Screenshot of the Day #51: Brave Ruler


Oct 25, 2000
In the regicide mode, the king unit is a good scout unit because it can move two squares a turn and can disperse barbarian camps. Interestingly, it also follows the same promotion path as other units. In this game, my leader unit Mao first got promoted to veteran then to elite by attacking barbarians!

I made a little test scenario using the editor and found that it IS possible for king units to generate great leaders. This is funny because unlike other units, king unit represents a single individual. It's weird to see Lincoln "produce" Washington.
It's fair enough that your King (or Queen!) should play an active role in the early stages of your civilization -- it gives your people a reason to want to remain under his or her leadership. I like that!

Personally, even with the individual units I never think of them as being actual individuals -- they're more like representations of a team of people. One worker equals a team of workers, one Cavalry unit equals a small hoarde of Cavalry units.. etc

So maybe the Monarch unit (why didn't they just call it that) could be seen to equal not only the Monarch but also his entourage. So it may be in the case above that Washington's previous job was scrubbing Lincoln's boots! ;)

BTW is it just me (probably!) but is anyone else annoyed there isn't also a Prince unit -- and a capture the Prince condition too? I think that'll be the first thing I do mod-wise -- change the Princess unit to a Prince! I don't want to capture any girlies -- eww! ;)
I'm pretty sure (ie 99.999%) Snoopy's latest graphics sets are one of those included in PTW. But unfortunately I as yet don't have PTW.

*looks despairingly at his pre-order at*
The entourage explanation works well, but if one looks at things from a slightly different viewpoint the leader's combat stats can reflect troops assigned as bodyguards. The Praetorian Guard of Imperial Rome would be one such example.
It must be cool to have created a mod like that and have it featured, and shipping, with the game! Imagine everybody thats gonna get the chance to play it! Millions! Bet theyre gonna be reading every review they can get their hands on to see if they comment on the new terrain sets ;)
Originally posted by JKMMustang
The entourage explanation works well, but if one looks at things from a slightly different viewpoint the leader's combat stats can reflect troops assigned as bodyguards. The Praetorian Guard of Imperial Rome would be one such example.

The Praetorian Guard would make for an interesting mod of your Monarch-unit. It'd have the same stats as a legion (3/3/1), but cost 5 times the normal amount to maintain, and every once in a while it would murder your Monarch and replace him with one of its own choosing. :)
Just remember that if you have King units, then Regicide and/or Mass Regicide is an active Victory Condition; if Regicide is active, then losing just ONE King unit will result in your defeat. If you are playing SP, it doesn't appear to be as big an issue as it would in MP. In MP, Kings would become targets, even early on.

In SP, I use them for Scouting myself, but in MP, I would follow the AI's route, heavily guarded.

Also, in SP, I have played a number of games using Kings, and what I have noticed is that may times the AI rarely builds too many cities; the same is true in Elimination and Capture the Princess games as well. It appears to be designed mainly for MP purposes.
I think for multiplayer if you are playing regicide, it would be best to use the aztecs, because while the rest of the civs have an urge to use their kings as scouts, you wont need to because of your Jaguar Warriors
Originally posted by Sakura
I think for multiplayer if you are playing regicide, it would be best to use the aztecs, because while the rest of the civs have an urge to use their kings as scouts, you wont need to because of your Jaguar Warriors

This presents an interesting new consideration: is the risk of using your king to scout outweighed by the possible benefits? I think, for example, that it would be too dangerous to explore huts because of the risk of getting killed by barbarians. I'm not sure, though: maybe you can explore on your first movement point, so that you can always use the second one to flee to better defensive terrain if barbs appear.
I've been playing Regicide all day, and, out of about 10 regicide games in the past two days (I've been quitting alot just to try new things) I've had my king whacked three times in the early game while using him as an offensive weapon, scout, patrol unit or makeshift defender.

Nevertheless, the sight of Bismark out in an empty plain facing down warriors as my reinforcements charge to relieve him is so inspiring, I think CFC should make it a distinctive ethic of its MP-playing members that - unlike those Apolyton cissies - OUR kings will lead troops into battle like the hombres we are.

Did that with Moctezuma this afternoon. Very inspirational to see him there at the front. :goodjob:

Originally posted by Richard III
I've been playing Regicide all day, and, out of about 10 regicide games in the past two days (I've been quitting alot just to try new things) I've had my king whacked three times in the early game while using him as an offensive weapon, scout, patrol unit or makeshift defender.

Nevertheless, the sight of Bismark out in an empty plain facing down warriors as my reinforcements charge to relieve him is so inspiring, I think CFC should make it a distinctive ethic of its MP-playing members that - unlike those Apolyton cissies - OUR kings will lead troops into battle like the hombres we are.

Did that with Moctezuma this afternoon. Very inspirational to see him there at the front. :goodjob:


Aye, most certainly we must lead our troops into battle!

Of course, I'll have to wait for a week before I get to do that :mischief:.
First, the Praetorian Guard was an elite unit, so it was stronger than the regular legions...
Second, I do prefer capturing beautiful princess than princes... I really prefer the gals, allright???
Originally posted by Richard III
OUR kings will lead troops into battle like the hombres we are.

Did that with Moctezuma this afternoon. Very inspirational to see him there at the front. :goodjob:
Interesting idea. I wish they include troop morale in Civ3. That would be fun! :D

There is already the radar tower that gives all your nearby units a defense bonus. Maybe they can make the king unit a mobile "radar unit" to give troops he leads a defense bonus... :king:
That's a good idea, Thunderfall.

I think the whole idea of the King (or Queen!) leading the armies is great. Sure it's risky, but that's what war is all about. And hey, if you aren't prepared to go to the front line with your troops, then perhaps you're in the wrong job! :D

But we all have different styles of play -- not everyone is going to want to risk ending the game through one risky assault. It's great that so many of these new things are optional, and even if they aren't, we've got the editor to change it to pretty much whatever we desire.
Defense bonus, the king should give an attack bonus!!!
Originally posted by Frimlin

BTW is it just me (probably!) but is anyone else annoyed there isn't also a Prince unit -- and a capture the Prince condition too? I think that'll be the first thing I do mod-wise -- change the Princess unit to a Prince! I don't want to capture any girlies -- eww! ;)

cool! can you make it available for download before i get my copy of ptw [nov7-14 amazon] ? i want more units... you must hurry and prepare the prince unit [not the artist formerly known as either!] i like more units!
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