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Domestic Discussion: Maximizing Our Golden Age

Donovan Zoi

The Return
Oct 22, 2002
Universal Suffrage is ours, and with it comes our Golden Age. While this will prove alarming to some, I really don't see any need to panic. Here are some things we need to do to make the best of the next 20 turns:


Concentrate on building Factories in our more productive cities. If we build as many as we can now, we can continue to enjoy Golden Age type numbers from here on. Plus, the more we build now, the less we will have to struggle to build them later with regular production.

Size 12 Plan NOW

This is a great time to use the Size 12 Plan to our advantage. I don't have all of the figures yet, but there are many growth opportunities that we can exploit to maximize our Golden Age. Selected cities would be nearest to Bavaria and Kyoto to ensure the least amount of corruption.

I know that this comes during a time when there is much division over worker activity. So it probably won't sound great to some when I tell you that I see an opportunity to give ourselves a giant boost in production and commerce by immediately taking 20-30 workers off the field to join non-corrupt cities. But please hear me out on this one.

Take Morgana, for instance. This size 7 city could immediately become a Size 12 city by sending 5 workers to join. Morgana has 6 open sea squares and has a harbor(2f-0p-3c). With three commerce per sea tile, these workers could add 15gpt or a great amount of science to Fanatika.

Or how about Strider's Haven? Just joining two workers will add 5-6 shields/pt to its production by using currently vacant roaded forest squares(3spt each). There other cities as well --- Valhalla, Kuhkaff, Nara, Shimonoseki even Bavaria--- that could stand to benefit from implementing this plan now.

We currently have 30 Fanatikan workers and 60 foreign ones. The question I have is....can we use foreign workers to join cities? Is there a happiness risk? Will we continue to produce workers?

I have an answer for that last one....

Worker production

I believe that we can offset the immediate use of Size 12 workers by having "worker farms" in our more corrupt regions. Some of these cities will hardly enjoy the benefit of the increased commerce and production brought on by our Golden Age, so city size really won't mean much.

This way, we can use those cities to build a workforce that can still build mines and roads where needed, and to help even more cities reach Size 12. Irrigation should be almost non-existant at this time as we need mines, roads and rails to maximise our temporary increase in commerce and production. Too many of these opportunities exist on tiles that are being used by cities right now.

Switch to Electricity at 90% science

I would need Science to sign off on this. Here goes.....

It will only take us 8 turns to research Electricity at 90% or 100%science. It will take us 6 turns to research Medicine at 90%; 5 turns at 100%.

Our gpt would still be 87gpt at 100% science; 156gpt at 90%.

I believe that Electricity will be better trade bait in the long run, and will enable us to get Medicine more easily than we would by researching Medicine to acquire Electricity.

So let's get Electricity in 8 turns, while making 156gpt.

Or we can get it in 9 turns, while making 233gpt.

Please let me know what you think of this plan, Fanatika. Our Golden Age has arrived, whether we like it or not. So let's make the best of it.
I'm all for the Size 12 Plan, although The North Province still needs some irrigation to take advantage of the wooded areas and the mining we all ready have available to us. Valhalla could use some mining, but irrigation is more of a priority for us, and wasting workers for use of non-productive tiles, as the population may drop from lack of irrigated grasslands, would be a shame.
I'm still iffy about using 20-30 workers to join our cities... Even if we do, we should shoot straight for Replacable Parts. Even though we triggered our GA prematurely (not a lot of factories - only 1), I still think we have a long shot at jumping ahead in the tech race, and production, allowing for our UU (of which we need 12 techs for...).
A GA to build factories is just as useful as a GA when we have factories. Let's build them! Every governor should review every one of their cities and switch to factories wherever possible. Go ahead and add foreign workers to cities building factories where additional population will help production. Crank out workers from the ICS cities and the big food producers.
Originally posted by Cyc
I'm all for the Size 12 Plan, although The North Province still needs some irrigation to take advantage of the wooded areas and the mining we all ready have available to us. Valhalla could use some mining, but irrigation is more of a priority for us, and wasting workers for use of non-productive tiles, as the population may drop from lack of irrigated grasslands, would be a shame.

@Cyc-- I am not saying that irrigation would halt completely. I am just saying that we should seize the opportunity to expand our non-corrupt cities to the fullest during this short window of time. By prioritizing mines and roads over irrigation, we can increase the benefits of our commerce and production bonuses in those cities.

Keep in mind that there are many cities that can reach size 12 without doing irrigating another tile. They would just need the workers to join the city. Focusing on irrigation for the next 20 turns will be taking the slow route in getting these cities to grow. Also, I would make sure that a worker never joined a city if doing so would lead to a food shortage.

There are cities that should still get irrigation(Bizen and Dacula come to mind) so they can produce nothing but workers during this time. The rest should have workers join them so they can use the empty tiles they already have.

@CT-- using the examples I set out, can you not see how much our growth would be affected here? And those were only two cities. By temporarily building workers in our more corrupt cities, we can keep a steady flow of workers.

@Shaitan-- With our increase in production, I would like you to once again consider the pike disband proposal. We could use some of our old pikes, swords and spears to get our ICS workers faster without paying for rushes, or waiting 10 turns. Keep in mind, this could be offset by devoting production of some of our 15-20 spt(GA enhanced) cities to nothing but Riflemen. Now would be the best time to enact this plan as well.
I would be willing to trade pikes for workers but only if we had corresponding upgrades to other units to keep our overall strength increasing. It's still not a favored plan for me but we are desperately short of workers for all of the things we need them for.

A fully corrupt city can produce a worker in 3 turns if a pike is disbanded in the city. A pike plus 30g would buy a worker in 1 turn. I would prefer the disband/rush in order to accelerate the filling of the worker pool and to get the other projects fully in gear in the smallest time possible. A corrupt city with multiple population can continue pumping out a worker every turn with the disband/rush(30g) plan.
I also think we should really get some expensive growth and culture built - universities, markets, banks, etc., rather than just focus on all military.
The priority for cities in the productive zones should be factories before anything else. Once the factories are up all of the other improvements become much faster builds, even after the GA. Marketplaces and Banks would be the next priority.
Originally posted by Shaitan
I would be willing to trade pikes for workers but only if we had corresponding upgrades to other units to keep our overall strength increasing. It's still not a favored plan for me but we are desperately short of workers for all of the things we need them for.

A fully corrupt city can produce a worker in 3 turns if a pike is disbanded in the city. A pike plus 30g would buy a worker in 1 turn. I would prefer the disband/rush in order to accelerate the filling of the worker pool and to get the other projects fully in gear in the smallest time possible. A corrupt city with multiple population can continue pumping out a worker every turn with the disband/rush(30g) plan.

We have almost upgraded all of our muskets(6 to go) and currently have 56 Riflemen. I would like to produce veteran Rifles while disbanding the pikes.

And actually, Shai, correct me if I'm wrong. Wouldn't the rush cost only be 12g? Even better. :D

10 shields(worker)- 7(pike rush) = 3 x 4(multiplier) = 12g
Correct, the rush cost is 12g. Not sure what I was thinking with 30g.

I still think only a select number of pikes should be sacrificed. It is still much more efficient to upgrade them than to build new units outside of the GA.

So basically I would support a pike + 12g trade for a worker. Other builds do not have a good enough return to disband a unit.
Thanks, Shaitan. This should allow us to modernize our troops just in time for Replaceable Parts so we can do it all over again. ;)

Let's see what everyone else thinks. I will post a poll on this entire proposal tomorrow.

Also, I would like more input on the Electricity proposal. I think that gives us our best chance to leap ahead in the tech race.
I'm all for making our cities reach size 12, but as Chieftess stated before, we should also try to build some cultural and comercial improvements, I think the cities that do get to build a factory should also have in the queues cultural buildings, to take advantage of the factory.

What does one have to do with the other? We can still do both.

The plan stated here states ways to increase our commerce and production by having workers join non-corrupt cities. Those workers would be quickly replenished by having corrupt cities build nothing but workers with the help of pikeman/swordsman disbands.

Our top producers will all produce factories first, followed by whatever commercial, cultural or military need the governor requires. I would like to get 12-15 factories(maybe more) out of this Golden Age.

Also, we would need certain cities to take advantage of their increased production by producing nothing but Rifleman to replace the disbanded pikemen.

By the end of our Golden Age, my goals are to have:

15-20 cities at Size 12
12-15 factories
Fully modernized troops
Wall Street
More cultural pressure on Iroquois cities
An increased workforce- above and beyond workers absorbed in cities.
Theory of Evolution complete(or darn near finished)

With the proper care by the DP, all of these goals are attainable. :)
Ok, then I ask for a detailed plan, and updated build queues from governors. Or else we'll have lots of empty build queues. (Remember that Cyc? :) DG1, term 4).
Yes, I do. And I've already re-vamped my build queues, I just need to double check them and get them posted.
@SaaM - Good point. Hopefully, we can work out a similar deal with Greece for another 20 turns. Worst case scenario, we drop the science rate. Each 10% drop will net us about 70gpt.

@CT- I will work on that right away. I will also try to be present at the chat to help.
Excellent master plan, Donavan!

(Owner of several powder mills and rifle factories)
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