Screenshot of the Day #55: Pathfinding


Oct 25, 2000
Here is one showing the crazy routing my catapult would have to traverse just to move it two squares over onto a mountain (with a road). I got the catapult out of Ceasaraugusta over that mountain on the road, but it can't go back the same way because there isn't a road from the mountain to the squares north of it. If I sent it on this 22 turn journey through the Carthaginian's land, I wonder if I would ever see it again.

Thanks to Marzipan for the screenshot.
:lol: Thats hilarious. I imagine Carthage would probably start a war over that wandering catupult? Then at least he could be put to some use...;)

Those are the advanced unit action buttons, or something like that. The two you see there are Rename and Go To City.
Originally posted by werdhertz
Whaaaat?? Where do i turn those on?? Ive never seen them ebfore.

I think what he means is that the very top two are goto city and rename. Im guessing that youre talking about the two bombard buttons. One of them is auto-bombard.
I had a case like that once. My unit coundn't go directly from a mountain to a hill in less than 2 moves directly since both didn't have roads. It could though use 1 MP to go to a grassland then 2/3 along a road to the hill. It had to go back to go forward.
:lol: that's a nice one! Poor bastards, by the time they get there they'll be handed one of these strange cannon things ;)
I once had a catapuld land from the sea to a jungle tile, surrounded by jungle tiles. As the ship never had time to return and get the cata back on board it remained there for ages until some workers cleared the neigbouring jungle and the cata went to the closes town to be upgraded as an artillery.
Originally posted by werdhertz

Whaaaat?? Where do i turn those on?? Ive never seen them ebfore.
It's in the game preferences. I first noticed them in the PtW expansion; don't know whether they were included before as well...
Originally posted by NetDanzr

It's in the game preferences. I first noticed them in the PtW expansion; don't know whether they were included before as well...

They are new to PtW - I just got the expansion last night, and in the manual it said these buttons were one of the new options in the prefs screen.

This screenshot is instructive - I didn't know that in order to move your catapults onto a roaded mountain, you need to be on a road that connects up to the mountain road. It makes sense though!
Could someone PLEASE FIX the pathfinding algorythm?!?!?!?!

There is an easy 6 turn method around the south end of the mountains.

Ever since this was introduced in SMAC, pathfinding has really sucked. The only thing that was fixed so far is that instead of going 4 steps up and 3 steps over, the pathfinder (usually) makes the unit go 5 steps diagonally, saving time. The pathfinder still doesn't want to take a unit directly into dark areas, going AROUND them instead (unless the unit is on auto explore), and still likes to go at right angles at times rather than cutting across the "hypotenus" (sp?) of the right angle path. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Originally posted by Hellfire
Could someone PLEASE FIX the pathfinding algorythm?!?!?!?!

There is an easy 6 turn method around the south end of the mountains.

I don't see it; can you be more specific?

I don't think the pathfinding is all that bad. It's true that it won't go through dark areas, and I am a little confused as to when it will cut through another civ's territory and when it won't. But, I don't have very many problems with it, all in all. Remember in CivII how poorly the GoTo feature worked? CivIII's pathfinder is an improvement.
Originally posted by Hellfire
Could someone PLEASE FIX the pathfinding algorythm?!?!?!?!

There is an easy 6 turn method around the south end of the mountains.

No, thats the fastest way, at least as far as I can tell. The moutains go all the way to the ocean, and there are no cities or roads going across any of them. The pathfinding is fine, they just have to fix it in the case of going through enemy territory.

The only problem I have with the pathfinding feature is that it will always chose to take the off road route even if all the off and on road routes require the same number of turns and/or movements points. Staying on the road offers faster movement options if you change your destination next turn, which I often do.
I think the reason it is going through enemy territory is because it has no other choice. This is the only viable route to that square. Good thing your rival built road through the jungle and mountains or you'd never get your catapult back. Maybe it'd be faster if you kept the catapult where it is and connected that square to a road with a worker. I once moved my catapult into an "unroaded" hill square surrounded by mountains with roads and I was never able to move that catapult until I got a worker up there.:cry:
Why not build yr roads in a spiral? that would drive the catapult nuts ;)
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