New Unit: Hover Artillery


Mar 1, 2002
Hover Artillery.

Hope all is OK. Sounds are from oryginal Civ3. If you have other suggestion - please mail me or send PM.

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I know what you had on your mind zulu 9812...

"hover" is spelled with one "o":D Stupid, stupid, stupid:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Schizo_Angel
Nice model :)

Shame it isnt quite isometric...


I think he did a wonderfull rendering. Have you looked at it in Flicster? Compare it to another unit and there is no, if any, difference in view. I will admit that I'm not technicaly proficient nor do I 100% comprehend what your refering to by isometric. :p I only understand that it doesn't make the 'nearer' larger.

And if I may comment on the unit myself.......It kicks! The only thing I see that might need a little work are the shadows, they're a little dark and need to be a bit softer. :)

But, yet again, I have to start a whole new game :rolleyes: thank you very much :p
Actually I just viewed the animations in FLICster and they are isometric, he just posted one of the old previews, but I assure you that they are isometric. :)
Cool unit, Piernik! I hadn't even thought about the possibility of a hover artillery unit. Good idea!
One minor problem:

The folder is named Hover Artillery, but the ini is named HoverArtillery.ini (with no space)

Other than that it works and looks great.
It is isometric:) As Neomega noticed it's one of my early previews;)

About the folder name - sorry:)

Shadows are still bit too dark, but I'll leave them like they are, ok?

Thanks for all good words;)
I've played with it in game and the shadows look fine, considering it's a hovercraft ;)
SWEET Piernik!
This is great! Question, does this mean that you won't need help converting units? I know that if I converted the one you were going to send to me it wouldn't lok half as great as this...
You wanted to make Speed-O-Copter, yes?
I think you could make it, if you like off course;) I'm now modeling an futuric infantry unit:)

Give me your mail ina PM and I'll send you model. You want in Max format or 3ds??
I realy like this one! usualy when I here of the idea for a hover tank I think "Oh! stupid idea!", cos what hapens to the recoil? unless you chave some kind of super futuristic force field technology?
But with this one it looks not too futuristic (one of the problems with future units, what do you use as the missing link between 1990s tech and 2050s tech?) and from the shape of it you can imagine a low tech "articulated foot" being lowered under the ruber skirting to stabilise it during firing. The foot would provide exelent stability, and could be drawn up inside the body when the vehicle is in motion!
All in all this would make an exelent near future amphibious artillery or amphibious heavy support gun.
And that was mine main aim. To fill the gap between 2000 and 2050. I think that hover units could be used in the real world very soon... look at the Japanease trian that reaches 500km/h only because it's hoving over the tracks...

I have no other ideas for further not so future units :( I'm mainge now model of a future infantry... but don't have ideas for naval ari units:( Has anybody some suggestions, pictures??
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