Long Term City Placement - Term 3


Apr 24, 2002
London, UK
I have drawn up a plan for city placement in our current area of the world. This plan offers maximum coverage of our territory, with only one or two mountain tiles on the edge of our perceived territory out of reach of our cities. I have deliberately excluded the lands closer to America from this map, since I do not believe that it is in our interests to hem them in just yet as that might provoke aggression on their part, and I also think we should allow them to settle that area for us. ;)

I have also left the northern tundra zone with gaps. This is because I am not certain just how tight a build the citizenry wish to see in that region. I personally believe that we should pack cities in that area as close as we possibly can, but some may wish to see slightly more spacing. This is an issue I also wish to address in this thread, so please post your thoughts.

Finally, I have not included a site for the dyes area since it a) was impossible for me to fit on the map, and b) appears to have been given overwhelming support in a previous discussion thread. Exact placement of that city will be discussed elsewhere.

Please post your comments and suggestions regarding this proposal. Thankyou. :goodjob:
Thanks, I knew I forgot to mention something in my blurb... :o
I liek site B or C(only if C ismoved to coast)
I think if I were to place the next ten cities using the Settlers we have now and with Kuhkaff/Valhalla in the west producing Settlers and another city in the SE producing some as well, I would count the dye city as #1. Then B, A, C, L, F, R, M, D, S.

I probably would have moved one or two locations by one or two tiles, but these are fine. They will work.
I've completed the citymaps of the Japanese cities. They show the maximum tile acquasition for each city. The general rule of thumb is:

Assume a base of '2'.
Each new growth gives 2 food.
Plains, hills, and Tundra waste 1 food.
2 of the above mentioned terrain uses up the "growth surplus".
Factor in the irragated and railroaded terrain. (2 for mountains, and one for hills, tundra and plains).

Most terrain will need to be irragated (some can be mined, but you will be able to tell as the city grows). Be sure to keep this (should we capture all of these cities) as a micromanagement guideline. Also, there's 2 cities that I'm suggesting (maximizing production), and various possible city sites (the gray dot). The x's are 'wasted' tiles.

An excellent plan, Eklektikos. After looking at that map, I felel our priorty should be that fertile interior between Kukhaff and Falc's Nest, specifically J, H, E, and F (not in that order).
City 'D' is only going to get 5 mountains in its' current location. If you move 'D' 1 tile west (note the gray city area that's in my map), you get 9 mountains. There's more than enough grasslands to support to. (9 grasslands needed for 9 mountains after rail). That's more production in the long run.
Looks Good Eklektikos :goodjob:. Though I would recomend moving site C closer to denver so that we can start an all out Culture war in that aera and Culture flip Denver :D.
:eek: Wow... That map looks like sin to me, since I *always* use a loose build. Overlapping squares?! Blasphemy!

But anyways, I think it just might work ;)
I think we REALLY need to build a city in that mountain region north of New PDX ASAP. There's a warrior/settler pair approaching (not to mention we should try and stall it...). We definately need more settler/spear production.
Yep, CT, yer right. But we definately need a lot of things right now, and we can't afford to lose our Military superiority at this point. "L" is pretty close to the top of my list, but I don't see us concentrating on Settlers right now, as we need Military units.
I've revised the city layout plan, taking into account CT's excellent suggestion and the latest developments in the game. I've also filled in the gaps in the NW tundra region. This one's really going to shock Veera :D

Great job Ek!

I am sincerely concerned with our current situation. We have what appears to be an American settler team just east of Strider's Haven heading for somewhere behind our borders to be sure. If we do not fill in the gaps quickly, we are going to find ourselves with another filthy American city behind our eastern border.

To complicate this matter, we do not appear to have a single settler in production anywhere at this time. We also should consider appealing to the military department to run a few spearmen into the path of those American troops in hopes of delaying them until we can fill in those border gaps with cities of our own.
Great job Ekletikos :goodjob:.

Heh, now we will not have thoes unforgitable Great Settler Debates in the T/C :D.
No... now we'll just have some more letters to throw out during those Great Settler Debates...

"We should build at location 'R'!"
"No, we should build N, NW of 'R'!"
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