New Unit: Cuban Marmon Harrington


Dec 17, 2001
Toledo, Ohio
Well, first let me apologize for taking so long in making this unit. I got sidetracked by Poser and the European Swordsman. Sween, sorry it took so long, but it is finally here.

And, this unit will be my last tank/armored vehicle . . . for at least a while. What does that mean? I don't know exactly. I want to expirament with Poser for a while and see what happens there. Plus, tanks aren't getting much respect around here. ;) I know that not everyone feels this way, maybe just a vocal minority.

Well, here it is, a Marmon Harrington to serve as a Cuban tank flavor unit. I don't consider this tank my best unit, but I think it looks okay. Hopefully everyone who actually still downloads tank units will enjoy this one. :)

dude this is AWESOME!!! thank you so much! you didn't take long at all, i'm surprised at how fast you made it actually. you're the best tank maker out there, i don't think you should stop making tanks completely. just extend your unit creation by making foot units too. EXCELENT JOB!!! I AM FOREVER IN YOUR DEBT! THANKS AGAIN!!! :goodjob:

btw, this unit can also be used for any south american civ, and not just cuba.
Originally posted by sween32
dude this is AWESOME!!! thank you so much! you didn't take long at all, i'm surprised at how fast you made it actually. you're the best tank maker out there, i don't think you should stop making tanks completely. just extend your unit creation by making foot units too. EXCELENT JOB!!! I AM FOREVER IN YOUR DEBT! THANKS AGAIN!!! :goodjob:

btw, this unit can also be used for any south american civ, and not just cuba.

Well, Sween, you are welcome. I'm glad I could be of service to someone who's contributed so much to the CivCommunity, speaking of your leaderheads. Hopefully, it will fit nicely into your World of Conflict mod, if you're still creating it.
Originally posted by alpha wolf 64
nice little unit. altho i have a friendly observation, does this remind anyone else of speed buggy the way it bounces around? or am i just really old? LOL

Yes ! I dunno how it works in game but from the preview it has a real "personality" which makes it quite different from most armored units. And that is VERY nice.
I surely don't download every tank, because I agree with some other people that there are too many to insert into the game.

But this one (I've never heard of it, too) is just too beautiful to ignore it.

Regarding the 'too many tanks'-discussion: I think there never can be too many units of any kind, since no one must use them all. Just pick out those you like and ignore the rest!
Originally posted by utahjazz7
And, this unit will be my last tank/armored vehicle . . . for at least a while. What does that mean? I don't know exactly. I want to expirament with Poser for a while and see what happens there. Plus, tanks aren't getting much respect around here. ;) I know that not everyone feels this way, maybe just a vocal minority.

I love tanks, me :goodjob:
Well, I have to agree with Zulu, I also love them. However - other unts are fine too, so I look forward to your next creation :goodjob:
Originally posted by utahjazz7

And, this unit will be my last tank/armored vehicle . . . for at least a while. What does that mean? I don't know exactly. I want to expirament with Poser for a while and see what happens there. Plus, tanks aren't getting much respect around here. ;) I know that not everyone feels this way, maybe just a vocal minority.

Well, here it is, a Marmon Harrington to serve as a Cuban tank flavor unit. I don't consider this tank my best unit, but I think it looks okay. Hopefully everyone who actually still downloads tank units will enjoy this one. :)

Two things:

1) I love this unit it will add much flavor (I am useing it as a ww2 tank is that the right time for it? I have no stats on it)

2) there dose seem to be vocal anti tank movement on this forum. However it isnt everyone, I LOVE your tanks. I wish I had your skills I hold my units up to yours for comparison (and usualy find them wanting). :worshp:

So I say this to anyone how dose not like units of any kind SHHHH! :nono: If you dont want it ,what ever it is, then dont download it. Simple. Constructive criticism is one thing, it is helpfull and needed, but if you didnt put the time in making it then you have got no right to say it should not be made.

Thank you for this unit I lookforwar to your next creation. :thumbsup:
This thing is so cool, I have to come up with a way of including it, short of putting in a Cuban civ. Any suggestions?
Another bloody tank!?!?! What's the matter with you?!?! :p

Looks fantastic! :goodjob:
Umm can anyone tell me about the real tank? I cant find any websites about it.
Originally posted by Hunter
Umm can anyone tell me about the real tank? I cant find any websites about it.

No, sorry, I couldn't find anything about it myself. Sween asked me to make it. I did find information on a similar tank made by Marmon Harrington, but I don't remember where. Good luck finding some info.
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