New Unit: Frank


Dec 17, 2001
Toledo, Ohio
Well, here's our newly completed, axe throwing, Frankish friend. I'm using him as a swordsman flavor unit for the French. Let me tell you, this unit was a pain in the . . . neck. But, it's completed. Enjoy. :D

Looks good.
If I can find my Seven Kingdoms II game, there are a ton of units that can be converted to civ3 form, though I'm not sure what form they're in now. There was a Viking Axethrower that this unit reminds me of, but there were a ton of other cool units too. If I can get any of those converted, I'll put them up.

Great unit by the way, as all of them have been. :D
Originally posted by tpasmall
If I can find my Seven Kingdoms II game, there are a ton of units that can be converted to civ3 form, though I'm not sure what form they're in now. There was a Viking Axethrower that this unit reminds me of, but there were a ton of other cool units too. If I can get any of those converted, I'll put them up.

Great unit by the way, as all of them have been. :D

Oh man that was a decent game! :)
The Upload server is down today. I gues we are gonna have to wait this one out :(.
What can we say about what's already perfect. To say anything would probably just hurt the unit :D

But we do worry about your next project. :lol: :love:
Originally posted by utahjazz7
Wow! New comments on my unit. Nope. Just some chatter about server problems. ;)


The unit looks great :)

@utahjazz7 - What do you suggest that this unit would be? A French UU, a lighter version of the Med Inf?
Originally posted by CivGeneral


The unit looks great :)

@utahjazz7 - What do you suggest that this unit would be? A French UU, a lighter version of the Med Inf?

i would use it as a swordsman replacement for the french, its too early to be a M Infantry replacement
Originally posted by LouLong
But we do worry about your next project. :lol: :love:

Well, I'm afraid that I don't have any units being made right now that I have definite plans to finish. :(

Originally posted by CivGeneral
What do you suggest that this unit would be?

I'm with Yoda Power here. I use it as a swordsman flavor unit for the French.
what about a Viking? No i have not forgot the Berserk, but it does´nt look much like areal viking. The axe is way too big, and Vikings usually carried a shield. A spear or Swodr would also be a good weapon. Not to mention that i need a new Viking unit for the MEM;)
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