and the Stuka, which is a tad too big- the first "ground-attack plane was perfect, though :))

I had your tiger standing next to the sturmtiger, and that latter one was standing next to the Tiger 2 (which is almost proportional to foot unit size, WOW!)
Yes I agree that it is a tad small, but resizing it would mean making the whole unit again, not just reworking the images, I would have to completely rerender everything.

I'm going to do a panzer III on the same scale as my t26 (as a light tank) and a Panzer IV on the scale of my t34. So overall the Tiger should fit more in the scale, I've made the T55 slightly bigger to refect its higher power, but I think the size of the tigers gun and attack animation flare should show how much more powerrfull it is than medium tanks.
Awwww, too bad- I was hoping you would still have some backups of the rendering :( oh well- no worries :) it is a pretty nice unit the way it is. Well the T-55 is excellent and fits also perfectly in terms of size. I was waging war agains (slightly) more modern Russia and the T-55 were looking cool next to the (ingame) Panzer !!! I was kinda hoping that future units would be more based on relative size to thae existing tank models firaxis made (Pz. IV is actually quite ok sized for an early WWII tank)
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