New Unit: Battle Warrior


Jun 15, 2002
Alone, in my room
My new unit is the Tribal Warrior. This is a unit I made soley for personal use. But since I've created the unit, I'll share it with everyone.
I needed a 2/2/1 unit to go in between the warrior and the swordman. It requires Iron Working, but does not require iron. This reduces the disadvantage you have if you can't get iron, esspecially in the beginning of the game, when its hard to aquire the resource.

I used the warrior graphics, replaced the axe with a sword, and also added a shield. Both were taken from the swordsman.

*** People have reported errors with the attack flic. I noticed the error and fixed it. I have replaced the old file with the new one.
I have also changed the unit name, due to requests, to Tribal Warrior. The name was Kryten's idea.

Any feedback will be appreciated.

Here is the unit file.

The original file was downloaded 82 times.


Originally posted by zulu9812
cool :b: Although can anyone come up with a better name? :D

I know. I spent days trying to find a better name. If anyone comes up with a better name, I'll gladly make an "official" change.
Originally posted by zulu9812
cool :b: Although can anyone come up with a better name? :D

How about War Monger or Barbarian Warrior (I'd suggest to replace the barbarians to use this one- makes early wanderings a bit more dangerous too.) Could be available with bronce (mod)
Originally posted by zulu9812
cool :b: Although can anyone come up with a better name? :D

....I can! How about calling it a "Tribal Warrior"? All the early Celts/Germans/Spanish were organised by tribes, and it's a nice vague general purpose name that covers just about every 'barbarian' fighter. :)

A very nice unit Yaniv. I had plans to do something similar, with a larger oval shield and checked trousers and called a "Celtic Warrior", but then Firaxis anounced that they were going to add the Celts (I hope it's NOT the Gauls!) to the PTW expansion disk, so I put it on hold. Looks like you've beat me to it :lol: .

A couple of observations: he swops his sword 'n shield from left to right....not a problem as it hardly notices (believe me, I KNOW how long it takes to animate a human figure....;) ).

And there is a slight defect in the SE & East attack flcs, where a one pixel wide horizontal 'ghost' of the sword lingers. It's not your fault, it's a slight bug with FLICster, and it happens when an item in a frame gets too close to the right hand picture edge (my Peltast does the same thing, and I haven't got round to fixing it yet). The only cure is to always keep a one or two pixel wide gap at the edge of the frame.

Last of all....shadows. If you do intend adding some, then here's a little tip:- ALWAYS change the background from that 'orrible purple/pink colour to neutral grey BEFORE drawing or cutting 'n pasting shadows, otherwise the appear bright red or green in FLICster, and in the game!
This can be done by selecting 'colours' -> 'load palette' -> 'Alpha.pal' in your paint program (I use PaintShop Pro).

Anyway, still a good unit :goodjob: .
(And I do hope we will be seeing more of your work in the future, as we need more ancient units ;) ).


Kryten, the one and only sole member of the ANCIENT UNIT TEAM (new members welcome!).......I hope the THIRD REICH mob sees this :lol:
In reply to the attack glitch:

I've noticed the glitch with the attack flic and fixed it. Check the top of the page for the file. I also changed the unit name to Tribal Warrior.
First of all i'd like to say you made a nice looking unit Yaniv, as I added it to my game I was a little bothered by the lack of a civilopedia entry so I searched some on the Internet.

This is what I came up with after some time. I'd really like to know what you think of it.

^The [tribal warrior] is a ancient European tribesman armed with swords and shields, whose history can be traced back to 1200 BC, to a period called the Bronze Age.

^The Celts were one of the earliest races of tribal warriors known in history. Originating from what is now France and western Germany they began to spread over a large part of the Continent, though they were not true nomads. By 800 B.C. they had overrun all of Brittain and France except the southwestern quarter and around 700 they began migrating into Spain, mixing with the indigenous Iberians to produce a hybrid tribe, the Celto-Iberians.

The first tribal warriors were usually equiped with wathever weapons they could muster, but with time this started to change. The first well equipped tribesmen to emerge were the ancient nobles who fought on foot with swords, spears and shields. Allthough barely organised these ferocious warriors managed to conquer many of their foes by sheer force.
But this figure doesn't represent anything historical so far as I can see.

It's not, as one poster suggested, neolithic (an iron sword is, by definition, not stone age), a period marked with axes and spears.

The late bronze and iron age swordsman of Europe (as exemplified by Celtic and Germanic warriors) is amply represented by the Gallic Swordsman (from PTW) and the original Swordsman, who is the prototypical bearded, pelt-wearing (shamanically endowed) warrior of Germania. These units also have the advantage of including "stab" attack animations, which would be more accurate depictions of Euopean sword tactics, especially of the bronze age, so they would date back no further (in Central or Western Europe) than the 8th century BC, by which time the dress starts becoming dubious.

This "barbarian" swordsman does look like Conan, and is thus fictive. It touches certain romantic notions of European heritage.

I don't mean to discourage hard work, just point out what I see as inaccuracy or redundancy.
You could put blue tattoos on him and call him (semi-fictively) a Pictish Warrior.

Or, put him on a horse and call him a Saka Horseman (the Scyths reputedly loved their double-edged swords and buckler shields).
Originally posted by Redking
I don't mean to discourage hard work, just point out what I see as inaccuracy or redundancy.

No problem, I apreciate your opinion.

But I just need some Civilopedia entry. Maybe a nice story about Conan then? :viking::D
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