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Big Project: LotR mod.....


Servant of Melkor
Jan 18, 2003
Well guys you prolly know that I make a mod already, and im still working on it. [Fantasy Empires]

I always wanted to see a decent LotR mod. *Maybe* I will make the LotR mod....First I must finish FE 2.1
I think FE 2.1 will be the final version. [Not sure of course]

As I said. If I will feel that Fantasy Empires is near perfection, I will start to work on the LotR mod. I promise, that it will kick ass.

I will mod all stuff in it. City gfx, some terrain gfx, all of the units of course etc.

I will post more about this, when I finished FE 2.1

Regards, Balrog
I second this. I think we should create a LOTR team. i too have been playing around with lotr graphics and i would defiently help whoever begins this project.
I agree with Yoda Power we should get a LOTR team going.;) I could help if needed, I can't make units but I can add them.:)
Good idea. It will be lot faster that way! :)
Originally posted by Balrog
Good idea. It will be lot faster that way! :)

well then we are agreed.

Who are joining, i know i am.

also how shall we organize us?
Hmmm well. We really need to work on the graphics first.

We must change the jungle graphics. Telgar is working on a new forest type, we will see, that it will be ok or not for a LotR mod.

Also we will need new city gfx. [I will try to make this]

We can mix the existing terrain gfx mods to find the perfect

As for units. Lot of animated units are done.
Lets see so far:

-Dwarves [Kindred's units]
-Balrog [Kinboats awesome unit]
-Elves [Kinboats 3 units]
-Uruks [Kinboats units again]
-Rohan [we can easily find the correct units for them]
-Dragon [Kinboats dragon]

What new unit animations will we need?

Very important:

-Trolls & Olog-hai

Less important:

-Various other troll & giant units [Stone Giant or Snow Troll for example]

Shall we just ask the unit animators to make these animations first or we begin to work on the .bix as well? [Im sure that Kinboat will gladly help in this -hes making LOTR units already]

What are your ideas about civ advances + city improvements?
For Hobbits can't we just make the Archer\warrior\Swordsman smaller with SBB.:rolleyes:
I'm not a huge LOTR fan, and I'm really busy with the Star Wars mod, but I kinda want to help. If you come up with a list of units and leaderheads and stuff needed, I'll see if I can make anything for you. It's been too long, and no-one has really gotten a greatly organized LOTR mod going.

A couple suggestions to make it more organized:

1) Get a website, things are taken much more seriously if you're not a thread on the civfanatics forum.

2) Have all the available files on that website, and have them layed out in an easy to access manner.

3) Promote it like crazy, you'll gain support from people who dont even know about civfanatics and the other forums and gain more respect from the gaming community.

4) Add it to your signatures so people can see it, and they might get interested.

This worked for the Star Wars mod, and alot of people joined. Unfortunately every one of them is gone now, but because of the support it gained, alot got done.
There are two LOTR scenarios currently in the Completed Scenarios forum, if needed for reference. They should be in the Scenario File Library in a few days tops. (both are on the first page though of the Completed Scenarios forum at the moment)
Is this gonna be based solely on the movies, or flavored by the books as well?
'Cause I remember there were Barrow-Wights in the Fellowship, and Tom Bombadil!
Hello everyone, this is my first post ever after cruising through the forums for awhile...

I noticed this talk of a LOTR mod and wondered if this would be any help to anyone... I've been messing around with ideas for a LOTR mod for awhile and have picked 16 civs (and some other stuff), but I never really thought anything would come of it since I don't have any graphics know-how. I attatched a zipped excel document with the civs. I hope it loads, cause I've never done this before.

Also the civs are base solely off of the Tolkien books, with nothing at all from the movies.

I hope this helps...
No one yell at me here mods, but I'm need to say this CDG has already started on a LoTR mod. We have a few creators that are going to help us and anyone else can join on with us.
The reason I'm saying this eventhough I know that I"m gonna get yelled at is that since there is already one being made, why make two? Y not have everyone work together?
Computerdude, no need to get defensive. They could be working on a different type of LOTR mod.

And, scenario is spelled wrong in your signature. As is superior :p
I don't think he was getting defensive about others doing a similar mod so much as the moderators cracking down on his head for daring to mention another forum... Dang now I'm going to get wacked for supporting someone mentioning another forum... and then for complaining about getting wacked for supporting someone mentioning another forum... and the complaining about getting wacked for complaining about getting wacked for supporting someone mentioning another forum... and then for... well you see where this leads. Anyway the more talent involved in the creation the better the result... Usually unless they're cooking... Now I'm tired and rambling... see what you made me do... :)
Procifica, as Kinboat said, people have been attacked here for much less then saying that a mod of this kind was already in the works at CDG (Stainz was attacked because he was HELPING someone and mentioned that the bes tthread was at CDG, and people here at CFC agreed with him).
And Kinboat, thank's for your support.
I know, its kinda strange that the moderators crack down so much on stuff like that. The idea obviously is not to lead people to other forums, but to provide better access to information. Several people have their mods or scenarios on separate forums, and that doesn't seem to be a problem. (including you, as I see in your signature)

Kinboat, that's nuts.
Good idea. I cant help to much since Im working on a lot right now, but If it comes to information, ask me. I have a encyclopedia on the wholw works of Tolkien. I have information about every thing ever mentioned in his works. Count me in as a resource man..
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