New Unit: Persian Galley


Smeee heeeeed
Dec 22, 2001
Nottingham, central England
This is just a simple conversion of the Civ3 Galley with the sail furled, and could be used as a non-Greek ancient/medieval Mediterranean warship.

****NOTE: this used to called a "Pirate Galley", but Lab Monkey has made a much more 'pirate looking' ancient ship called a "Barbarian Galley", so I have changed the name of this unit to "Persian Galley" instead****

What's new: the animation is the same, but all the files have been called by the new name along with a new Civilopeadia_text file. I have also included kittenOFchaos/MOON's units_32 file, which has almost all of the new player units in it.


1) download the zip file to a temporary place on your PC

2) use Windows Explorer to open the Civilization/Arts/units folder on your PC and right-click the units_32 file so that you can rename it (otherwise it will be overwriten, so you may want to keep a copy)

3) now use the unzip browser to unzip the file into Civilization/Art/units. This will create a new folder called Persian Galley which contains all the .flcs and files (including Civilopeadia text and pictures), as well as a readme.txt file with full instructions on how to add this unit to CivIII using the CivEditor.



    487.5 KB · Views: 882
Suggested stats for this unit:-

The same as the Civ3 Galley, but have it upgrade to a Galleon instead of a Caravel to reflect the fact that some eastern nations, such as the Ottoman Turks, continued to use galleys for much longer than the western nations.

However, if you DO still wish to use this unit as a pirate (although I suggest that Lab Monkey's "Barbarian Galley" would make a better animation), then here is the ORIGINAL stats I posted BEFORE I changed the name of the unit to the current one of "Persian Galley":-

Pirate Galley = Attack 1, defence 1, move 3, cost 30 (the same as the Civ3 Galley), with a transport capacity of 1 and hidden nationality.

I also suggest not giving this unit to every nation, but to just one or two in each culture group. The ancient nations who should NOT use Pirate Galleys are the Etruscans, Carthaginians, Romans, Greeks and Macedonians. Anything else is up to you!

(NOTE: I have still left the old Civilopeadia_Pirate_text in the zip file in case anyone wants to use it)


  • pirate_&_galley_preview.gif
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Here is the ORIGINAL Civilopeadia_Pirate_text file that STILL comes with the unit (although there is a new short Civilopeadia_Persian_text file as well now):-

"Piracy is a very ancient profession and was common at various times in the ancient world, even before the invention of gunpowder. Several ancient nations actively suppressed piracy, such as the Etruscans and Carthaginians in the western Mediterranean and the Greeks, Macedonians and the island of Rhodes in the eastern Mediterranean. But the Roman Republic, who absorbed all these nations into her empire, were not interested in the sea, and so from the 2nd century BC piracy rose dramatically.
Eventually even the Romans realised that something had to be done, and so in 67 BC they gave extraordinary powers to the proconsul Pompey who was given the whole Mediterranean instead of a single province as his command. Within two years he had cleared the pirates from their main bases of north Africa, Sicily, Corsica and Sardinia in the west, and Illyria Crete and Cilicia (in southern Anatolia) in the east, at last making the Mediterranean safe for Roman trading ships.
Pirates did not reappear untill 250 AD, when the Goths began raiding the Black Sea and the Aegean. In the last days of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD, piracy rose to new heights, with raiders from the Vandal kingdom of north Africa, the Visigothic kingdom of Spain, and even in the North Sea from the Saxons, Picts and celtic Irish.
The Barbary Coast of north Africa remained a notorious haven for pirates well into the 16th century."
Cool idea!

What I especially like about your unit is the completeness of your work (pedia entry, pedia pics, unit32 pic, great readme instruction, ...).

Thanks, keep up the great work!
Fear not matey, I'm still working on the Macedonians (in fact, keep an eye out for your "Alexander the Great" thread....I'll soon be posting some previews which might interest you ;) :) ).
Boats, boats, sailing up 'n down again.....:D

To Arne:-

Lab Monkey has made an excellent 'pirate-looking' galley, so I'm going to change the name of my unit to "Persian Galley" (and if someone will tell me how, I also want to change the name of this thread as well).

But I have a suggestion for you: the standard Civ3 galley has about 8 oars a side. How would you like to stretch your galley to say 12 oars, make it about one pixel taller, keep both sails, and call it a "Quinquereme" :) (it shouldn't be hard, just a bit of cutting 'n pasting).
I know that Thamis is on the lookout for a larger ancient ship for his Ancient Mod, so this would be a welcome addition (and save me from doing it, as I am up to my neck with Macedonians at the moment :crazyeye: ).

What do you think?
Arne: you're not done yet with your unit, are you?
No, Nahuixtelotzin, only 3 of 5 files are done. And at the moment I don't know, when I could finish the last two.

Kryten, the idea sounds good, but... allready 3 of 5 files are done. ;) So I don't think that I will change this unit.
Never mind Arne, your galley still looks good as it is :goodjob:
(Mind you I DO hope that you're not going to stop making new units once your galley is finished! :) )

IT'S NOW CALLED A "Persian Galley" (see the top of the thread for full details).
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