Rename Riga to Starke?

Rename Riga to Starke?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 81.8%
  • No

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Abstain

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
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der Besucher
Dec 7, 2001
Atlanta, GA
In accordance with our rules, the governor of a province may rename cities in his province (with popular approval). Riga is the only Fanatikan city in the North Province that holds a foreign name. This poll is to rename Riga to Starke (which means "Strength").

Discussed in the North Province thread.
24 hour quorum: 11
Poll quorum (after 24 hours): 16
Duration: Poll will remain open until a quorum is reached.
I voted YES. Although I've always liked the name Riga, I see no problem with removing the Russian intrusion into our Province. By renaming the city, it would bring closure to the re-capturing of the city.
My feelings are similar. Riga is one of the better Russian city names but it is Russian! That intrusive little city was a thorn in Fanatika's side and the North Province's pride for millenia. It is Fanatikan now and Fanaticizing the name brings a satisfying end to the era of Russian occupation of Fanatikan lands.
I voted for the commie, Abstain.
What are the new quick poll rules? And when did they pass? I thought the only rules we made were PI rules and governor rules... :confused:

(yes, I need a copy of Fanatikan Legalese for Dummies ;))
Ah, the one without the changes in bold. I was confused by that one.

nice we now have polls which finish before most of our people even see them... very democratic :-(

in any case this poll setup as quick poll is a bit strange, as a simple rename does definitely not hold a reason for fast action... very disappointing.
There is no longer any need to justify fast actions. All polls (excepting Legislative polls which have individually specified requirements) fall under this set up. If the -24 hour participation level (1/3 active census) and approval requirement (2:1 in favor) are met, polls are complete and valid at that point.
i didnt say it is needed. i just said that this is a bad moove imho because i dont believe too many people will see those polls :)
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