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LEADERHEAD: Atahualpa of the Incas


The Worthless
Nov 27, 2001
Cape Cod
Here you will also find the Civilopedia, cities, great leaders, and links to UU's. I'll add the Civilopedias and stuff tomorrow. Now, it's bed time. HAVE FUN!


UU - Inti Warrior (replaces Medeival Infantry)
Cities and Great Leaders
Civilopedia entry - by CivGeneral
Bonuses - Industrious, Religious


  • previews.jpg
    39.5 KB · Views: 4,890
*GASP* 24.2mb, now!? Are you trying to kill me?! It my CFC job to download and then upload all the files in the Graphics Modpack section here. I'll be working for hours on these alone!!! :suicide:

Sigh. But it looks awesome, of course. :goodjob:
I can't download the file. Missing link. :confused:

Anyway the previews are great! :goodjob:

I don't know how can we thank you and Genghisfarb for these very good quality animations. Wonderful!
Originally posted by hagen
I can't download the file. Missing link. :confused:

I don't know how can we thank you and Genghisfarb for these very good quality animations. Wonderful!

I fixed the problem. I'll tell you how you can thank us... USE THEM! :lol:
Originally posted by sween32

I'll tell you how you can thank us... USE THEM! :lol:

Wow, thats easy! I can already see myself caught between the crossfire of the 500 year inter-continental war between Robert the Bruce and Atahualpa. Talk about rewriting history!

:goodjob: :smoke:
I bow to the king of all leaderheads, sween
and the emperor of leaderheads, ghengis
Originally posted by dannyevilcat
*GASP* 24.2mb, now!? Are you trying to kill me?! It my CFC job to download and then upload all the files in the Graphics Modpack section here. I'll be working for hours on these alone!!! :suicide:

hey man just let me handle those i just got AT&T broadband and i can download the files at 210 KB/sec!!! that avg.

also great job i just love the work you and the other people so far just you, Veera Anlai, and GhengisFarb as far as i know
I dunno, should be okay since it's so damn good and does CFC a credit just having them.
Thanks fellow File Manager. Can I convince you to upload Robert the Bruce too? :)
Does anyone have any suggestions for city names and great leaders for the Incas?
Incan Cities:

Machu Picchu
Chan Chan
Chavin de Huantar
Cerro Sechin
Huaca Prieta
Pampa de Paijan
Great sween! I suppose I can use it in my mod, giving you proper credit? I have a Civilopedia entry and cities and leaders ready. I'll pm them to you.
^The Incas are $LINK<expansionist and industrious=GCON_Strengths>.They start the game with
$LINK<Pottery=TECH_Pottery> and $LINK<Masonry=TECH_Masonry> and build
$LINK<Sun Warriors=PRTO_Sun_Warrior> instead of $LINK<Warrior=PRTO_Warrior>.
^ "Incas" is often used as a synonym for the long sequence of andine civilizations although there never has been a people
called "Incas". The roots of maize-cultivation in the andine region trace back to the middle of the 2nd millenium BC. The
"formative period" between 800BC and 200AD was a time of local states. They were mostly centered on holy places which
developped to political and economic centers. The earliest impressive cultural center was Chavín de Huantar in central Peru,
which can be seen as the craddle of Incan culture, religion and cosmology. The civilization of the "formative period" extended
in local varieties in the north to Colombia, in the south to the northern regions of Chile.
^ The time between 200AD and 1100AD is known as the "classical" period. The cultural and political landscape was divided
in three major regions: The Mochica in the north with the capital Chan-Chan, the central coast and in the south the Nasca with the
capital Cahuachi. Those states were organized as federations, not as centralized states, in almost every valley at least one urban
center, preferably around a holy place, developped and agricultural techniques were refined significantly. The Moche are well
known for their two monumental pyramids, called "Huaca del Sol" and "Huaca de la Luna". The Moche were probably ruled by a
priest-caste, their political organization, the building of roads, the communication through courier-runners (chasqui) were later
adopted and refined by the "Inca". The most illustrious bequest of the Nasca culture in the south, are the monumental stone carvings
of animals which can be seen only from air.
^ Between 600AD and 1200AD, Tihuanaco (south of Lake Titicaca) was certainly the dominant center of the whole andine region,
its cultural radiation influenced the whole cultural area of the Andes. The king of Tihuanaco was evidently identified with the Sun God
and had as much religious as political functions. He had obviously already the same status as later the "Sun Inca" of the Incan Empire.
^ In the area of the Mochica developed the empire of "Gran Chimú" with a long north-south extension.
^ Thus, the area was split into
separated areas of valleys and difficult to defend and it could only work as a federation. Its capital was the same as that of the Mochica,
^but Chan-Chan during the Chimú-period grew into a large administrative center.
^ The early Incan history is not exactly traceable until around the middle of the 15th century, the Inca Yahuar Huacac conquered
the valley of Cuzco and Viracocha defeated the Chanca people. After that, the Incans continuously expanded their influence on
other tribes. Viracocha and his son Pachacutec structured and organized the empire. Under their reign, the administration forced the
subjects to accept Quechua as a common language, built a network of streets, organized the central cult of the Sun God and the
administration kept detailed track of all their subjects. They furthermore established a system which on one hand side allowed the
controlled villages to keep their traditionally collective structures and economic organization while on the other hand it ensured that
the state was provided with the required resources. This collective organization of agriculture, the Ayllu-system, is the reason why
the Incan empire has often been called a working communistic system.
^ Pachacutecs successor Tupac Yupanqui conquered large areas, down to the south deep into modern Chile and north up until Quito in
Ecuador. At his death in 1493, Cuzco is a thriving metropolis with a huge imperial court and some 200000 inhabitants.
The vast extensions of the empire made it necessary to establish another administrative, royal center, which eventually was Quito.
Huayna Capac, maybe the most important Incan law-giver, had two courts. In both of them he had sons, who were very dear to him:
In Cuzco his older son Huascar and in Quito Atahualpa. Huayna Capac decided that his sons should divide the empire in two halves,
with Huascar becoming Inca.
^ His wish was an illusion and after only five years, war between the half-brothers was inevitable. In the conflict, Atahualpa was catched
by Huascar's general Yupanqui but he could flee before they reached Cuzco. He reorganized his army, killed Yupanqui in battle,
conquered Cuzco and imprisoned Huascar, who was killed soon later.
Only shortly after this victory a group of bearded men under the command of Francisco Pizarro arrived in the Incan empire, which was
still shaken by the civil wars. Incan resistance was poor and the Spanish had easy play after capturing and executing the head of
state Atahualpa.
Just uploaded fixed civilopedia pics for this leaderhead. Thanks to GIDustin for fixing them. :goodjob:
Sween, first let me say that I love your leaderheads.

However, when I used Atahualpa in my game, he did not show up in the F4 diplomacy screen. I installed all of the included files, I think. Any idea what I might be doing wrong? Any help is appreciated.
Originally posted by Mike23
Sween, first let me say that I love your leaderheads.

However, when I used Atahualpa in my game, he did not show up in the F4 diplomacy screen. I installed all of the included files, I think. Any idea what I might be doing wrong? Any help is appreciated.


When you add a civilization, you have to edit two files: Diplomacy and PediaIcons, both in the Text folder. I got my modified Diplomacy from another forum, and I edited the PediaIcons myself to include Robert the Bruce for Scotland and Atahualpa for the Incas. I've attached my PediaIcons file to this message. Get your Diplomacy file (for up to 31 civs) here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21622.

Just make sure in the Editor to put "RACE_SCOTTISH" in Scotland's Civilopedia Entry box and "RACE_INCAS" in the Incas'.


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Hi everyone, I have only just discovered this great site.... anyways, I installed the leaderheads and changed the text files but they don't appear in the games.... I still have the usual ones. What am I doing wrong ? Do I have to do a scenario or edit it some other way ? Your help is appreciated :)
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