Acroama Homes


the Absent Admin
Dec 10, 2001
Omaha, Nebraska USA
Products - Homes

[b]Basic	                Base	#bed	#living	#other	#upgrd	#dine
			Cost	rooms	rooms	rooms	rooms	rooms[/b]
Sm. House		 360	1	0	1	0		
Md. House		 630	2	1	0	2	0		
Lg. House		1170	3	2	1	3	1		
Mansion			2340	4	2	2	5	1		
Sm. Palace		4230	4	2	4	7	1		
Lg. Palace		5950	5	3	5	9	2		
Spec. Palace		8910	7	3	7	12	2		

Cost for upgrade		135	135	135	135	135		

[b]Advanced		srvnt	srvnt	hall or	great	grand	steam	pool	full	stable
			rooms	area	ballrm	hall	ballrm	room		baths[/b]
Sm. House									
Md. House							A		
Lg. House		A	A				A	A	A	A
Mansion			A	I	A			1	A	A	A
Sm. Palace		I	I	A	A	A	1	A	A	1
Lg. Palace		I	I	1	A	A	1	1	1	1
Spec. Palace		I	I	2	1	1	1	2	1	2

Cost for upgrade	270	180	225	450	450	180	630	810	720

[b]Defense works		armory	fort	guard	extern.	walls			
					house	fort[/b]
Def Value		x2	x3	x4	x8	x6

Sm. House								
Md. House								
Lg. House			A						
Mansion			A	A	A		A			
Sm. Palace		1	I	I		I
Lg. Palace		2	I	I	A	I
Spec. Palace		3	I	I	1	I

Cost for upgrade	180	270	360	720	540

Products - Defensive Structures

[b]Basic	                Base	Base	#bed	#living	#other	#upgrd	#dine
			Cost	Def.	rooms	rooms	rooms	rooms	rooms[/b]
Tower			300	20	1	0	0	0	0
Fortress		650	40	2	0	1	0	0
Motte and Bailey	1100	60	3	1	1	1	0
Keep			2400	80	4	1	2	2	1
Castle			3300	100	5	2	2	3	1

Cost for upgrade			135	135	135	135	135		

[b]Advanced		srvnt	srvnt	hall	great	steam	full	stable
			rooms	area		hall	room	baths[/b]
Fortress				A				
Motte and Bailey		A	A	A			A
Keep			A	A	1	A	A		A
Castle			A	A	1	A	A	A	A

Cost for upgrade	270	180	225	450	180	810	720

[b]Defense works		armory	fort	guard	extern.	walls	moat,	moat,	
					house	fort		dry	filled[/b]
Def Value		x2	x3	x4	x8	x6	x6	x8

Tower			A	A					
Fortress		A	I	A				
Motte and Bailey	I	I	A	A	A	A	
Keep			I	I	I	A	I	A	A
Castle			I	I	I	I	I	A	A

Cost for upgrade	180	270	360	720	540	540	720

All buildings may be built in a city (where the land is included in the house price) or on a land tile. Only one castle and one palace may be built on any single tile. If built in a city, castles and palaces include an estate. All buildings outside of a city must also purchase a land tile or arrange land use with the tile owner.

Homes do not have a Base Defense but do receive points from Defense Works. Defensive Value is Size Class * amount listed. A castle (class 5) gets a 10 point defense value from it's armories. A tower (class 1) gets a 2 point defense value from an armory.

A = Available for upgrade
I = Included in appropriate numbers
# = This many included
Bedrooms may be combined to form suites or great rooms.
#living rooms = The buyer may choose from living room, den or game room for each.
#other rooms = The number of other rooms that are included. The room type for each may be bedroom, living room, library or dining room.
#upgrd rooms = The maximum number of rooms that may be added to this home style.
srvnt rooms = Rooms for the household servants. There are enough rooms to house an appropriate staff.
srvnt area = Working, recreation and usage areas for the servants. There are enough rooms for the staff level.
A hall may be combined with a ballroom to create a demigrand hall.
full baths = A full Roman bath with calderium, tepidarium and frigidarium plus changing areas, furnaces, etc.
armory = Armor and weapon storage plus training/exercising areas.
fort = Basic fortifications
guard house = Living and training areas for a household guard.
extern. fort = External fortress such as a perimeter tower.
A guard house and external fortress may be combined into the same building.

Upgrading / selling
Homes may be upgraded at any time by simply purchasing the upgrade. This increases the value of the home by the cost of the upgrade. We will purchase homes for 90% of the current value of the home as part of a new home purchase deal.

Businesses / Groups

Physical startup/expansion requirements: 90% of list price (you save 10% off normal physical requirement costs).
Manufacturing center	1800
Resale center		900
Services center		 450
Group HQ		 585

Real Estate
Acroama will offer it's real estate holdings via auction.

Original Thread
Company Setup
The company is shared by its partners in 25 portions. Partner share will be taken into account in all decision making processes with proper weight applied per share. Majority weight shall decide all issues. The company will be run in day to day business by an autonomous CEO elected by the partners.

Distribution of Profits
The CEO may, at his/her discretion, withold up to 10% of all profits in a company account. These funds may be used at the discretion of the CEO for speculation in real estate and housing, expansion of the company and to cover costs in downgrade deals. The remainder of all profits will be divided into 24 equal portions. One portion shall be remitted to each partner share. The remaining portion shall be remitted to the company CEO in lieu of salary.

Partner Benefits
Partners may purchase, for their personal use, all products at an additional 10% discount of company standard prices.

Selling Partner Shares
This company is privately held. The partners must agree in principle to any new prospective parnter before shares can be transferred to create a new partner. Partner shares may be freely transfered between partners.

Current Partners
BCLG100 (1 share)
disorganizer (3 shares)
Donovan Zoi (8 shares)
donsig (4 shares)
gunning1 (2 shares)
jdd2007 (1 shares)
Padma (2 shares)
Strider (1 share)
Stuck_As_a_Mac (1 share)


Held at Bank of Valhalla

Price Analysis / Profit Schedules
[b]		Sale	Build	Profit	Partner	Profit
		Price	Cost	Sched.	Price	Sched.[/b]
Sm. House	 360	  72	 288	 324	 252
Md. House	 630	 126	 504	 567	 441
Lg. House	1170	 234	 936	1053	 819
Mansion/Castle	2340	 468	1872	2106	1638
Sm. Palace	4230	 846	3384	3807	2961
Lg. Palace	5940	1188	4752	5346	4158
Group HQ	 585	 117	 468	 527	 410
Services center	 450	  90	 360	 405	 315
Resale center	 900	 180	 720	 810	 630
Mfr. Center	1800	 360	1440	1620	1260
Room		 135	  27	 108	 122	  95
Servant Areas	 180	  36	 144	 162	 126
Steam room	 180	  36	 144	 162	 126
Armory		 180	  36	 144	 162	 126
Hall		 225	  45	 180	 203	 158
Ballroom	 225	  45	 180	 203	 158
Servant Rooms	 270	  54	 216	 243	 189
Fortifications	 270	  54	 216	 243	 189
Guard House	 360	  72	 288	 324	 252
Great Hall	 450	  90	 360	 405	 315
Grand Ballroom	 450	  90	 360	 405	 315
Walls		 540	 108	 432	 486	 378
Pool		 630	 126	 504	 567	 441
Stable		 720	 144	 576	 648	 504
Ext. fortress	 720	 144	 576	 648	 504
Full baths	 810	 162	 648	 729	 567

Sale Price = 10% reduction from List Price. The price we sell to the public
Build Cost = 25% of List Price. Our cost to build
Profit Schedule (1) = Amount made on each sale of this item at Sale Price
Partner Price = 10% reduction from Sale Price. The price we sell to our partners
Profit Schedule (2) = Amount made on each sale of this item at the Partner Price
Updated 11 Mar 2003
[b][I]Owner	Type	Loc.	Value	Upkeep[/i][/b]
BCLG100	Mansion	TS-O-10	2340	3
Cheetah	LgHouse	Bavaria	1170	0
Cyc	Castle	Bavaria	3465	5
Cyc	Castle	SW-M-12	3300	5
Cyc	SmHouse	Kuhkaff	360	0
Cyc	SmHouse	TS-M-12	360	0
Cyc	SmHouse	Bavaria	360	0
Cyc	SpecPal	TS-M-14	10530	19
Cyc	Castle	TS-L-13	5145	8
Cyc	Castle	TS-O-12	5145	8
Cyc	LgHouse	TS-M-15	1575	1
Cyc	LgHouse	TS-M-15	1575	1
CycCorp	Castle	BO-A-2	3300	5
CycCorp	Castle	BO-B-3	3300	5
CycCorp	Castle	SW-N-12	3300	5
Donovan	Castle	Civanat	3465	5
Donovan	Castle	Cuernav	3465	5
Donovan	Castle	Nocsfie	3465	5
Donovan	Castle	Tlaxcal	3300	5
Donovan	SmHouse	Dacula	360	0
Donovan	SmHouse	NP-L-12	360	0
Donovan	MdHouse	Tlaxcal	900	0
Eklekt	Castle	RL-L-8	5145	8
Eklekt	Castle	SW-E-17	5145	8
eyrei	GroupHQ	BO-C-3	650	0
eyrei	Mansion	BO-C-3	4360	7
Falcon2	Keep	TS-O-5	2340	3
FortyJ	MdHouse	Burrow	900	0
GMaster	Castle	Androbi	3465	5
GMaster	Castle	BO-C-3	4970	8
GMaster	Castle	Dapperd	3465	5
GMaster	Castle	Gunning	3465	5
GMaster	Castle	Kuhkaff	3975	6
GMaster	Castle	Naerva	3465	5
GMaster	Castle	Riga	3465	5
GMaster	Castle	TS-P-2	3840	6
GMaster	Castle	Valhall	3750	6
GMaster	Fortres	BO-C-3	650	0
GMaster	GroupHQ	TS-O-3	650	0
GMaster	SmHouse	Tlaxcal	360	0
GMaster	SmPal	GrandMa	4230	6
GMaster	SpecPal	NP-K-11	11250	21
GMaster	Tower	BO-C-3	300	0
gonzo	SmHouse	Dacula	360	0
gonzo	SmHouse	Tlaxcal	360	0
gonzo	SmPal	Hunting	5760	10
gunning	Sm Pal	TS-C-16	4230	6
gunning	Tower	Gunning	300	0
jdd2007	LgPal	TS-G-15	3300	5
jdd2007	SmHouse	Valhall	360	0
LanFund	Center	Bavaria	3265	5
LanFund	Center	Kuhkaff	3265	5
LanFund	Center	Morgana	3265	5
LanFund	Center	Nara	3265	5
LanFund	Center	Novgoro	3265	5
LanFund	Center	Octavin	3265	5
LanFund	Center	Padmati	3265	5
LanFund	Center	Plexenb	3265	5
LanFund	Center	Tarking	3265	5
LanFund	Center	Tlaxcal	3265	5
manmonk	Mansion	Bavaria	4320	7
McNulty	SmHouse	Tlaxcal	360	0
naervod	Castle	Shimons	3300	5
naervod	LgHouse	Falcons	2340	3
naervod	SmHouse	Tlaxcal	360	0
Octvian	Mansion	Leningr	2565	3
Octvian	Castle	SW-N-14	3750	6
Octvian	SmPal	TS-P-1	11250	21
Padma	Castle	Padmati	3750	6
Padma	Castle	TS-P-3	4020	6
Plexus	Mansion	TS-M-4	3060	4
Plexus	SmHouse	Falcons	360	0
SAAM	MdHouse	Octavin	630	0
SAAM	SmHouse	BO-C-2	360	0
SAAM	LgPal	Penguin	5950	10
Shabba	SmPal	SW-K-15	4230	6
Shaitan	LgHouse	Valhall	3465	5
SKILORD	Mansion	Bavaria	3600	5
SKILORD	SmHouse	Dacula	360	0
Spiritu	Center	HL-I-15	3265	5
Strider	Castle	TS-C-11	3300	5
Strider	SpecPal	TS-C-11	8910	16
Strider	Tower	TS-C-11	300	0
Originally posted by gunning1
Ok then, to be your first customer, I'll buy a tower.

I believe that is 300 gold-10% for member=270g.

I would like it to be placed on Gunningheim.

Quite right, gunning.

We'll set construction crews to work at once.
In Prince Shaitan's will, Donovan Zoi is given all of Shaitan's shares in Acroama. However, as he notes, all partners of Acroama must vote on this.
Originally posted by Shaitan
I leave him ... all of my shares in Acroama Homes. The nature of the Acroama partnership will require that the partners vote to accept Donovan as a new partner. Let it be known that I vote posthumously to allow this.
Shaitan held 8 of 23 shares. I will cast my vote to pass them to Donovan.
I own a tower.... Sense when? I much would it cost to upgrade this tower to a castle?
I wish to upgrade my Large Palace to a Special Palace.....
Ok, I've got a question...

Don't I have a Small Palace instead of a Mansion?
@Strider & Gunning: I merely copied what was in Post 3 of the original Acroama thread. I will research to find any discrepancies, and correct them

To all: The CEO of Acroama has become extremely busy in RL this weekend, but will attend to all these matters by Monday.
I no longer want to upgrade my large palace. Please do not charge me for it :)
I vote no, not because of the person but because of the history of not letting shares pass people. Instead, they should be deleted to increase spreading of money to the other shareholders.
@disorganizer - Every past vote to pass shares to a person has been approved. Only passing shares to a non-person (business entity) has been voted down.

@Shabba - Yes. A business owner can specify that Acroama construct their business' physical structure. In this case it is a first business so is paid for by the RPG.
I vote yes to uphold Shaitan's will and pass his shares to Donovan Zoi. I don't think we've ever made shares disappear...
Originally posted by Strider
I own a tower.... Sense when? I much would it cost to upgrade this tower to a castle?
Since December. See this post.

Tower to Castle = 3300 for Castle - 270 trade-in for Tower = 3030. Minus 10% partnership discount = 2727g.

That's assuming a basic, no-frills Castle.
Originally posted by gunning1
Ok, I've got a question...

Don't I have a Small Palace instead of a Mansion?
Sorry, gunning. All I could find was this. You had earlier asked about upgrade prices from your house to Mansion, Sm Palace, Lg Palace, and Spec Palace, but apparantly decided to go with Mansion.

Which means if you want to get that "Prince" title, you need to upgrade. ;)
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