Spearman with Headress


Dec 27, 2002
Somewhere else
I have cut and pasted the Impi's headress onto the Spearman.
I then used embryodead's great african pallate to change the skin colour.
I am currently using this as the Incan unique unit.

I do not know how to make an animated preview. Sorry



Does this work?
There is a pb with the link. Cannot download it.

I thought of doing something a little different but with the same head for a Hittite warrior.
I find that swapping the Civ3 stock Jaguar Warrior with the unit of the same designation provided for us by Jimmy H works best. I simply rename the stock JW to Inti. Appreciate your time and effort however.
Sorry to critisize, buts its just a weird loooking spearman
You mean it doesn't look right? If so, how could I make it better?
Pretty similar to my African Spearman, but I had made some palette errors...
The primary weapon of the Incan warrior was a kind of blunt instrument, like a mace or club. Spears were generally hurled, along with stones from slings. The elite Incan warriors, from the noble class, wielded a kind of halberd or pole-axe with a copper or possibly bronze blade, according to the accounts of the Conquistadors of advanced design. This weapon was somewhat similar to European designs and able to hook, thrust, or slash, but only a very few Inca wielded it.
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