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National Air Force and Navy League


Jul 10, 2002
New York City
Welcome to the National Air Force and Navy League(NAFN)!!
Our goal is to strive to create a more advanced Air Force and Navy! I believe that if we can reach our goal, our empire would be indestructible! SO therefore I request the help of you, the people! The NAFN is located in Heliopolis, Kashmir. WE EVEN HAVE CONNECTIONS TO APOLYTONIA!

Our goals are-
1)To have the best military in the known world
2)To increase science funding to ensure the safety of Phoenatica
3)To have the other empires envy us! (common goal, really......but oh well)


----------Top News----------
1)The Civil War- I am withdrawing from the Civil War. Everything will be back to normal in the NAFN.....its too much for us.
Branch offices are in-
Philadelphia, Ameri
Delphi, Kashmir.
Heliopolis, Kashmir.
These are our members-
obsessed nuker
Assist to Founder-Zarn
Prov of Kashmir Branch Officer-Zarn
-Domestic Department(duh...)
-Heh, the empire of Apolytonia
-Double Heh, an idividual citizen-group in Apolytonia thats shares our same views! Their group is called the Hawk group.
General Falcon will certainly like this group. I'll see to it that he sees this thread. :)
My regards to you Vice President(or president? dunno i heard you were Vice President...sorry!), and Mr. Governor, your In
Should there be a branch office in Asphinxia? i think we need more members.....and im wonderin if almightyjosh should become co-leader..? we need to expand our efforts
Why not set up the group HQ in Thebes?? It's producing bombers faster than any other city in the world!! I've put a pulg for this group in the latest edition of the times. I'd be happy to co-lead with you, if you want.
Count me in. I may seem just some low level politician, but...okay I am.
Originally posted by Almightyjosh
Why not set up the group HQ in Thebes?? It's producing bombers faster than any other city in the world!! I've put a pulg for this group in the latest edition of the times. I'd be happy to co-lead with you, if you want.

Ok, you are coleader, BUT i need to know what prov thebes is in and send a link to the home thread to the latest edition of the times
Zarn is now in
Sounds good, I'm in.
I am now recruiting a Secretary-Planner
The Basis is First come first serve
Be sure to read the news on the bottom of the first post!;)
Count Me in too :D .:jump: :hammer: :tank:
The province of Ameri has been the only province providing fighter aircraft for the National Air Force in the past 45 years. More of such aircraft are to be built in the following years, and our scientists inform us that we are on the verge of discovering a new, more advanced, type of aircraft. Our fine province will, of course, adapt to these circumstances and modernize our facilities to produce these new aircraft.

In light of all this, I recommend you consider moving the National Air Force Headquarters to Ameri. Philadelphia seems like a nice enough place.
As a resident of Philadelphia, I fully encourage the NAF to consider a base here. It is time our city is the base of something!

Oh, and I will join your league.
chiefpaco welcome to the NAFN, and lovro, and chiefpaco, we will start to move the NAFN to create a branch office in Philly. But we are currently foreseeing the progress of the movement of the entire HQ to the Province of Asphinxia. Dont worry, we will create a branch in Ameri. but i want to know about any coastal cities in Ameri as well.
Chiefpaco, will you consider becoming the Secretary-Planner?
Pass on any new information about anything regarding Military
Contacting Provinces to create branches
Ensure the safety of the Branches and HQ in case of war

So whaddya say?:)
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