New Unit: South African Rooikat


Dec 17, 2001
Toledo, Ohio
EDIT: Well, I originally posted this unit with my amateur .flcs, and things were just not looking good. All the animations ran way too fast. However, as you will read later in the thread, Skullbones came along and saved the day. I am most appreciative for his work! :D Everyone, thank Skullbones.

This is a mechanized infantry flavor unit, which I made for use with Zululand. Enjoy it now that Skullbones has rescued it. :D

Download. Skullbones's improved animations.

It looks good! I guess I'll find out how slow it runs in game, but I must ask a question.... HOW DO YOU MAKE THESE SO FAST?!?!

:crazyeye: hehe... I think you've finished two while I'm still working on my one.
Originally posted by Skullbones
It looks good! I guess I'll find out how slow it runs in game, but I must ask a question.... HOW DO YOU MAKE THESE SO FAST?!?!

:crazyeye: hehe... I think you've finished two while I'm still working on my one.

Well, you aren't going to find out how slow it runs. You'll find out how fast it runs! ;) Well, it runs super fast for on my computer anyway. Maybe it's just an isolated problem, but I doubt it.

How do I make these so fast? I don't know, I just do. I made the model in Rhinoceros in a couple of hours. The next day I created all the animations in Rhino--another couple of hours. These animations took longer than normal because I had problems creating the death.flc's animation. After that I just cut-and-paste the animations into the storyboard--I think Neomega posted my technique in his tutorial on using Rhinoceros. The cutting-and-pasting goes by pretty quickly, except for drawing in the fireballs for the attack and death animations. That takes a little bit of time. I would have posted the unit New Year's Eve, but I've been trying unsuccessfully to solve the game speed issue. :(

Oh, thanks for sharing how you create your camo. I used that technique on this unit. It wasn't as difficult as I thought because the surface splitting only split my "chassis group" into two seperate groups--not a thousand as I thought it might. :D Same for the "turret group."
Animation fix

Here ya go. I think this makes it much better. I changed the amount of frames that some of the flics had and then adjusted the speed in the exporting window in Flicster.

:rolleyes: I should be working on my own animations! :D
Originally posted by Skullbones
Here ya go. I think this makes it much better. I changed the amount of frames that some of the flics had and then adjusted the speed in the exporting window in Flicster.

Wow! Those are exponentially better. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm going to change my first post now, giving you full credit for saving the day. Thanks again. :D
I'm glad you got the speed fixed:) and the death ani is bad *ss! I cant wait to play with it!
I'm going to have to start a new game now:rolleyes:
Or fixing JimmyH's units such as the Long Swordsman and Cataphract?

Also the Stuka (by some other person)...far too big.

Would be useful to have someone doing that, but not me ;)
Great Looking Unit! Keep cranking 'em out if you can! :)

By the way, is anyone making, or thinking of making, a BMP-1, BMP-2, or BMP-3? Just curious, would be great to have a Russian/Eastern Bloc Personnel Carrier.
Yeah, I like this unit very much. one question - do I have to dl both zips (I mean yours and the one from Skullbones)?

Wouldn´t it be better to put it all in one zip? However, just a suggestion...;)

And I support the petition for a BMP 1/2/3 :)
Hey, thanks for the compliments everyone. Sorry, but I'm not going to combine the two .zip files. Both will need to be downloaded. :(

Farscape, thanks for the informational link. I had originally discovered the Rooikat here. I'm going to look more closely at the site you recommended--it looks like a nice site--to see if I can find some units to make.

I might make the BMP3. I'm not sure yet. There are so many Russian units already though. Can anyone give me a link with pictures showing all angles of the BMP3--just in case?
Cooooool unit...phew...there are so many units floating around i dont know what to do with them all...if only i had the time for them all...and the space on my hard disk too:lol:
I use the Rooikat in as an "Armored Cavalry" as an upgrade to the "Armored Scout" (WWI-Combustion) which is an upgrade for Cavalry. It makes for a great Cavalry upgrade path without having Cavalry turn into too powerful a unit.

I love the unit. However, in game, I didn't like the muzzle flash. It looks a bit cartoonish. So, I decided to replace the muzzle flash with the one from the Civ3 Mech Inf. Hope you don't mind, UtahJazz.

Here's my little mod.

EDIT: Sorry the gif's playing a little fast. It's not like that in-game.

Here's the attack flic:
Originally posted by Colonel Kraken
I use the Rooikat in as an "Armored Cavalry" as an upgrade to the "Armored Scout" (WWI-Combustion) which is an upgrade for Cavalry. It makes for a great Cavalry upgrade path without having Cavalry turn into too powerful a unit.

I love the unit. However, in game, I didn't like the muzzle flash. It looks a bit cartoonish. So, I decided to replace the muzzle flash with the one from the Civ3 Mech Inf. Hope you don't mind, UtahJazz.

Here's my little mod.

What! Why, this is an outrage! Never would I have . . . No, actually, I don't mind at all.
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