UNIT: Throwing Axeman


Nov 20, 2001
This unit comes with, Attack, Default, Run, Death and Fidget anims.

It uses the sounds from the current Legionary, if you can come up with any thing better then please do so.

Here is the civlopedia icons:

And the civlopedia text:
^In ancient times, an axe called the Frank became the favorite weapon of a civilization of people. Those people named themselves after this weapon. The Franks became very well known for their ability to throw this heavy weapon in battle, and they used it into the Dark Ages. Each man would carry several axes with him. He would throw from a distance, and as he advanced he could pick up the ones previously thrown to be used for hand-to-hand combat. They became almost invinsible against light troops wearing little armor, and their axes would dismantle fortifications with ease.

Thanks to sween32 for helping out in getting that.

Here's a preview pic of the attack anim:



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Just when I thought my list of units was up to date, you go and do something like this. Grrrrrr :p

Great units though. Keep it up.

Finally an Axeman. Somebody should edit this so the axe follows thru with his swing so he doesn't throw it. Then, it would be even more useful for things other then a UU for the Franks.
Its becoming sooo difficult to decide whether to actually play the game or just keep adding these awesome new units. :confused:

This was definitely one of my favourite units from AOK.
The axeman's attack to the West is flawed. He draws back and then draws back again for the Southwest throw. He doesn't finish the throw to the West.
Originally posted by siebodii
The axeman's attack to the West is flawed. He draws back and then draws back again for the Southwest throw. He doesn't finish the throw to the West.

That's a flaw in almost all previews. It doesn't do that in the game.
Hey, what was the name of the Franks land? The Romans had Rome, the Egyptians had Egypt. What the hell did the Franks have? Frank?

BTW, I would use this unit as an advanced PtW Medieval Infantry... but that's not for a few months so I'll shut up right now...
The Franks lived in what is now France (and a bit of southern Germany). The Franks were basically the French. Charlemange was the greatest of the Frankish leaders, and he led the Franks to the real unification of France, conquest of Germany, and the creation of the Holy Roman Empire.
I know that they are French. My question was: they called themselves the Franks, so what did they call their land? Certainly not France.
Oh, sorry. They called it either Francia or simply 'The Frankish Kingdom'.
hey do you think you could make a warrior but with a axe:confused:

- :confused: the current warrior graphic does have an axe. Albeit a stone one.

- UU is shorthand (shorttype? ;)) for "Unique Unit:" a unit that only a single civilization can build, and that generally replaces another unit and has improved statistics.
Chris85: Where's JimmyH getting all of these kick ass units from?

That's the Frank's unique unit in Age of Empires 2, the Throwing Axeman. JimmyH shouldn't act like he made the unit by himself and give some credit to Ensemble Studios.

Your welcome.
Originally posted by Mobilize

That's the Frank's unique unit in Age of Empires 2, the Throwing Axeman. JimmyH shouldn't act like he made the unit by himself and give some credit to Ensemble Studios.

Your welcome.

When Jimmyh ported these AOK (Age of Kings) units across to CIV III it was pretty common knowledge at the time that they were from AOK, Mobilize, I don't ttink Jimmyh meant to imply otherwise. I am sure at least some of the threads made it very clear where they came from, there was in fact a whole series of these units created by Jimmyh.

In fact many of the units were requests by the users here at civfanatics when they discovered he could do this very deed.

But for those who missed the enthusiasm at the time and were unaware of the fact they were AOK units, they do now huh. ;)

Jimmyh did a great job porting all those units though. And he gets my thumbs up.

can i yse this as a warrior replace ment for my mod
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