French Rifleman

Nemesis Rex

Bane of Liberals
Sep 24, 2002
My first unit. The Rifleman with red pants and red epaulets. Modeled on late 19th century French infantry.

French Rifleman


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Originally posted by Shady
How did you make it so quickly BTw?

Once I started I couldn't stop. Just kept plugging away, now its Midnight and I still have to study for an 8 o'clock class. :sad:
Originally posted by Nemesis Rex

Once I started I couldn't stop. Just kept plugging away, now its Midnight and I still have to study for an 8 o'clock class. :sad:

Sounds like it's as addictive as Civ 3. I hope I never become a unit creator cuz I would never get to playing Civ 3.:scan:
i noticed that there were no pedia icons for the unit. so i have taken liberty and made some for it. they,re not the greatest but they should serve the purpose.

there is no text though.

The French certainly knew how to dress for battle :)
Well, when I requested it I thought really just about having this as a flavor unit and leaving the stats the same as rifleman. Really no sense elevating the french riflemen to anything they're not.
Hmmm, I'm not so sure.

The French believed in the 'élan' of their soldiers, and clung to the old Napoleonic bayonet charge far longer than other nations did (as witnessed during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871).

So I think I will give this unit a slightly better attack, but also a slightly worse defence, than the 'standard' Civ3 Rifleman (after all, no foot unit in Civ3 has an attack & defence of that alone would make it 'unique' well as explaining why they were not as good as the Prussians when defending in this brief war).
Originally posted by Smoking mirror
The french did fight in this uniform, along side the turks and british against the russians in the crimean war.

They were also defeated in that uniform in 1870 by Prussia.

Basically this unit can be used for the 2nd Empire (1852 - 1871) and with some twisting it could even be used to the early WWI.

Yes, we still wore red trousers so that German snipers should not harm their eyes trying to find us. If you cannot find me, I m in the .... - like. Maybe that is why we got the pink color.

BTW I will make a text if you want.
I really just thought of this as a flavor unit. And also if anyone ever wanted to do any scenarios from the mid-to-late 19th century (Franco-Prussian/Crimean Wars). The shirt is still civ colored so this could also be a rifleman for any European civ as I think he has a more European look than the standard unit.

Honestly I don't think that the French where particularly impressive during this era. I have used Smoking Mirrors 'Napoleonic Rifleman' to give France a second UU for the Napoleonic era that has improved attack stats. That's when the French kicked butt. For this era the Germans where I think supperior. In that regard I have started on a German unit for this era. He has the Pickelhaube helmet (introduced 1854) but still 19th century uniform.

P.S. If anyone knows fo any good sites for pictures/drawings of German units from Franco-Prussian or Austro-Prussian Wars I would appreciate them.


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