New Unit: the Macedonian Phalangite


Smeee heeeeed
Dec 22, 2001
Nottingham, central England
This unit is for Exsanguination's Alexander the Great scenario and is ment for the Macedonian civilization, but it would also be suitable for any later hellenistic nation such as Ptolemaic Egypt, Seleucid Persia or Mithridatic Pontus. It could also be used by the Greeks in a normal game of civ as an alternative to the swordsman.


1) download BOTH zip files to a temporary place on your PC

2) use Windows Explorer to open the CivilizationIII/Art/units folder on your PC and right-click the current units_32 file so that you can rename it (otherwise it will be overwriten, so you may want to keep a copy)

3) now use the unzip browser to unzip BOTH files into CivilizationIII/Art/units. This will create a new folder called Phalangite which contains all the .flcs, files and sounds, as well as a readme.txt file which contains full instructions on how to add this unit to CivIII using the CivEditor.


Later Edit: in the first version I had included the wrong fortify flic, which made him lower his pike twice when he attacked. I've now corrected this in the following version:-


  • phalangite (1b).zip
    415 KB · Views: 1,468
....and here is the second zip file.
(Remember, you will need BOTH zip files in order to make this unit work)


  • phalangite (2b).zip
    148.6 KB · Views: 1,192
Suggested stats for this unit (see the readme file that comes with the unit for more details):-

Attack 3, defence 3, move 1 (this is the same as the Roman Legionary).
But in addition I suggest that the Phalangite costs 40 instead of the Legionaries cost of 30.
AND, I also suggest that this unit be given the 'wheeled' ability.
This means that Phalangites cannot enter mountains or jungle terrain, and reflects the fear of disorder that Macedonian Phalanx formations had, which is why the flexible Legionary was superior.

A note about names: I decided to call this unit a Phalangite because the name 'phalanx' refers to the formation, not the soldiers who fought in that formation. And calling one man a 'phalanx' is like calling a single person 'a crowd', or calling a single cow 'a herd'!
(Besides, JimmyH has already posted a unit called a phalanx).

Later Edit: I have not included any civiliopeadia text or pictures with this unit at the moment. I will try to add some in the future when I get time.


  • gif_preview_phalagite.gif
    94 KB · Views: 3,903
Your units are really incredible! May I ask what units you're planning next?
Note to everyone....I had included the wrong fortify flic in the first version. I've corrected this in version 'b' (please see the first post of this thread). Sorry for any inconvenience to the 3 people who had downloaded version 'a' before I could make the change.

To Nahuixtelotzin:-

Whats next? Wellll....
The Macedonian Hypaspist, the Companion/Thessalan Horseman, the Mercenary Hoplte, and the Spartan Hoplite, and the Scythe Chariot, and the Levy Spearman, and the Persian Mounted Javelinman, and..... :crazyeye:

But if you, or anyone else reading this, has a little bit of spare time on your hands, then Exsanguination and I could do with some help! :D

Nothing complicated, just things like cutting-'n-pasting the head of the Archer on to the Iroquoi Mounted Warrior instead of his current native North American war bonnet, so that the unit can be used by the ancient Scythians, Parthians and Indians.
Or placing the Archer's head on top of the Spearman (and changing the shield colour to dark brown), so that it can be used as Agrianian or Illyrian Javelinmen.
Great unit, Keep up the good work! Has anybody ever heared of a Macedonian unit in Alexander's Army called the "Argyraspides" or Silver Shields?
Originally posted by Righteous Fist
Great unit, Keep up the good work! Has anybody ever heared of a Macedonian unit in Alexander's Army called the "Argyraspides" or Silver Shields?

Strangely enough, that is the next unit on my list. :)

Alexander inherited from his father Philip II 3,000 elite Hypaspists ('shield bearers'). In India this corps were given new fancy shields and were then known as the Argyraspids ('silver shields').

There is much debate among historians (and civ players!) as to how these elite soldiers were equipped. Some think that they were armed the same as the Phalangites with a 6 yard/meter 'sarissa', while others think they were lighter and faster than the rest of the Phalanx. I've bowed to popular pressure and decided to go for the latter. Certainly Alexander always took the Hypaspists (along with the archers, Agrianian javelinmen and Companion cavalry) with him whenever he performed one of this many rapid flank marches, and the feigned retreat at the battle of Chaeronea could not have been carried out by a heavy ponderous Phalanx.
So I agree with Exsanguination's suggestion to make him a sort of superior Peltast, with a smaller silver shield than the Hoplite and carrying a sword.
dude, you better send that one to Firaxis, that unit kicks azz!
Kryten! I just noticed something :suprise: wrong with the unit :lol:! Nothing too big, but I noticed it. All of the east direction flics for the phalangite are... missing. It will run through the first 7 directions, then when it gets to the EAST direction, it moved tot he east and then stops, then goes to the SE direction. Am I seeing things?
What! :eek:

Originally posted by Exsanguination
Am I seeing things?

Ah! I'm glad to are (you gave me such a fright that I nearly dropped my beer :lol: ).

I assume that you have just used Jasc Animation Shop to try and make an animated preview, right?

Well, the attack FLC for example has 11 frames in each of the 8 directions, making a total of 88 frames. However, Animation Shop has a nasty habit of adding the odd frame here and there, and as it has to stay within the 88 frame limit for this particular FLC, it cuts off some of the last ones hoping that you won't notice! (the last ones being of course the ones at the bottom of the frameset/storyboard, or west frames to you and me).

It's not a problem, becuse FLICster and Civ3 uses all the frames correctly. :D
Seeing how I got such good results for my request for pcx Civilopedia pics for the 8 hoplites units... you think we could have some for the Phalangite, too?

(And, while we're at it, could we have a civilopedia text too?)

Boy, maybe I shouldn't press my luck! :)
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