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Map Preview: The Latest Version of my 180x180 Map


Nov 6, 2001
Washington DC
Here is the latest version of my map. It has undergone a major overhaul in various regions. Most notably the West Coast of North America, but also the British Isles and parts of Europe, and several other areas.

Please take a look at it and tell me if there are any areas that jump out at you as comletely inaccurate. I want to get them ironed out before I start placing resources.

This map is 180x180. I am thinking about doing some smaller versions of the map after this one is finished. What sizes do people want to see? I am thinking 150x150 and 120x120 might be worth doing. What do you think?

Mmmm... looks good. I can offer criticism one the only region I know: the Mediterranean. Make Crete smaler! Right now it is proportionally the size of southern Greece, which defintely is not the case. I 'd reccomend eliminating the SWerly tile, making it a two-tile island.

Also, as for sizes, a good 100x100 world map would be nice. I've never been able to play on a world map :(.

I would think that a 120x120 map would be great. I usually play on a slightly modded version of zeb fishers 100x100 earth map, which I think is excellent. I have really decided not to play on anything much larger than that because I don't like having bombers not be able to reach from england to germany and so fourth. Zebs map seems to be just the right size for me. So a 120x120 might be cool too.
Your screenshots bring back painful memories.

I dont know what I would do without Sn00pies terrain.

Your map looks good. I will have my official "map analyzer" look at it. If your world map is better than the one I am using for my personal mod, there will be a switch.

(BTW, shouldnt you be working on DyP v1.0????)


I will make the change to Crete, I have already made a slight change to the connection between Europe and Asia Minor. I removed the SW plains tile that connects to the hill tile so there is only one land connection at Istanbul.


I am always working on DyP. But sometimes I need to work on other things. :) And besides, this map is for DyP.

OK, I figured there would be some demand for a smaller version. I will work on that after I put the resources on this thing.

Fist I will do a 120x120. 100x100 might be just too frustrating for me. Not enough detail. :(
I think Ireland should be disconnected from England, or at the very least not connected twice!!!
maybe the whole UK could be tweaked a bit? tilt it a bit more westerly? and reshape Ireland?
In this last version I would suggest to be "strict" when judging from Atlas terrain of civs with many lands (China, Iroquois, Zulu) and "permissive" when judging terrain of civ with few lands (like Europeans). For example, if you are too strict with Spain with desert and mountains it will never become powerful, while China wins the game having 20 cities on China, Mongolia, Siberia,...
He hasn't placed any desert in Spain and it looks to me like he has removed a bunch of mountains from the Alps and also reduced the number of hills in Europe over all. Besides, nobody said that civ placement should be "fair", it wasn't in RL, some people started out in more hospitable terrain, thats just how it works. If you are playing on an Earth Map, don't you want it to be as realistic as possible? I agree that there has to be a certain amount of consideration given to playability, but I think a creator has to be careful that they do not take too much artistic license. Part of your decision in deciding which civ to play has to involve their geographic location. (Probably one reason a lot of people don't like playing on Earth Maps.)

The wonderful thing is, that once the creator has released his or her creation to the public, we are free to modify it to our hearts content, as long as we give credit to the original designer, of course. :D

So, Rhye, if you don't like Kal-el's rendition, but can't find any better versions out there (and I am pretty sure his is the best, at least its the best I have seen) download his map when he releases it and go in and adjust the areas that you don't like. If you have your heart set on playing Spain, but don't like the fact that the Pyrenees Mountains are in the Iberian Peninsula, you can edit them right out of there. Its pretty simple. There are several modified versions of Marla's Map floating around because people didn't like certain aspects of her map but didn't want to take the time to design their own maps from scratch. I know I will probably edit my own version of Kal-el's map to adjust the UK, unless Kal-el fixes it first ;) and saves me the time.

Also remember after PtW China will now have to contend with Korea and Mongolia. The Iroquois will most likely be way behind in the tech race because they only have 2 other civs to trade techs with. The Zulu start out in South Africa, and it looks like he has added in a bit more desert, mountains and jungle between them and the Egyptians to help restrain them. Also remember, Carthage has been added to North West Africa and Arabia to the Arabian Peninsula. There is also room for seven more civs to be added to PtW and from what I am seeing on these boards there are at least two potential candidates for Africa, the Mali/Songhay in the Western SubSaharan region and the Abyssinian/Ethiopian in Eastern Africa. If you add either one of those or both to your game all of a sudden Africa is packed with civs.

Anyway, I can't wait for this map to be released. :)
Originally posted by Nder
He hasn't placed any desert in Spain

Sorry, I saw desert instead of plains

and it looks to me like he has removed a bunch of mountains from the Alps and also reduced the number of hills in Europe over all.

In fact it was I who suggested to reduce hills from europe from 1.3

So, Rhye, if you don't like Kal-el's rendition, but can't find any better versions out there (and I am pretty sure his is the best, at least its the best I have seen) download his map when he releases it and go in and adjust the areas that you don't like.

Who are you to say that? I think that this map is the best, but that doesn't mean that it is perfect and that I can't do any suggestion.
In fact I'm going to post other things

If you have your heart set on playing Spain, but don't like the fact that the Pyrenees Mountains are in the Iberian Peninsula, you can edit them right out of there. Its pretty simple.

I wasn't referring to Pyrenees which obviously must be there, but I think that some of the mountains in northern and north-western corner could be BOTH hills or mountais. And if in China, I would say mountais, but in Spain I would say hills, for gameplay reasons.

Anyway, I can't wait for this map to be released. :)

I, too :)
But I can assure my suggestions are right, because I've played 2 entire games with Kitten's World (based on Marla Singer's map) and I checked that with little adjustments the game could be less unbalanced.
Europe improvement part 1 - Spain and Italy

I've redraw something - I think they now look more realistic.
Soon I'll try to do the same with other European regions.
It would be useful if Nder did the same with UK

If you want, just copy from this screenshot:


  • kal-el_spaita.jpg
    126 KB · Views: 262
Originally posted by Rhye
In fact it was I who suggested to reduce hills from europe from 1.3
What are you tlaking about? I just went through the three threads about the earlier version of this map and the first time you posted was here unless I missed something.
Who are you to say that? I think that this map is the best, but that doesn't mean that it is perfect and that I can't do any suggestion.
In fact I'm going to post other things
:lol:I didn't say it was perfect. In fact I have made suggestions myself. But I am also content to makethe adjustments myself if he does not.
I wasn't referring to Pyrenees which obviously must be there, but I think that some of the mountains in northern and north-western corner could be BOTH hills or mountais. And if in China, I would say mountais, but in Spain I would say hills, for gameplay reasons.
Ok, well it looks like you removed some of the Pyrenees.
Like I said it looks like you removed some of the Pyrenees.


  • pyrenees.jpg
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