In 6 turns, we attack the Iroquois... (I think)


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
This is a discussion thread, one that I seem to find lacking lately. The origanal plan was 20 turns, then attack the Iroquois. We have 6 more turns to get ready.

We have:

Workers - 88 (non foreign - We should have atleast 120)
Spearman - 1
Swordsmen - 10
Pikemen - 10
Longbows - 2 units
Musketmen - 1 unit
Knights - 6 units (elite)
Cavalry - 35 units
Infantry - 107 units
Cannon - 11 units (only 6 of which are being used to attack Ur!!!!)
Artillery - 28 units
Caravel - 1 unit
Ironclad - 1 unit
Army - 2 units


Right now, our cavalry are in the newly captured Babylonian cities, and with NO ROADS/RAIL connecting them! I would like Governors to take into consideration, their nation first. It will take 3 turns to reach Ashur and Uruk by road and rail, then another 3 to Lagash. This should have all been done while we were taking out these cities! But, instead, our workers were (and some STILL are) working tiles that will never, and currently can't be used!

Building these roads will allow our infantry to free up the 35 cavalry. There's even a cavalry WAY off track on a mountain! What's it doing there?

This is where the rails should be:

Top priorities are: Ashur, Uruk and Lagash
Schonverlass - Tiles 1 and 2 to the north
Rasenblume - 1 Tile to the NW
St. Regis - 2 and 3 tiles N of that city
Karachi - 1 tile S and 1 tile SW of S and 1 tile W of S of that city.
Bangalore - a rail going 2 N of Oka.


WE NEED A SPY IN IROQUOIS NATION!! We need to know how many troops they have. Right now, we don't even know what we're going up against. Maybe it's just my luck with wars, but, I like to know what I'm up against.

Battle Plans

How are we going to prepare ourselves? We spent the good part of the game saying "Hey, let's take out Russia! :yeah:". It never happened, we let the Iroquois get to them first. China, and France are starting to creep up slowly on them. Our first priority are the cities by our FP. Then we head south. But, how? CG - you need to be on top of this. How will we end our war in Babylon? Do we take Ur? Do we delay the Iroquois war and RISK them getting Infantry? We could have taken those cities out long ago (the FP ones)...
Originally posted by Chieftess
CG - you need to be on top of this. How will we end our war in Babylon? Do we take Ur? Do we delay the Iroquois war and RISK them getting Infantry? We could have taken those cities out long ago

I am already on top of this (Boy I have Late Night Turn Chats when I have not gotten a chance to look at the final save :rant: )

Well, I am getting Ichy to capture the Iroq Lands, so I would not bother with Ur and Quickly Make peace with the Babs. Then move and Upgrade our troops (This is why I want a Raillink in the front :cringe: ) to the iroq border. We should end the war with the babs and declare war on the Iroqs.
Consider the safety of the workers. I am hesitant to send workers to a very volitile front to build roads. While I agree they are desperately needed, we can't risk what workers we have. I'd like an entourage of 4 or 5 infantry to guard what workers we send to the fronts.
@Oct - I am planing on having a sentery force of 5 Infantry in the construction zone. Certanly we can use some the infantry that are enroute to the bab front be orderd on sentery duty.
We are guarenteed a victory with that spearman unit. We will crush everything in our path.

BTW, CivGeneral, My cit... province has crummy production. I will have to wait for that court than that aqueduct. Then its barracks. By then the war will be over.
Planting a spy in the Iroquois capital may well start this war. I have no objection to taking this action, but suggest we do it the turn before we intend to declare war, then end that turn chat for forum discussion on our new information.
When I connected Nagasaki and Kagoshima, I used 3-4 rifles to protect the workers, and not one Bab unit came close. I suggest the same for infantry.
I agree with eyrei that we need to plant the spy the trun before. hopefully no war will be declared and I can find out the strength of the current Iroquois army. With that I can assess how many troops we will need to take out the Iroquois.

Colonel and Chief of Military Intelligence
Note: Watch this space tomorrow.

Feodor spent a half hour typing up a military assessment for this thread, and the program rejected it and deleted it because it had too many images. Feodor is very, very aggravated at software that would do this, and is going to watch bad TV for a while and sulk. The assessment should be ready in the morning.

Feodor - Here is a tip that saved me in the SG I was in. Make sure you write your Assessment in a notepad first. :) and then copy from the notepad and paste it in the thread :).
Trying coming up with an entire proposal for a new law, with changes noted for 4 different sections of the CoL, with an explanation for each change, only to lose it when your power decides to go on the blink...

Also, the proposal for a spy in Salamanca is a good one.
Please check here for an variant offensive strategy.


Ships aren't useful on huge pangaea's. You'll need to go all the way around the world.
Not for America or england, but not for both.

We could simply take the boat in any port of the inner gulf for a war with England and load it with Panzers. Then, we offload them on the other side of the so called country to help make the blitz even faster. 8 panzers is quite a punch for a backtech nation. The same applies for America, but on the outer ocean.
Why are we going after the Iroquois when we have Babylon on the run? The Babylonians are still a cultural threat and we risk losing the cities we worked so hard to gain if we let up now. We should try to make the best of the next 6 turns and try to take at least 4 more cities from Babylon, including the capital.

I am thinking Ur, Babylon, Ellipi and Akkad. That should hopefully tip the cultural scales in our favor. I wouldn't consider taking on the Iroquois until these objectives are met.

Also, keep in mind that the Iroquois cities we are most interested in(Suo, Nagoya etc.) have no access to Rubber, and therefore would not be able to produce Infantry. Once we declare war we would cut off any access to that resource for those those cities, making them just as easy to take.
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