Council Vote to accept Neutral Leader as governor of Bohemia


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
This is a council vote to accept the appointment of Neutral Leader as governor of Bohemia. Please vote YES, NO, or ABSTAIN.

The vote will pass when a quorum of 4 yes, or 4 no votes are received.
Vote = No
i know im beginning to sound like a broken record, and im probably not technically supposed to post here either, but i want to ask for the support of the minsters. i know some of you may have your reservations about me because im new, but i am very dedicated and very enthusiastic about this position. after all, everyone here was new at some point, right? please, give me the chance to prove myself. H.E. Mr. Eklektikos, Minister of War for the Democratic Virtual Republic of Fanatika has already cast his vote against me. i understand his position, he and i have had our disagreements at other times and other places. but for the rest of you, let me show you what i have to offer to the people of this free nation, you shall not regret it.
After much debate the Foreign Ministry has decided to:

Ehecatl Atzin

the reason i have said no are two reason. We are too close to elections and my other points are here:
Section D – The Legislative Branch
1. The Domestic Leader is the governor of all cities that lack a provincial governor.
A. When a defined province grows to 3 cities during an election term, a provincial governor may be appointed.

Technically speaking we shouldnt even HAVE a province according to the laws. So therefore until elections i shall govern the province until the !st of the month
we will have a third city very soon, thereby meeting the requirements stated in section d. and although the poll never reached quorum, i did in fact receive a majority of votes to be lt. governor to aj. which would seem to indicate that a majority of people wished me to take over in his abscence.
NL this isnt the place to debate this. i was merely stateing why i said no
The Science Department Votes:


Multi-conflicting reasons has lead to the desicion.
The trade departement votes


as fionn said he should have control and with elections coming up soon anyway i dont see the point in someone else being there but i would gladly nominate nutral leader for that position in the election
2 NO

Even with another vote, Neutral Leader would not get the posistion. But, due to the laws in the constitution, I have to appoint another governor (atleast when we get 3 cities).
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