New Unit - Balloon


Jan 25, 2002
United States
Here is another new unit that I have completed
The Hot Air Balloon.

Balloons were used in the American Civil War to scout out troop movement.

EDIT JULY 15,2003: Vuldacon has adjusted the run and default flc files

Get the ZIP file here:

My one complaint, I hardly had enough time to anticipate this unit before you finished it! :D
Thanks for the ratings and compliments!

Originally posted by kemal69

My one complaint, I hardly had enough time to anticipate this unit before you finished it! :D

well, if you want, I could prolong the baron triplane even longer....:D
Originally posted by pesoloco
Thanks for the ratings and compliments!

well, if you want, I could prolong the baron triplane even longer....:D

Me and my big mouth... :lol:

Just to be clear, I have the utmost, highest, bestest levels of anticipation for the triplane already! ;)

And in the name of good fortune, I am prepared to forgoe anticipation on the balloon, and go straight to enjoyment!

*mental note to self, walk around room three times before clicking Submit Reply button*
I never understood all the fuss about drugs, who needs em?


So any thoughts on when to put this into a game, if not using it in a scenario, I was thinking of popping it somewhere around invention...
Originally posted by kemal69
I never understood all the fuss about drugs, who needs em?


So any thoughts on when to put this into a game, if not using it in a scenario, I was thinking of popping it somewhere around invention...

Invention sounds good or possibly Steam Power?
I can already see the triplane shooting down these pesky balloons.

By the time you get steam power, and rails, you're pretty close to being able to ship your armies anywhere instantly, I thought the baloons would be more useful a bit earlier. Just my thoughts.
Cool... I'm just wondering as I download this... Does it bob in the air as it sits there? or is it static... Yeah I'd think invention would be a perfect place to put it... I'm already using your blimp unit at steam engine... Great unit and might I just say excellent utilities you have there too :)
oops. there was a mistake in the readme.txt file regarding the units' stats. I re-used the readme file from the moving van unit but forgot to change the stats. my apologies. I have posted a new zip file with an updated readme file here:
Originally posted by Kinboat
Cool... I'm just wondering as I download this... Does it bob in the air as it sits there? or is it static... Yeah I'd think invention would be a perfect place to put it... I'm already using your blimp unit at steam engine... Great unit and might I just say excellent utilities you have there too :)

Thanks, Kinboat.
Yes, the balloon does bob up and down. when it moves, the fire ignites. And the death animation can be seen here:
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