New unit...DC-10


Selous Scout
Mar 8, 2002
Well, I don't really know why I made this one. I don't need it or anything. I saw Civanator request a DC-3 and I thought I might have someone's 3d gif in my CTP junk files. I looked, but no DC-3...there was a pretty nice DC-10 though. I also found a few cool graphics that I collected for CTP (never did anything with them) and I thought the DC-10 would be good to practice on since I haven't played with the animation thing all that much.

What a pain the blue/red thing is with Civ3 animation! The plane had a red stripe running down the side but it vanished with alpha blend b/c red is apparently invisible in Civ3, being used for background and shadow. I just changed it to blue and now there's a civ specific stripe down the side. Some of the wing and fuselage have some very light blue parts which will in the game have a hint of civ specific color, but it doesn't look too bad. I removed the worst of it.

I guess there'll never be USN "Blue Angels" or a "Red Baron" unit. :confused:

I'm not sure how I'm going to use this unit. I haven't played enough games where air units were a factor. Maybe as a stealth recon unit? Maybe a zero attack/defense mobile air transport (so enemy ZOC doesn't work)? Maybe someone can find use for this unit in a mod or scenario. Someone recently requested a commercial type airplane for an advanced settler.

Here's the important part! The graphics are not mine. I found them on the web a long time ago. I resized them and changed the colors but someone else did the work. Who? I have no idea... Really important! The shadows are modified from shammy's B1-B Lancer. The explosion sequence is shammy's, I just did a little cut and paste. Thanks shammy! :goodjob:

Here's zip number one:
I can make .gif previews now but I don't know how to make the "alpha blend" version. :(

The default/run animation:


  • dc10run.gif
    12.4 KB · Views: 2,007
Originally posted by Wyrmshadow
Someone suggested using a terrorist cruise unit, costing population points. I don't know. I just depends on how poor your taste is.

Well, yes that would be in very poor taste and though I can't prevent anyone from using the unit in that manner, I...1) would hope that such a mod would not be posted here and 2) would realize that a person who would have such a unit probably already has it with a different graphic. Not that I'm passing judgement on them.

I'd hate to think that the unit would be used for that purpose. I also hate to think that someone would be offended by the unit. I can delete the death.flc if everyone thinks it necessary. Of course, the end user could just not use the death.flc. I really hoped this line of thought would not surface but there you go... :(
Can you target wonders with precision bombing? That just made me wonder about that.

I would make this a unit specifically built to move population from one city to another but the AI wouldn't use it right?
Someone suggested using a terrorist cruise unit, costing population points. I don't know. I just depends on how poor your taste is.

Don't think taste is really a relevant issue here - I mean if U think it is in good taste to include SS units and nuclear bombs in the game why not a "terrorist cruise unit"?
Instead of using subjective tastes to determine what type of mods that are prudent to be post here why not judge mods/uses of units on how well they reflect the real world or how interesting a gameplay they alow for?

Well, the good thing about this unit is that has a variety of possible uses ;) (unlike the SS which can be used... well- as SS)

:lol: to B honest, I have downloaded the DC-10 but have no idea what to do with it (or the SS, in fact *shameonme*)- perhaps use it as transport or airborne settler, or even spy plane... and parallel to any these have a no-civ colour flying bomb...

in any way- September 11th hath come again as I am typing these lines...
Originally posted by W.i.n.t.e.r
perhaps use it as transport or airborne settler, or even spy plane... and parallel to any these have a no-civ colour flying bomb...

These are good ideas. I'm gonna try using it as a non-nationality cruise missile (with no limit flight span if the option would work for once) so we can bomb countries in the game who are too strong or bullying smaller nations without having to declare war. Dark Sheer's terrorist unit does the same but I only gave it to 5 civs (I just couldn't give it to civs like America and Canada).
I was thinking about using it as a hidden nationality unit with no offense or defense value. I'd allow it to carry one or two foot units and it could carry my special forces or counterterrorist unit deep into enemy territory. If I ever get time to play the game that is...

(For those who don't know, a hidden nationality unit with no defense value is almost unkillable. :D )
Originally posted by dog
I was thinking about using it as a hidden nationality unit with no offense or defense value. I'd allow it to carry one or two foot units and it could carry my special forces or counterterrorist unit deep into enemy territory. If I ever get time to play the game that is...

(For those who don't know, a hidden nationality unit with no defense value is almost unkillable. :D )

Dog, this is a really good idea! The plane needs to have unlimited range to work though (otherwise just use airdrop function to 8 spaces). So I'm wondering, has anyone successfully made the unlimited range option work for them? I tested it at the beginning of the game trying to make the satellite work as a worldwide radar unit but it still only went 8 spaces. Hmmmm, maybe 'cause the area wasn't explored yet.

Also, about the no defense value idea, do you think its too unfair to give the terrorist unit 0 defense value? The AI kills it on sight which is not realistic (who's a terrorist - no one knows right?). Giving it invisibility is useless 'cause the AI knows where it is anyways. The only other way to make it work is to get a right of passage agreement with the AI to use his railroads and get the terrorist to the target on the same turn.
Originally posted by unscratchedfoot

These are good ideas. I'm gonna try using it as a non-nationality cruise missile (with no limit flight span if the option would work for once) so we can bomb countries in the game who are too strong or bullying smaller nations without having to declare war. Dark Sheer's terrorist unit does the same but I only gave it to 5 civs (I just couldn't give it to civs like America and Canada).

Believe it or not, I honestly didn't really think it out when I made this unit. I primarily made it because it looked easy and it would be good practice since I hadn't made a unit in a while. I'm a nut about guerilla/anti-guerilla warfare and counterrorism. So I thought about possible scenarios where the DC-10 might be shot down but stupidly I didn't think about Sept 11. I don't think it crossed my mind until I saw the death.flc preview I posted here. :o

I was very much effected by the events last year and am in no way callous to the tragedy that occured. I'm in no way judging anyone and I know this is just a game that, like all war games (let's face it, Civ games are war games), trivializes the horrors of war. And that's not a big deal. But, if I had more foresight (or common sense :D ) and thought it through I wouldn't have made this unit. Whatever, it's out there and what's it really matter how it's used as long as everyone can separate a game from real life and realize the seriousness and gravity of tragedies that occur out there in the real world every day?

I guess I just want everyone to know that I didn't make the unit to be a cruise missile and I kind of don't like that it's being used that way but I suppose it is just a game and we all have different perspective on what happened this time last year. I kind of treat the whole incident as "sacred territory" but I realize others don't and that's OK. It's a big world with lots of different sides to every story.
Originally posted by unscratchedfoot

Dog, this is a really good idea! The plane needs to have unlimited range to work though (otherwise just use airdrop function to 8 spaces). So I'm wondering, has anyone successfully made the unlimited range option work for them? I tested it at the beginning of the game trying to make the satellite work as a worldwide radar unit but it still only went 8 spaces. Hmmmm, maybe 'cause the area wasn't explored yet.

Back to our regularly scheduled programming... :)

I plan to just uncheck the immobile flag and give it whatever movement points I feel appropriate. I read somewhere that the unlimited range option is for bombardment only.

Originally posted by unscratchedfoot

Also, about the no defense value idea, do you think its too unfair to give the terrorist unit 0 defense value? The AI kills it on sight which is not realistic (who's a terrorist - no one knows right?). Giving it invisibility is useless 'cause the AI knows where it is anyways. The only other way to make it work is to get a right of passage agreement with the AI to use his railroads and get the terrorist to the target on the same turn.

Well, if you give the terrorist 0 defense value then you can't kill the damn thing! Oh wait...I get it. You've got the terrorist set to die when it attacks like a cruise missile. Hmmm....not a bad idea. I guess you'll just have to game play it and see how it works. In my experience the AI won't let the unit leave a city if it has no defense value. But I've never explored the cruise missile type terrorist option. Don't you wish (Firaxis listen...) that when you check two AI strategies for a unit that it didn't make one tank, for example, that acted like an offensive unit and another that acted like a defensive unit but instead that a single unit's strategy would change throughout the game? Then you could make a terrorist with 0 defense that the AI handled like an explorer and then out of the blue it would change and act like a cruise missile! That would be cool. :cool:

I like your idea and I think you should try it. I use 0 defense hidden nat units as spies. They're just too powerful otherwise. But now that I get your idea of giving it to units that can just attack once then die...well I may just have to experiment with that myself. ;) Another way for you as the human player to use hidden nat units like the terrorist is to stack them with units that don't have the hidden nat tag. Then you can move them in safety until your ready to use them. I've thought about stacking a hidden nat unit with an invisible unit and seeing if the two attributes combined so that you could sneak a hidden nat unit unseen into territory where you don't have a Right of Passage. Haven't got to try it out yet. Whew! This post is getting too long.

foot, I've been meaning to send you some links for some good spec ops/SF type books on Amazon but haven't gotten around to it.

Anyone know how to kill a 0 defense hidden nat unit?? There may be more than one way but I've only found the one. Anybody?? :confused:
"I do, however, wanna use your special forces airdrop platform idea. So could you please tell me if the unlimited range option works for you?"

What's this???????
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