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Religion Mod

Sir John

The evil one...
Jan 15, 2003
Norway, Bodø
Religion Mod :jesus: vs :satan:

In this mod, I have basicly changed the original civs into religions..
I did have a problem with the leaders. I tought that someone might disagree with the leader choise, but I have made God the leader of most civs, that should fix that problem... :D

Here is the 0.2 version.
Im sorry for the delay, but here it is.. :D

Download link to Religion mod v0.2

Ive included a readme in the zipfile, but I have also put some of it out here so that you can see what changes has been done..

Changes in v0.1

Terrain:Jungle - Holy Jungle
Resources: Religious Artifacts
Barbarians - Ateists
Egyptian Mytology
Norrön Mytology
African Mytology
Greek Mythology
Jehovas witnesses

Anarchy - Ateism
other Govs:
No God
(Democracy is still there but you cant get it before after youve researched
Intergrated defence. This is supposed to show that they use a long time to turn
against Religion.)

Other then that there are no changes worth mentoning.

Changes in v0.2

Removed Democracy

Added "Belief" as a new resource

Added a Mystic in the ancient era.
Added a Munk in the middle ages.
Added a Missionary in the Industrial Ages.
Added a Doomsday Prophet in the Modern ages.

Improvements and Wonders:
Changed Palace into tempel

General settings:
City Size level names changed to: Shrine, Sancturay and Tempel

Holy Jungle changed back to Jungle.
Belief can be found on all terrains exept coast, sea and ocean.
Plains Changed to Holy Ground. Religious Artifacts can be found on the Holy Ground.

Other then that there are no changes worth mentoning.

Upcoming Plans about v0.3:

What to do Certanity that it will be done
----------- ------------------------------
Add more units. 90%
Make resource graphics. 95%
Add Civilopedia text 40%
Add Pediaicons 15%
Leaderheads 20%
More resorces 60%
Redo some of the tech tree 25%

There may be some more as well, but I havent got anything more planned, so there I
need ideas from you guys!!
No, If you saw the readme, you would see that I ment democracy to be the governemnt where you could release yourself from "the grasps of religion".
its a mod baecause there is no scenario to play out its up to the player how the game goes where as if it was a scenario for eg about WW1 the player has to go along with the war or its rather pointless downloading
Originally posted by Sir John
No, If you saw the readme, you would see that I ment democracy to be the governemnt where you could release yourself from "the grasps of religion".
Hmm... This sounds like an insult against religion.
Originally posted by anonymous4401

Hmm... This sounds like an insult against religion.

not realy. Im religious myself, but I dont think Religion and Government should be to mixed up in each other...

That was what I meant...;)
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I guess I was on OT too long. :crazyeyes: By the way, it's spelled "Atheist" not "Ateist", "Catholic" not "Chatolics", "Mythology" not "Mytology", "Norse" not "Norron", and there's no such thing as "Jewism". It's Judaism.
i dnt see why democracy is there : surely Atheism is "free from the grasp of religion"
Yeah. It's quite possible to have democracy and religion. Early America is a prime example. Now that the anti-religious folks have settled in, trying to remove God from every facet of American life, it is no longer so. :(
Well, just remember that not all Americans are Judeo-Christians, or Muslims.

Though, this probably isn't the thread for such a discussion or debate.

Democracy though is not a religion, and shouldn't be a religion "civ" in this mod, in my opinion.

While Atheism isn't technically a religion either, it is someone who doesn't believe in it, and should be included, instead of Democracy.
Currently I am on Vacation and I cant reach the files, but when I get home (about next monday) I will fix the errors..
Currently I am on Vacation and I cant reach the files, but when I get home (about next monday) I will fix the errors.. I will remove democracy
oops, the server isnt quite good at the moment...
Originally posted by Procifica
While Atheism isn't technically a religion either, it is someone who doesn't believe in it, and should be included, instead of Democracy.

an atheist isn't someone who doesn't believe in god or religion, an atheist is someone that doesn't believe in this reality. they don't even believe they exist
I will polish it up when I get back, ther reason I didnt do it before I released it was that I wasnt sure if people would actually like the idea for a mod and Im not very happy about making a mod wich noone likes...
Originally posted by Sa~Craig

an atheist isn't someone who doesn't believe in god or religion, an atheist is someone that doesn't believe in this reality. they don't even believe they exist

Huh? Since when? Now I know the Civ3 forums are not the best place for this but where did you get that idea from?

Webster's New World Dictionary has it defined as:

atheism: the belief that there is no God

Where you got you're idea from, I have no clue. :confused:
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