New Unit: Heavy Scorpian(Ballista)


High Elven ISB Capt & Ghost Agent
Jun 17, 2002
Night Haven, Vekta, United Systems of Korpulu
Here is the Heavy Scorpian from the AoK :D. Ready to defend your Middle Ages Army. Perfict for sieges on enemy cities. Perfict on defending your colonies from wandering Barbarians or Other Civilizations. The only unit that can have a Leathal Land and Sea Bombardments. Since This unit requires Iron (For the arrow tip) and all of the Leathal Bombardments enabled, It can sink an Enemy ship or take down an approching knight ;).
And here is a Preview with all of the Animations ;).
Yes I think the Balista was used more often by Ancient armies and the mighty Treb only came in to use during the middle ages (perhaps the darkages saw the widepread development of the Trebuchet), The earliest cannons were based on Balista technology , firing not cannon balls, But huge Iron arrows! of course they were not very effective, but it was an important part of the development of seige weapons.

The balista was used as well as the firaxis catapult from Civ III (called a mangalore I think) by the greeks and the romans as their main seige weapons- the Balista was often used in naval defence or mounted on ships, because of its tremendous penetrating power. The Mangalore was more often used in traitional seiges becuase of its ability it use "Indirect attacks" lobbing everything from rocks and human heads to "greekfire oil" high over enemy walls, it relied not on puching power, but on lauching a huge volume of dangerous objects in to the air.

The Balista and Mangalore were also very portable and for that reason were still used during the middle ages even in competition with the Mighty treb- because the treb had to be assembled on site, and because its power depended on size the bigger Trebuchets (the english "war wolf" was the biggest :) ) could be a major building project.

I have been thinking about doing a trebuchet, It will go on the list with everything else.
Originally posted by Smoking mirror
The Mangalore was more often used in traitional seiges becuase of its ability it use "Indirect attacks" lobbing everything from rocks and human heads to "greekfire oil" high over enemy walls, it relied not on puching power, but on lauching a huge volume of dangerous objects in to the air.

Also diseased cows right?
Perhaps I have this set up wrong in the editor, but when I fire it to the south east, it turns and fires west. I copied the catapult using C3MT to set it up in the editor.

Can anyone enlighten me?
And NO, I do not have rotate to attack selected...
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