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LEADERHEAD: Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii

Veera Anlai

Southern Belle
Aug 14, 2002
Ye Olde Florida
Queen Liliuokalani was the last monarch of Hawaii and would make a great leader for either a Hawaiian or Polynesian civilization. Everything here is era specific, animated, and has all the requisite PCX files. About two weeks of hard work!


Alternatively, you can visit my site for Civilopedia entries, information, and other new and updates :D
Veera's Civ3 Site

nice! although this falls short of a general Polynesian civ, it'll definitely add flavour to the game.

but the download link doesn't seem to be working...
:goodjob: can't wait for your next project!
Fixed the link problem; it should work now :)
When shes beaten her hair seems to be falling off. Very funny.:D
Actually, I couldn't; I don't have the necessary files to make a male leaderhead. I plan on getting them soon, but meanwhile, I'd like to do another female one before I delete all *those* files. If you want another Polynesian leader, maybe Queen Pomare the Fourth? ^_^
:goodjob: That is one of the coolest leaderheads I've seen. You did a really good job. I'd like to start making leaderheads and I wanted to know what program you used to create the leaderhead. Thanks.

P.S. I wish my internet access was faster and I could download it.
Originally posted by leon236
:goodjob: That is one of the coolest leaderheads I've seen. You did a really good job. I'd like to start making leaderheads and I wanted to know what program you used to create the leaderhead. Thanks.

P.S. I wish my internet access was faster and I could download it.

Hey most people use poser as theirs, thats what i think sween uses and Veera Anlai
Wow! Great job! I like the changing background effects, particularly Honolulu's waterfront. I'm gonna download it right now. Then I gotta find the tutorial on how to add a new civ.

I already replaced the ancient civs: Iroquois --> Canada, Aztecs --> Brazil, Greece --> South Africa, Persians --> Arabs, and Babylon --> Israel. Hawaii would be too cool to have. Thanks Veera!
the company name is curious lab and the poser 4 pro pack demo is this link http://www.curiouslabs.com/filemanager/download/20/WinProPackDemo.zip, this is like 13 MB so it is quite large and i just started using it and its kinda complicated but when you get it and run it you must click the face above the face on the left, to zoom click the 4-way hands under the face, then click the tuner under dolbyZ and scroll it to -0.900 then thats all i've figured out in about 20 min.s
The only way I was able to download this was to download the full TETurkhan "Test of Time Mod", which includes her. It's a monster, but the download will at least, eventually, conclude.
Originally posted by Clam I Am
I am also interested in this leaderhead (i'm making a new mod with Hawaii as a civ.) Where could I download it from that works?

hmm. yep, her site seems to be down and it's not on GIDustin's anymore either.... As ragnar mentioned, she's included in the TETurkhan mod (http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29279) but at 80+MB, that thing's a *beast* :)
Perhaps GIDustin has it archived somewhere or TETurkhan might have the package. If not, and I can figure out what all the files are, I'll extract it from his mod and post it at CFC.
It really would be great if there was another way of getting this leaderhead than downloading the whole TETurkhan Mod. I really want to have it in my own mod, but I simply can't download almost 90 mb via my modem...:(
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