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Informational Poll - City Spacing

How many spaces between cities is most appropriate?

  • 2-3

    Votes: 15 65.2%
  • 4-5

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • Abstain

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Dec 26, 2001
Fanatika - Where did everybody go?
This is an informational poll for the citizens to help the Domestic Department place cities.

In general, how many spaces between cities should we use early on? By early on, I mean the first several cities or so around the capital. (i.e. not at the end of the game, but now and in the near future).
If you are speaking of the first 5 or 6 cities we build, I say build them close to get our war machine up and running. Once we have a sizeable military, I prefer to space them out more, so that only a few tiles overlap for each city.
4-5? Wouldn't 5 imply leaving a one tile deep strip of wasteland between cities? Why on earth would anyone want to do that?!?

I voted 2-3, anyway. I'd like to see our first few cities build with two clear tiles between them and the capital, and then once the capital has been encircled by these cities, all new settlments built with no more than three clear tiles between them.
fairly tight. The Corrupt cities can be placed widely in good food areas, but tighter in low food areas (like deserts, etc...). Because they won't use all tiles anyway.(If that is even worth the settler..)

I voted "2-3".
Originally posted by Octavian X
I've always use a loose build in my games, and as such recommend them. In the long run, these cities will be larger and have higher production.
Yes that is in the long run, but that means after Hospitals. Before hospitals, a dense build is more effective, and has helped your nation build a good base. After hospitals, some cities might be good to disband in favor of bigger cities, but I almost never do this.

A dense build is much more effective, it's just for everyone to realize it.
Originally posted by Grey Fox
Yes that is in the long run, but that means after Hospitals. Before hospitals, a dense build is more effective, and has helped your nation build a good base. After hospitals, some cities might be good to disband in favor of bigger cities, but I almost never do this.

A dense build is much more effective, it's just for everyone to realize it.

Having a flash back to Demogame I? :D
We need every advantage we can squeeze in the beginning of the game. It is a looooooong way before hospitals. Figure optimal city placement based on using 12 tiles. Later cities can be set up planning on 20 tile usage but at the start we need efficiency more than anything else.
most of the game is played in the last 2 ages, and once you reach the industrial hospitals come pretty quickly. i am totally with octavian x on this one.

neutral leader is a good, responsible provincial governor
I voted for 4-5 spaces.

This allows for most cities to achieve their largest possible expansion after hospitals.

This reduces maintenance costs for city improvements.

This expands our cultural boundaries more quickly. (A more dense formation can be created later by packing cities in-between.)

Increased cultural boundaries means more land under our control, and more possible access to resources that pop-up.

More land, means more potential "park" space to declare off-limits for development (it that's important.)

That's my two-cents worth.
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