GF's Leaderhead Previews

time to go into action... JIGGLE ACTION!

The elf princess has that surprised porno "oooh my clothes somehow came off. what do i do now? heehee!" look.

I need to get poser. These guys look really cool. :goodjob:
Originally posted by sween32
The elf princess has that surprised porno "oooh my clothes somehow came off. what do i do now? heehee!" look.
Thanks, that was the look I was going for. She's supposed to be an 'innocent' princess who had leadership thrust upon her unexpectedly. She needs an ally who will help guide and shape her to become a great leader....

At least that's the current plot line.

You know, if it wasn't for me commenting on your threads, and you commenting on my threads, CivFanatics probably wouldn't have any posts at all.:eek:

Meanwhile, the princess is the default leader flic I'm using for all my civs until I finish their respective leaderheads......:groucho:
No wonder I'm making slow progress! I gotta get her some clothes!
yeah no kidding. it's been dead the last few days.

if you get mtv, there's jiggly action on right now. it's a documentury about breast surgery and because it's educational they can show the boobies ;)
Very nice, I'm going to do a trotsky animated leaderhead, with my 3d program (well I'm going to give it a try).
Whats the parameters of a fully animated leaderhead?
Its a normal flic right? but what size is it?

Do you think Ghengis should be a bit more hairy?
Thanks, i want to have a personal Leaderhead for my own amusement, And I think it would be like another feather in my cap If I could actualy get it done.
Originally posted by Smoking mirror
Thanks, i want to have a personal Leaderhead for my own amusement, And I think it would be like another feather in my cap If I could actualy get it done.

Same here. I plan on making a GhengisFarb Leaderhead set and asking anyone I play multiplayer with to install the set to represent the civ I'm playing.

Another idea I had for a mod was to make a Politically Incorrect/Historically Correct Ancient Times mod. Instead of workers there would be captives (base captured units). Instead of a palace that you build throughout the game it would be a bedchamber. No nudity just a savage historical theme. The only way you would be able to build irrigation and mines would be to attack other civs and haul their population off as captives. I figure there would be a base military unit that could build roads (the Roman Legions built roads & fortifications). I feel it would give a more accurate feel to the Ancient Times. Civs would be Greeks, Romans, Phoenecians, Egyptians, Persians, Hittites, Celts, Britons, Babylonians, Mongols, Huns, etc.

NOTE: If anyone takes personal offense to slavery, remember that EVERY race has been enslaved by someone at one time or another. Germans, Britons, and Celts were enslaved by the Romans. Israelites were enslaved by the Egyptians, Persians, Babylonians. Carthaginians, Phoenicians, Hittites and Romans. The list goes on and on. It's a sad but historical reality of human civlization.
Originally posted by Smoking mirror
Very nice, I'm going to do a trotsky animated leaderhead, with my 3d program (well I'm going to give it a try).
Whats the parameters of a fully animated leaderhead?
Its a normal flic right? but what size is it?

Thanks, Smoking mirror. If you have JASC Animation Shop 3 & Photo Shop (There is a FREE downloadable version, just type the name in a search engine) you can open up your flic or avi video (there aren't many programs that will generate the animation as a flic) and export frame(s) to Photo Shop. There you can click the option 'image information' and it will tell you what kind of format and pixel size the picture is.

Leader Flics: 200X240 pixels 8 bit/256 colors
Leader Stills (Large): 200X240 pixels 8 bit/256 colors
Leader Stills (Small): 120X150 pixels 8/bit/256 colors

Originally posted by Smoking mirror
Do you think Ghengis should be a bit more hairy?
That is a stock 'skin' texture he's wearing. I thought about adding more hair but then I would have to make all those hairs, and I just didn't feel up to it.
Yes hair is the most difficult bit of a Person to do acurately.
Iv'e been working on my Trotsky leaderhead all day, and I'm very happy with the result; It is a little Cartoony, but still, I think its in keeping with the original leaderheads.
Mainly I want a more fearsome personality to lead my T34s and KV1 tanks in to battle, Catherine the great, although a scary woman in real life, looks a bit like an old granny in Civ III, it would have been nice to have a (slightly) younger version of her.

Here is the first preview; Its at a test stage at the moment, Iv'e grouped all the facial movement areas for easy manipulation, next is to try and perfect the hair (looks like trotskys style, but not very realistic hair.
Here is Angry;
In the next post, cos I pressed submit, rather than browse
And here is the happy face;
The back ground is some Early russian tanks on parade, I'm going to do a regular background at some point, and also some Era spesific clothes- at the moment hes just a floating head.
Also I'm going to adjust the light sources to be more atmospheric;
I need to work on some skin textures, and improve the quality of the Hair, I'm thinking of giving him a red army officers cap and other era specific hats to cover it up, but I think for the Ancient period he should have his hair free and wild.
I admit that he doesn't look very realistic, I have five years Fine art education, I realise that his head is too thin and long to make him a real person and his eyes are alittle close together, but I felt that it would be easier to actualy make him look like trotsky, if I didn't get caught up in overly realistic details; He is a characature of Trotsky and I think, I've managed to get the essential look of the man;
I'm using Corel dream 3d, it comes with Corel draw 8, its more usefull for creating mechanised type objects, cos with more natural objects, you have to use dozens of oddshaped objects to create an overall impression of natural form because only relativly simple shapes can be created.
Greast job on the elf princess. I have no real artist talent. In the reagent program in hight school in New York state you have to take art class for one year. Have than real artist as teacher base your mark on your effort. If you have no or little ability in art but your effort was way above your ability you got than highter mark. If you have than lot of talent but turn in work way
below your ability you got than lower mark.
"She was huge of frame, terrifying of aspect, and with a harsh voice. A great mass of bright red hair fell to her knees: she wore a twisted torc, and a tunic of many colours, over which was a thick mantle, fastened by a brooch. Now she grasped a spear, to strike fear into all who watched her." Dio Cassius

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