The Ultimate ULTIMA X Scenario

Gen. Maximus

Sep 7, 2002
Lordaeron & Azeroth
hi Civers,

Present to you a scenario based on the popular CPRG game Ultima in the medieval realm of Britannia! Scenario is violently aggresive. Fight first to prevent from being overrun, fight again to reclaim what you have lost and finally fight once again to dominate once and for ALL! Game is designed for military strategist wanna-be... like me!:D


In the kingdom of Britannia, Lord British(LB) lost hold of his kingdom with breakway of the other seven city states now ruled by independent warlords who were once friends of Lord British(LB) himself. Play as LB under civilisation group Bards. Forces or cities still loyal to you are now isolated in hostile teritory and may not hold for long. With news of the arrival of the hero of Britannia, the Avatar, the rebelions states has begin marching towards Britain, the capital of Britannia for an pre-emptive strike. With the help of the mighty Avatar and his companion Iolo, reclaim your entire kingdom!

Excerpt from readme.txt:-

Savegame file difficulty is DEITY i.e. the correct way to play war strategy maps:) You should survive if you're not dumb;)
Advance cost has been increased x10 to maintain medieval era. Game is expected to end during mid-period of the second age. Win through bloodlust conquest method, domination victory insufficient (you suppose to reclaim your ENTIRE kingdom you know!)
LB of the Bards is scientifically most advance and have the highest culture. Government type is monarchy while all others are despotism. Maintain your cultural lead or else you gonna have problems of resistance.
Defend your Horse and Iron strategic resource, you only have one each. Of course they placed in a compromising position... to make you fight hard to hold it. Loose those, you can't built your specials and swordmen. Your highest offense and defense values will then be reduce from 3 to 2(suicidal..muahahaha!).

There are 9 'civilisations', eight races representing the eight virtues and the rogue pirates. Center of governance for each sides has the city named in block letters in the map.
The plains of the Britain city is theaten from the west and north. Forces from Skara Brae pose the most direct danger from west. Forces from Yew descend from Serpent Spine mountain range from north. Your outer towns/villages are lightly defended. Paws in the south is threaten from Trinsic forces from the south. Your 'second' capital Cove and surrounding villages the face the forces of Minoc in the east as well troops of Yew from north.
Your concentration of fighters are in LB Castle and Britain. You have to quickly fan out to defend your perimter towns. The challenge is how many towns can you hold. Retreat strategically and counter-attack accordingly. You may not want Cove to fall though as it has the Governer House (Forbidden Palace).
The cities of Empath Abbey, Lycaeum and Serpents Hold, each housing the flame of love, truth and courage respectively(in which the eigth virtues are derived) are still under LB control. The same goes for the Temple of the Codex. These strongholds are isolated and their survivability depends on you. There are isolated elite/special units loyal to LB scattered on the wild realms. Either regroup them or use them or harass behind enemy frontlines.

Playing at the 100+ turn now and has been superbly enjoyable, no bugs. This file(v1.29) is first and final version. Enjoy.


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Thumbnail of ULTIMA scenario map attached.


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Yep, waiting for PTW to be released to be able to create better scenarios, have two 'secret' great modern day scenario in mind. I'm not sure if I would create a PTW Ultima scenario, but it has been the theme i used most often. Have versions in Civ2, Test of Time, CTP2 and finally Civ3.
Tell me how the scenario went for you... :)
Cool, absolutely cool! When we have Ultima and Civ fanatics fused together, this is the outcome. Civ2 is much easier to customise, it gonna be tougher on Civ3. But whenever there's a will, there's a way. When you create the scenario make it hard so it's fun to play i.e. "ultra-Deity" style.
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