Council Vote - Implementation of the New Constitution


der Besucher
Dec 7, 2001
Atlanta, GA
This Council Vote is for the approval of the New Constitution and the plan to implement it. The citizen poll approving the implementation plan is here.

This poll will remain open until it has received 5 YES or 5 NO votes (unbeatable majority), or until all voters have responded. In the event of a tie, the President will cast the tie-breaking vote. All Department Leaders should respond with a vote of YES, NO, or ABSTAIN.

The Plan:
  • Items in the current working Codes will be accepted as active standards until replaced en mass by the Code of Law and Code of Standards.
  • The Senior At-Large Council will become the Chief Justice. The At-Large Council will become either the Public Defendant or the Judge Advocate (Council member's choice to whichever position he's more comfortable with).
  • The position of Provincial Governor of the capital province and the remaining judicial position will be filled according to the new standards.

Current working copy:
Constitution C, et al, v1.10
I vote yes.

Domestic Department
After reading the Consitution (I didn't notice it's formation until too late and I was lost), I approve it.

I vote YES
(wait, I can't vote yet unless it's a tie... ;))
Councilman at Large vote:

I vote YES based upon citizen poll results.

I will convert my position to Judge Advocate should this vote pass.

This vote has passed with 5 affirmative responses and 1 negative response. The following items are now in effect:
  • The old Constitution is no longer active.
  • The new Constitution is now in effect.
  • The items under the Code of Laws and Code of Standards sections of document ConstitutionCv1-10.doc are in effect as standards.
  • The offices of Senior Council at Large and Councilor at Large are disbanded.
  • Shaitan is transferred to the position of Chief Justice.
  • Bill_in_PDX is transferred to the position of Judge Advocate.
  • Chieftess must appoint 3 positions: Public Defender, Provincial Governor for the capital province and Provincial Governor of province #7.
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