SCENARIO: "Roman Conflict" Vol.I AD376-382


I speak Canadianese
Apr 15, 2002
Roman Conflict Vol.I
AD 376 - 382

This is a scenario i took awhile on that re-enacts the Gothic War of AD 376-382. The following is a little bit of back history about this space in time.

"The Huns have been driven away from China, and are being pursued by rival tribes. They travel for a hundred years until they find themselves in a strange new land filled with Goths, Persians, and Romans. The Visigoths have stretched their kingdom from the shores of the Baltic to the coast of the Euxine, until the Huns descend upon them, causing them to hurry from settlement to settlement and eventually ask the Eastern Emporer Valens for protection. Thousands of barbarians enter the Empire."

Play as The East Roman Empire, The West Roman Empire, The South Roman Empire, The Western Persians, The Goths, The Alemanni, or The Huns.

Want to be a tyrant and usurp your fellow Roman emporers? Conquer the Goths once and for all? Conquer the Scots and Picts that have foiled every emporer that has had plans to capture them? Be Persia and under Sapor II wage war against the Eastern Empire once again? become the Huns and wipe out the Goths as they are forced to run and flee?

The following are the rules that have changed. Everything has been changed to reflect the time the scenario takes place.

- Desert travel has a two move penalty.
- The temple is now renamed 'Church' to reflect the
comming of Theodosius the Great and his end of
Paganism. Stats remain the same.

- Reduced road movement to 2 from 3.
- Golden Age duration extended to 24 turns from the
regular 20. Each turn represents a week and a real
civilizations Golden Age can last quite some time, but
for gameplay purposes i could not extend it too long.
24 turns = 6 months.

- Changed border factor to 20. This means the rate of
cultural expansion will be slower Usually it is every 10,
100, 1000, etc turns. Now it will be 20, 200, 2000, etc

- Lowered corruption, as the size of the roman empire
may cause trouble with some cities. Now 50%.

- Disabled the ability for Persia and Rome to construct

- Lowered 'Barbarian Attack Bonus' too 0 (Diety level).
This will make them much harder to defeat as you will
get no attack bonuses against them.

- Tech cost changed to minimum 40, maximum 80. This
will make it much longer to research a given tech. The
scenario is not meant for heavy tech races/research.

- Each turn is now 1 week starting on the date of 376.
The scenario will end in approximatly 228 turns, or
when the date changes to 382.

- Changed Roman city names to now be Roman
PROVINCE names. This better reflects the scale of the
scenario, as well as better placement of cities.

- Disabled ability for Rome and Persia to produce

- Changed legionary shield cost to 9.
- Changed warrior to cost 7. The stats for warrior are
now 3.2.1

- Changed spearman cost to 5.
- Changed galley cost to 10.
- Changed archer to cost 6.
- Changed worker cost to 3.
- Changed horseman cost to 6.
- Changed immortals cost to 8.
- Changed swordsman to cost 9. The swordsman stats
are now 3.3.1

I have tryed to have province placement as accurate as i possibly could under the Civ3 map restraints. I, obviously, couldnt include EVERY possible Roman province but i think i have included a very good amount. If you disagree, please post it and tell me what i could do to better the province placement. Id appreciate it! If you find any other historical innacuracys, tell me them as well! I would like my scenarios to be as close as possible as to what really happened.... This is difficult without a diplomacy editor. I have tryed my best to replicate barbarian battles, such as what you will find under the Eastern Empire, and the Western Empire. I have also added a few Hun surprises for the retreating Goths. To replicate the Hun Horseman i have placed a few units for them that are elite, i couldnt do much more without either enabling them to build the mounted warrior, or add a whole new unit. The mounted warrior looked just to native American-ish to me, and i could not find a good unit for them.

Instructions on how to install & play this scenario!

I have done this as simple as possible so this is what you do....

Download both zip files. one contains gameplay files, the other the .bix file. Extract BOTH of these .zip files into your C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\CIV3PTW (unless you have installed it someplace else). Then, all you have to do is start PTW, and under scenarios choose 376382.

I dont know why Firaxis decided to do it this way.. buuut, to play as a different civilization, you must open the 376382.bix file in your CIV3xeditor. once it is opened, go to Scenario>Player Properties. The drop down menu at the top lists player 1, player 2, etc etc. Pick a player and it will tell you what civilization it is above your team colour. Once you have the civ you want to play as, click "Human Player" above "Civilization Defaults" at the right. Click YES at the prompt, then apply down at the bottom, then ok, then under File choose Save.

Recommended play

Alemanni - The most difficult to play as, as they have little terrain starting out, and few settlements.
Western Empire - Also difficult as at this time Gratian was warring with barbarians, as you will see in the scenario.
Eastern Empire - A very fun Civ to play as (in my opinion) as you have the Gothic revolt to deal with, as well as an aggravated Western Persia.
Southern Empire - Also very difficult to play as. Not because of massive barbarian uprisings, or because of annoyed neighbors, but because your territory is not quite as expansive, or good, as your Roman cousins.
Goths - Its great fun to become the dominant barbarian!
Huns - Not as difficult to play as the other barbarian Civs, but still not easy. Expand quickly, and you may have the edge.



Leave feedback/comments/advice in this thread! Thanks for checkin` it out!
This mod is one of the best mods i have played yet. i can tell werdhertz has put alot of thought into his mod..i hope to see some more mods of his out soon...
Gratian gave italy,africa and phannonia too valentinian II when justina (val II) mother brought him to the front of the danubian troops after valentinian I death, and to avoid civil war, gratian granted him the title of augustus. valentinian II was if i recall 4 years old at the time and so Gratian did not hold him responsible.. his mother was justina and she really held the power along with the ministers

it is not really worthy of makeing and calling it the southern empire but for the sake of gameplay i put it in.:egypt:
Originally posted by werdhertz
Gratian gave italy,africa and phannonia too valentinian II when justina (val II) mother brought him to the front of the danubian troops after valentinian I death, and to avoid civil war, gratian granted him the title of augustus. valentinian II was if i recall 4 years old at the time and so Gratian did not hold him responsible.. his mother was justina and she really held the power along with the ministers

it is not really worthy of makeing and calling it the southern empire but for the sake of gameplay i put it in.:egypt:

Sorry, I checked right after writing on the thread, too late. Not obvious but I can understand your results.

Now, Milan and Liguria are misplaced. Milan should be on the Iron and Liguria is the coastal area between France and Italy (Nice to Genova). Lugdunensis as its name says had Lugndunum, nowadays Lyon on the Rhone river, as its capital, not Lutetia / Paris. Belgica should be a bit more North. Both Germanies are too much eastwards.
Instead of Liguria you could have Rhetia (Switzerland or sort of).
You could put Great Greece for Southern Italy (rich urban area at that time (Tarento as capital ?)

Your idea is interesting but :
-it limits the number of cities and the frontiers (though you did a very good job of organizing them) which
- does not show the differences between areas (Baetica was a rich urban area with plenty of cities)
- it does not really show the different luxuries that were available when the Empire was united but that became local monopolies as times such as this one.
Thanks for the reply! I fixed some of the city placement, and took into account where you think they should be. I like the provincial idea myself (maybe just because i used it? lol) as i find putting individual cities all over the landscape to unrealistic and not reflecting the land-area of the provinces... or maybe its just me.

I would put the cities on a scenario that had a smaller scope (and i did add some cities). I got my province placement information from Volume 2 of the decline and fall of the roman empire, but it is dated as around 280AD or so, so everything wont be exact (and possibly not the modern for roman times names) but it was the most comprehensive map i could find either in my books or on the internet, image searching.

And thanks to qer... I think
there was no South Roman Empire. other than that, this is a good scenario
I really want to play this scenario, but cannot figure out how.

The directions are very clear...extract both zip files directly into the C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\CIV3PTW

Doesnt the bix file need to go in the scenario folder?

Where do the other files need to go?
I would preffer you would be accurate to history rather than to the game's purpouses. I played as the western empire only to find i didsnt own half of my terrirory, you got my hopes up, and I dont like not getting what I expect.
i couldnt agree more.
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