Screenshot of the Day #93: It Rhymes!

All right!!! The game programmers know a good comedy movie when they see it.

Prepare to code program.
Preparing to code program.
Code Program.
Coding program sir!

I've been going over the txt for all the advisor quotes, and I don't see it, this one. That's weird. But then again, I also haven't seen the "Sleep is for the weak" quote either. :(
This is completely off topic but I had to say it,

The first time I went to revolt to get a new govt, the options made me burst out laughing..I couldn't stop for like 20 minutes, it was great
Originally posted by Thunderfall
The Civ3 advisors never cease to amaze me... :D

"Babylon will always triumph, because Egypt is dumb", says the sad looking foreign advisor.

You can often see a sad looking advisor when he should be happy. After clicking 'more...' a few times, he instantly turns happy about that first issue. I had a 'schizo'-cultural-advisor... he was sad, because some civ was in awe of our culture and then changed his mind.
Originally posted by hbdragon88
I've been going over the txt for all the advisor quotes, and I don't see it, this one. That's weird. But then again, I also haven't seen the "Sleep is for the weak" quote either.
in the 'script.txt' file, look for this:

#advisor Happy
Sleep is for the weak.

also look for this:

#advisor Happy
$OURCIV0 will always triumph, because $ENEMYCIV1 is dumb.
In that last script, if it's supposed to be happy, then why is it sad? :confused:
Originally posted by hbdragon88
In that last script, if it's supposed to be happy, then why is it sad? :confused:

He's a pessimist and it takes some time to get a smile on his face...
Now they should have it where you consult your foreign advisor and he says, "No, sir, I did not see you playing with your dolls!" ;)
lol, this is a good one.
It doesn't rhyme at all... heck, they weren't even at war!
What rhymes?

Oh well, I've seen this one before... along with "All your base are belong to us!", it's one of my favorites.
I just had a funny thought...

Situation: you are playing Mass Regicide. You destroy all of an opponent's kings simultaneously. A screen pops up and says...

"You IDIOTS! These are not them! You've captured their STUNT DOUBLES!!!"
That would be funny.
Originally posted by tcjsavannah
Now they should have it where you consult your foreign advisor and he says, "No, sir, I did not see you playing with your dolls!" ;)

LOL - That's classic. All hail Lord Helmet. :goodjob:
Say goodbye to your two best freinds... and I don't mean your pals in the Winnebago!

The Firaxis Universe, the place where nerds reign Supreme. :king:
I don't know, I think the new trilogy is doing a fine job on it's own...

"Who's the man? Yo-da man!"

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