Foreign Affairs Proposal for July 6 turn


Dec 26, 2001
Fanatika - Where did everybody go?
Here is the proposal from Foreign Affairs regarding the next turn:

Turn 0
Trade Embargos
Greece is but a shadow of its once great empire. There is little effect our Trade Embargos on them accomplish. Hence, I wish to cancel the 3 remaining embargos we have on Greece with China, Babylon, and Rome. I have given second thought to the Rome agreement because it may be keeping our ties stronger with our Able Partner, but will hear from the citizens on this matter.

Rights of Passage
Foreign Policy, Article #6
We will not sign Rights of Passage with Rogue Nations. We may sign Rights of Passage with Suspect Nations and Common Neighbors to achieve strategic goals. We will always endeavor to renew Rights of Passage with Most Favored Nations and Able Partners.
Current ROP agreements. All are cancellable any time:
Rome, Iroquois, India, England, Zululand

India and Zululand are now Common Neighbours. We are not at war. I see little strategically that ROPs accomplish with them. On the downside, ROPs entitle the other nations to sneak attack undefended cities using our magnificent rail system. I suggest we stick to FA policy and cancel the ROPs with our Common Neighbours (India and Zulu) but for opportunistic and strategic gains which are not available at the moment. It will cost us some poorer attitudes in relations, but I think it is worth it. I think we can allow their troops in our territory, but should watch them carefully and disallow them use of our road and rail network.

3gpt from India and Zulu will keep our ROP agreements alive. I still don't see much use in that though. But please, if you think better, post in.

Hiawatha is difficult to please. Perhaps he is jealous that we hoard the rubber while he has none. We are gifting him 5gpt and he is still annoyed. I suggest doubling the gift, adding another 5gpt in an effort to keep sir Hiawatha pleased. They are a Favoured Nation of ours, after all.

At no cost to us, we could gift him Spices (we have 2 extra). It has a value of a lump sum of 125 gold from them. Is this option better?

Comments and suggestions welcome.
Foreign Affairs Department.
Of course, selling the spices to Hiawatha and then gifting them 5gpt still gets us ahead. Or would they detect such trickery?
I agree with Shaitan on both points.
I agree the Embargos aren't needed.

I agree with giving back them what they will give us for spice.

About ROP's I feel we should only have them with Cautious or better.
In the age of railroads, we should not have ROP with any neighbors we do not fully trust.

Yes, relations will take a hit, but the safety factor is a higher priority given the people's voiced opinions looking for victory via peacable means.

Bill PDX
Originally posted by Falcon02
About ROP's I feel we should only have them with Cautious or better.

Good idea. I hope to keep favoured nations and able partners cautious or better but Cautious or better is a good sub-condition. Thats why I am a tiny bit worried about Iroquois.

We will still have ROPs with Rome, Iroquois, and England. I hope we can easily keep an eye on their movement. Both England and Rome were a little backwards last I checked and Iroquois are, of course, without rubber. Given Rome's size, England's distance, and Iroquois resource dilemna, I think we may be ok. Excess rubber belongs to England and India, I think (other than us). India probably won't trade with Iroquois because they just had war.

Thanks for all the replies so far. Good to know you even agree. I also request the Trade Dept.'s rubber stamp on the spice deal, if possible.
chiefpaco, you always do an excellent job of describing the situation, and I think that leads to good discussion. I appreciate your efforts.

Bill PDX, we don't need no stinkin' unhappiness
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