Screenshot of the Day #76: What's a Map?


Oct 25, 2000
Playing a short game as the Iroquois when the Americans make this brilliant offer. "Hey, wanna trade maps? Uugh, what's a map again?"

Now that's weird! I thought Map Making is a prerequisite for map trading... :confused: Thanks to Zeplin for the screenshot.
Well, only one of you needs Map Making.

Ironies like these (Map Making, Astronomy, Navigation, Magnetism), always makes me laugh.
Originally posted by Sakura
The fact that only one of you needs the tech makes perfect sense to me.

Well, I would agree with you on the trading over water techs. In that case whoever had the tech would use their boats. But with map making, how could the Americans have a map to offer if they have yet to learn how to make one. Let the other people make one for them?

What I want to know is if it is possible for the player then to offer a counter-proposal, and remove mapmaking from the table and still successfully trade maps? How would the Americans read it? :crazyeye:
Well, this is pretty weird. How can the Americans show you their world map if they can't make it? If you have map making, I suppose you go over to the Americans and make their map, so you can let them show it to you.
Yeah, they tell you of their lands, you make the map out of it with your knowledge. They're just hoping you'll teach them how in the process. :)
The entire problem is the "discovering" some of the ancient techs. Think of it - how many years does one need to discover that WHEELS can be used to make chariots once you see another civs strutting their chariots around? Same goes for map-making, currency, warrior-code, and horse-riding. It's also kind of weird to "discover" the alphabet when it can simply be adopted from another civ. Most of these techs can be easily transmitted once trade or some form of diplomatic contact is established.

:rolleyes: They should just make the tech cheaper with every civ that you come across that has it, with the effect slowly phased out (or severely limited) as you reach the Industrial or Modern eras.
Originally posted by Frimlin
Yeah, they tell you of their lands, you make the map out of it with your knowledge. They're just hoping you'll teach them how in the process. :)
Yeah (That's the ticket!).
Originally posted by Reboot

:rolleyes: They should just make the tech cheaper with every civ that you come across that has it, with the effect slowly phased out (or severely limited) as you reach the Industrial or Modern eras.

I think that the techs DO get cheaper as more civs have it. In one game, i wanted monotheism from the french. They wanted 600 gold and my world map in return. I declined, being the cheap person i am... several turns later, i contacted them once again, seeing that now they only want about a hundred gold for it. It also seems to get easier to research the tech as more civs get it.
Erm. By cheaper I mean cheaper to research - i.e. cost less beakers. The price of tech (in gold) does get cheaper over time, and I think AI Civs don't like to pay anything for techs that they are researching and near completion on their side...
Techs get cheaper as more civs get them. Yes.

Both to research and buy.

Try the tech calc...
I had this happen once. I scratched my head for a second, shrugged, and went on with my game.
Originally posted by CrackedCrystal

What I want to know is if it is possible for the player then to offer a counter-proposal, and remove mapmaking from the table and still successfully trade maps? How would the Americans read it? :crazyeye:

I'm having a vision of Abe Lincoln squinting at the map while holding it upside down...
I think discovering a tech in Civ is more like mastering that technology. The Americans are somewhat familiar with Map Making, but haven't yet mastered it.
ok since he asked you for map making and world map, that means you have map making.

have you ever tried to trade maps with AI when they have map making, and you don't?
I've had it happen many times for as long as I can remember. I'm pretty sure I've traded maps without giving them my map making tech, too.
I also think that once one civ has gotten the tech that lets the little boats end on sea squares, everyone has that capability.
Originally posted by RufRydyr
I also think that once one civ has gotten the tech that lets the little boats end on sea squares, everyone has that capability.

I think you are thinking of the Great Lighthouse Wonder, not a tech. (Unless you ment trade over sea squares which is Astronomy)

I thought it was only for the civ that built it? If I am wrong in that, I need to stop my mad research rush for it on Island maps.
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