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Province of Ameri - Term 4

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Dec 30, 2001

Welcome to the new thread for the province of Ameri. Our fine province has had a rough time for the past few centuries, but we are working steadily on restoring its integrity among the government and the other provinces.

You can view the Term 3 threads here (the second one) and here (the first one).

Cities and their build queues:
  • San Francisco: Factory (13), Harbor (<5), University (<7)
  • Atlanta: Police Station (4), Harbor (<12), Factory (<35)
  • Civanatoria: Research Lab (2), Mech Infantry (2), Police Station (3), Jet Fighter (2), Jet Fighter (2)
  • New York: Fighter (1), Figther (2), Jet Figther (2), Jet Figther (2), Jet Figther (2), Jet Figther (2)
  • Philadelphia: Bank (2), Airport (4), Fighter (2), Fighter (2), Fighter (2)
  • Seattle: Factory (10), Harbor (<5), Research Lab (<7)
  • Paville: Aqueduct (68), Courthouse (80)
  • Robinville: Temple (14), Courthouse (27)
I am inviting all citizens, especially residents of Ameri, to participate in discussions and bring our quiet province back to life.
As a long standing resident of Philadelphia, I welcome our new governor and wish him the greatest success for the remainder of his term.
Cool Build queues. The devotion to the military and Air Force is astounding! Finally, Philadelphia gets a bank! It was a long way to PDX every time I wanted to make a withdraw.
Three of Ameri's cities (Civanatoria, Philadelphia and New York) have been producing military units continously throughout the war.

They are now the backbone of our Air Force, being the only cities in the entire land producing fighter aircraft.
Lovro, may i request maps of the Province of Ameri---before i think about moving the NAFN to Philidelphia? THat way, just in case you have coastal cities, i can plan ahead =)
disorganizer posted some great maps in the province thread for the previous term.

Be aware, however, that our coastal cities are not capable of producing navy units, which is why I had hoped for the NAF to have its base here.
We have no mayors in Ameri as of yet. Consider yourself appointed.

Welcome back, too.
I saw that coming. ;) Sure thingy.

And, as always, feel free to send/post your comments on your respective cities.
The Mayor of Philadelphia would like to request a colosseum to be built. We are a town of sports and entertainment. Our field behind the new bank is in poor repair.

If possible, would the Governor look into the possibility of building a nuclear plant here as well? I understand it needs fresh water. Would our river qualify?

After that, since Ecology is right around the corner, perhaps a Mass Transit System would cut down on our pollution. And, perhaps, get me to work 15 minutes earlier. :)
Greetings & Felicitations!

I have decided that the time is right for me to enter public life. Therefore I would like to announce my candidacy for Mayor of New York.

With it's new recycling center soon to be completed, New Yorkers will see government is working to polish the Big Apple. Our planned subway system will not only further increase the quality of life, an issue crucial to so many New Yorkers, but will also help revitalize tourism and industry from the Bronx to the Battery.
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