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The United Eastern Provinces


Governor in Waiting
Jun 15, 2002
It has come to my attention that the 5 eastern-most provinces (those provinces that rely solely on the forbidden palace) are all governed by children of Asphinxia. I proposed that we use this common tie to form the United Eastern Provinces group, a millitary and economy alliance designed to promote the strength of the east, comprising of 5 provinces with equal status. This organisation could act like the (British) Commonwealth.

I think our first act should be to support Toasty in ousting Disorganiser from his misguided rule of Delphi and bringing that city back into Kashmiri hands. These are the kind of issues where it serves us well to have a united front.

After that we can consider entering the Civil War. Asphinxia is already pledged to the IDA against the MA.

Member Provinces:
Nuova Terra
Mohawkia (provisional)

The Eligable Provinces:
Asphinxia - Almightyjosh
Kashmir - Toasty
Mohawkia - BCLG100 (MIA)
Nuova Terra - Stuck_As_a_Mac
Province #12 (status unknown) - Bearnstein (MIA)
Scythia - Havok
Victoria - William85
I, the Domestic Leader, am going to put the Eastern Provinces under martial law.
I say "power to the Eastern Provinces!" Its time we strengthened ourselves. No Domestic Department can put us under martial law *private Panzer division rolls into town sporting Friedenburg flags* I just think she should let Dis have his way for once (the game is over anyways.) Hagel der Ost Provinzen, wunder der Welt!
Kashmir relies heavily on the Domestic Department for the resolution of the Delphi county situation, and therefore cannot join. However, we thank Almightyjosh for the invite.
Toasty NO!! Thats exactly what they want... don't give in! It is now obvious that the MA and the Delphi rebels are working together, why else would Zarn try to break us apart?? We are not breaking away from Phoenatica like Delphi is, we are merely forming a group of provinces that can work together for the common good. Until Toasty has a chance to fully consider how important UEP membership really is to Kashmir, I suggest that the embargo on goods flowing into Delphi is maintained. The UEP as a group could do alot more and bring far more power to bear upon Delphi than the domestic department, especially if we maintain friendly relations with the IDA.
I am reconsidered my move and decided not to go along with it. The Domestic Department has its own problems. If you keep yourselfs within the law, then I will do nothing to stop you. I joined the military to end things quickly, but it would just enlongate it.
The governors of Mohawkia (BCLG100) and #12 (Bearnstien) have not been seen for more than a week and I fear they have been kidnapped by agents working for the MA or the Delphi rebels. As Strider is the highest ranked citizen of Mohawkia involved in the civil wars (the pres in neutral), Mohawkia will be provisionally signed up to the UEP and IDA, the governor may reverse this if he wishes when the UEP and IDA forces rescue him. Bearnstein has been missing for some time and has not been in charge of his provincce for longer. I fear that enemies may be using the isolated province as a base. A unit of the El Armarna Immortal Marines will be dispatched to find out what is going on. If it is found that all is not well, a larger force will be sent from N.T. to re-take the island.
Originally posted by Toasty
Kashmir relies heavily on the Domestic Department for the resolution of the Delphi county situation, and therefore cannot join. However, we thank Almightyjosh for the invite.

Actually Toasty... The IDA has already decided to seige delphi(we will not attack the city) and limit it's supplies. Once the citizens relize that it will be much better to give in they will return to the province of kashmir. Dis has turned to the military department for help(through they have given no word on this)
I just did, and I am against any action supporting the Delphi's rebellion. In other words I'm against the rebellion.
The forces of the UEP are being mobilised for war. Our target is Delphi, where we will crush the rebellion. When we enter the city, investigators will determine who was responsible for the uprising and we will turn our wrath upon them. At the moment the suspects are the Millitary Alliance, the InterDepartmental Alliance and the Babylonians. Personally, I think the MA is responsible, though Falcon denies it! I am recommending that CivGeneral and Grandmaster lead our armies into battle.
Almightyjosh, police forces have just liberated Sunshine Beach from Disorganizer. I have this under control now. Please, do not get involved.
How come you misquote me wrong? We did never seperate from phoenatica.
long live delphi!
Thats what you dream! Your forces still occupy the city and the vincinity of all delphi county.
trader/warrior even showed support for our rebellion!
now where is you liberation? :p
Originally posted by Almightyjosh
The forces of the UEP are being mobilised for war. Our target is Delphi, where we will crush the rebellion. When we enter the city, investigators will determine who was responsible for the uprising and we will turn our wrath upon them. At the moment the suspects are the Millitary Alliance, the InterDepartmental Alliance and the Babylonians. Personally, I think the MA is responsible, though Falcon denies it! I am recommending that CivGeneral and Grandmaster lead our armies into battle.

Really(through we don't know this yet) neither the IDA or Military is involved. I have no idea about the bab's.
The FA, by use of it's complicated spy network has indeed discovered a babilonian influence in this. A small, underground rebel group known as The Hand of Gilgamesh has set up camp somewhere near the vicinity of Delphi and are plotting to achieve an expansion of their homeland into Phoenatican lands.
Also, the FA supports the UEP, mainly beacuse it's offices are in Abydos and I have a great esteem for Asphinxia and her daughter provinces.

Ehecatl Atzin
Revoloution spurs within the great phoenatican empire, and thus my lord the diablo has once again returned to the mortal world. Your region, the united eastern provinces has been chosen as the capitol of our great influence. For those who wish to follow the teachings of the Diablo, will be bound by the fires of Mordrid, and forged into a soldier of darkness. And as the tongues of Mordrid lapse around the feet of phoenatica abroad, only those who remain loyal to the Diablo will be sparred.
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