900AD - Turn Chat Instructions (EST: 11-Jan @ 1000, GMT: 11-Jan @ 1500)


Nov 2, 2001
South Florida

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Previous Turn Chat Thread

Cartographic Office and City Name Registry

Presidential Request:

Good job on the instructions last time around. Those of you that listed late turn orders seperately deserve a big thank you as it made a huge difference in processing them. A reminder to all governors and leaders posting instructions:
  • Stop listing micromanagement instructions separately. Include any micromanagement instructions with the build queue for each city. If you wish to include a graphic, fine, if not, fine also. But please put these instructions underneath the build orders/queue for each city in your province.
  • Let's keep referring to the "workers" inside each city as laborers to avoid any confusion. This will prove very helpful.
  • List any non-preturn instructions (ie. rush this improvement in turn 2, or change the laborer in this city from this tile to this tile in turn 4, etc...) separately. Even include a divider (ie. <><><> or similar) so that it is easier to find and refer to during the t/c. This has already saved a lot of time and will continue to do so, I'm sure.
Thanks again for your consideration and attention to these requests. Consistency in instruction posts will shave hours off of the turn chats.

A few other words come to mind as well... Kanly, Vendetta, Jihad, Genocide.... take your pick.

All governors are required to come to the aid of Fanatika. Military build orders will take precedence in virtually every city at least until the Indian menace has been driven far from our lands and we ensure that they "understand" the errors of their ways.

Instructions for immediate implementation...
  • There are several Knights currently headed towards Kyoto. The orders for these units must be cancelled prior to any other actions taken so that they may be directed more rapidly to where they are needed most.
  • All workers within striking distance of Indian troops must be immediately retreated to a safe distance.
Musketman (6), Musketman (12). Continue until the end of the war.

Clear the two forest and irrigate.

Musketman (48), Musketman(60) Continue until the end of the

Musketman (37), Musketman (60) Continue until the end of the

Musketman (11), Musketman (15) Continue until the end of the

Musketman (Cannot find out how long it will take due to Civil D.)
Continue until the end of the war.

Please Irrigate Grasslands in Bizen and mine two bonus grassland tiles.

I request that these Musketmen be sent to the defence of Dapperdan. It is in the Gem Mountains and these soldiers are bent on protecting it!
Glory... Glory...
Taliesin Build Queues.

Morgana - [c] Knight (6), Musket (8), Kinght (9), Musket (8), Knight (9), Musket (8)
Morgana- Keep laborers as is.

Strider's Haven - [c]Knight(4), Knight (9), Knight (9), Musket (8), Knight (0)
Striders Haven- Keep laborers asis

The Burrow - [c]Knight (4), Knight (9), Musket (8), Musket(8), Musket (8)
The Burrow- Keep laborers as is.

Palanthus - [c] Knight (6), Knight (12), Knight (12), Knight (12)
Palanthus- Keep laborers as is

A note: cities south of Dacula have kept their original queues, seeing as the serve as no help
WHAT SO EVER to the military

Dacula - [c]Knight (2), Aqueduct (25), Temple (15), University (25)
Dacula - Keep as is.

Goonidom - [c]Library(12), Musket(60), Courthouse (80)
Goonidum- Keep as is

Penguin - [c]Temple(31), Courthouse (80), Worker (10), University (100)
Penguin- Keep as is. A note to 40- Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES is that scientist to be touched. He fuels ALL of our research.

New PDX - [c]University (30), Musket(20), Musket (20)
New PDX- Keep as is

The Highlands (poll passed, its this again)- [c]Knight (16) Musket (20) Knight (24)
The Highlands- Keep worker as is.

Tarkingrad - [c] Musket(17), Knight (35), Knight (35)
Tarkingrad- Keep as is.
Foreign Affairs

Please make the following alliances:


We give gems, 4gpt and World Map


We give a new peace treaty, RoP and incense.


We give a new peace treaty and 25gpt.


We give 37gpt

Please stop the t/c if any of these treaties are broken.
Hafen Land is supporting the fight against Indian Aggression!!
We will destroy India to the ground!!!!!

Kyoto: Knight (4), knight, Musket, Musket, Knight (continue same pattern untill war is over)
Citizen: Move citizen from mountain to Plain.

Plexenburg: Aqueduct (2), Continue with current que.

Kells: Knight (3), knight, knight, knight, Musket, Musket, Knight, (Continue with this pattern until war is over)

Gandhi will pay for his foolish decisions!!:spank:
As we are under attack in this province I think we should put military units in front of all build queues. It may be an idea to complete some of the Courthouses if it is possible, though that is unlikely.

I believe these cities should consentrate on defence and wait for the offensive forces. Please ask Military Department about which units are wanted.

If nothing else, place Musketmen as the first build in the queues.

I believe that it might be possible to save the worker SE of Grandmastoria. Moving it directly NW into the forest and then moving the Elite Pikeman on top of it, might be enough, as there are only two healthy Elephants in range. But I leave this decision to the turn-chat, president, domestic minister or whoever wants to have a say on this.
Sugar & Spice

Nara: Musket, Musket, Knight, Musket, Knight
Kagoshima: Musket, Musket, Knight, Musket, Knight
Yokohama: Barracks, Musket, Knight, Musket, Knight
Toyama: Barracks, Musket, Knight, Musket, Knight
Tokyo: Barracks, Musket, Musket, Knight, Musket

No micromanagement

Now, because we are at war, my cities are at the disposal of the Military Department. Any build orders given by the Military are to override my queues.
I know this is obvious but the alliances in the FA instructions should be against India.

Deputy FA Minister

City build queue (# of turns to complete)

Bremershaven: knight (4), knight (5), knight (5)
Civanatoria: knight (3), barracks (3), knight (10)
Cuernavaca: knight (13), barracks (10)
Eklektochtitlan: knight (1), barracks (4), knight (14)
New Falcon's Nest: knight (4), knight (12)
Nocsfiedera: swordsman (3), barracks (10)
Pensacola: barracks (2), knight (10)
Tlaxcala: knight (3), knight (10), knight (10)

Reasons for changes:

Changes are in bold. Plan A scrapped in favor of Plan B (which stands for Beat India!). I will leave it to the military to request any needed rushes of military units.


None at this time. :)
Science Department

Continue researching Chemistry.

If we are lucky enough to by Chemistry via trade at a low price. Then head to Metallurgy once we finished researching or aquire via trade Chemistry

Grand Admiral CivGeneral
IMPORTANT: If I am to take Fionn's instructions correctly, the military budget requests have not been approved! If this is true, we cannot proceed with the chat! They are vital to getting our cities back quickly. These plans came pretty late in the game, so we may need to go back to the forums on this one, as this plan is not entirely fleshed out. I really don't believe we have had adequate discussion on this matter. I am not one to hi-jack the chat but we may have to for the good of Fanatika. As always, Falcon has final say.

Here we go again! And this is only for the pre-turn. I will leave the battle up to the DP. I think I have carte blanche from Falcon02 on these plans, but any order of his supercedes mine.

I have set 4 rally points(points for our troops to meet and attack):

- Plex Mountain(mountain 2 tiles south of Plexenburg; use to defend Plexenburg then to attack Fukushima)

-Grandmastoria(for Hafenland units approaching Huntington - also to be used to attack Hyderabad)

-Sturmandrang(for SW Province units approaching Huntington);

-Northern Front(for all northern units-to be engaged at the DPs discretion; should come thru Kuhkaff or Valhalla).

Units should arrive at these points and should be unleashed once 4 or more units are there.

My instructions are laid out so that the DP could just go to Bavaria's city screen and arrow through the cities to make the changes. Cities in parentheses can be bypassed.

I have requested 1820g(link) in vital rushes and upgrades from the budget office. This pares down the list I have below. Please see that these get approved. There are also more requests, but I understand the need to have some money left.

Also, please note my idea for Palanthus. I think it's a good one.

"send (unit)" means to wake that unit in the city screen so that you will be reminded to move it. Some budget requests do not match those from the budget office, so please take note of Domestic instructions as you sort this out. Double-click on Bavaria and let's get started!

Budget Office post --- arrow through here first.

send knight to Northern Front

rush knight-180; send to Grandmastoria
send all knights in city and vicinity to Grandmastoria
upgrade pike-60

switch courthouse to knight; send to Sturmandrang

send pike to Dapperdan

rush 2 pikes-120
switch to knight and rush-120; send to Northern Front


upgrade 2 pikes-120

send spear for upgrade(Kells)-80
send vicinity knight to Plex Mountain

send musket to Valhalla


rush knight-84; send to Sturmandrang

send 2 elite knights thru Iroquois lands and send to Plex Mountain

send army and 2 knights to Plex Mountain


upgrade 2 pikes-120
rush knight-140; send to Northern Front

send knight to Grandmastoria
<Zorgonzolia needs entertainers or it will revolt next turn!>

upgrade 2 pikes-120
switch market to knight; send to Grandmastoria

switch musket to knight; send to Northern Front

switch library to musket; rush-84
send knight to Plex Mountain

send area knights to Sturmandrang
rush knight-96

send knight to Northern Front
upgrade pike-60 and send to Northern Front

rush knight-96; send to Plex Mountain
upgrade 2 pikes- 120


send 4 knights, 3 catapults and sword to Northern Front
knight ready in 2 turns; send to Northern Front

upgrade pike-60 and send to Dapperdan

send knight to Plex Mountain


<Try this idea.....switch to settler, put entertainers to work
By turning Palanthus into a settler factory, we can use settlers to add 2 population to production cities and frontline cities(pop 7+= better defense). This will enhance our growth greatly as we wait for hospitals.> Do not touch unless this goes to spot vote.

send 3 knights to Northern Front
switch from courthouse to knight;rush-100; send to Northern Front


switch musket to knight; rush-100; send to Northern Front
upgrade veteran pike-60

switch from courthouse to knight; rush-100; send to Sturmandrang

switch from courthouse to knight; rush-204; have it wait for others or attack approaching units




send knight to Northern Front

switch from temple to knight; rush-72; send to Northern Front thru Kuhkaff

switch from granary to sword;rush-24; fortify
<send 2 pikes to fortify mountain on northern road due south of Indian SoD>

keep units there to hold that city!

switch to barracks
upgrade 2 pikes on next turn

switch courthouse to longbowman

send 4 knights to Northern Front



Once again, cities in parentheses need not be changed.

I just noticed that I didn't include rush values for knights in Serenity, Bremershaven and Eklektochtitlan. If there is any way these can be rushed, it would only help. But see how the Budget orders pan out first. Good luck!
South Doughnut Coast

Padmativa: IGNORE DONAVON'S INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING PADMATIVA'S BUILD QUEUE. No Indian units are within the province's borders; therefore, the military department has no power to override my instructions.
Courthouse (6), knight

Leningrado: switch Eplorer to mustketmen. (19)
Keep up the irrigatio project in the area.
Due to the late notice, The North Province Build Queue Instructions will not be graphically enhanced, as normal :) , and will be submitted by the Deputy Governor, as per the request of Governor Eklektikos.

The build queues for The North Province go hand in hand with the rush and upgrade requests made by Military Deputy Donovan Zoi. I am assuming his requests were approved at this time and I do not need to duplicate them here. I have indicated changes in the queues below to facilitate these requests.

Kuhkaff - Knight (c), Knight, Knight
Move one of the laborers from the newly irrigated grasslands to the open plains to increase productivity and slow growth.

Valhalla - Change to Knight, Musket, Knight - No Micro

Naerva - Switch to Knight, Musket, Knight - No Micro

Dapper Dan - Change to Barracks (I know this will waste 15 shields, but I feel it needs to be done. A Harbor will not help, Barracks will.), Musket - No Micro

On turn number 1, if Dapper Dan is still ours and the upgrade has been approved, upgrade a pikeman, same on turn number 2.
Domestic Dept.

go with the governors directives.
Bavaria - military units
try to save our workers as well

Thats it, Indian soldiers coming my way ;)
Trade Instrutions

Not much as of now since our gems are being used for treaties, and our furs are captured.

1 - Retake our furs. :D
2 - On completion of the extra gems, shop around (only if Dapperdan's defenses hold up)

3 - If we're desperate... a quote from this thread:


(Note, if we had an extra Ivory - and we can trade our only source -, Greece would give everything for it 347g, wm or 26gpt, but the extra unhappiness might not be worth it right now.. )

- There's also WM deals there, but nothing too fruitful. Strategic resources are too valuble (to us) to trade right now.
Post Preturn Save (.zip format)

Chat Log

Presidential Summary
Indian treachery extends much further than any of us had anticipated. :wallbash:

It seems that instructions from our Military and Domestic Departments were either delayed or tampered with to such an extent that we were unable to carry out the chat. Much to the disappointment of this president, we ended the chat shortly after updating the build queues with the posted instructions from our governors.

We need to formalize a plan of action, including troop movements as well as upgrade/rush orders before commencing Operation Elephant Hunt.

All leaders are urged to post relevant discussions and polls immediately so that there is sufficient time for all to participate prior to the next turn chat. All citizens are encouraged to seek out these discussion threads and polls and participate so that your voice can be heard.
Well, as far as I can tell there is no chatlog_11Jan03.zip on uploads3 server. I can't even get into the chat rooms. I need a better explanation. Care to expand on your post, 40J?
Thanks for the timely answer Mr. President. You must be busy sneaking down the path, unseen from the city walls.
I deeply regreet the inconvenience caused by the error contained within my summary post. I have corrected the link and I have tested it myself to ensure accuracy.

I will endeavor not to make any more errors with these official posts in the future.
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